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Joystick Config Files

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6 files

  1. VoiceAttack Profile for SF2

    This is a basic profile for use in VoiceAttack so you can speak to your wingmen and squadron to command them instead of hitting keys - voiceattack does the pressing for you.
    All spoken phrases are fully editable within Voiceattack, so you can change any to whatever suits you, doesn't matter what you say, so long
    as it's in the profile and matches the programmed keypresses.
    Makes the game a little more immersive and fun. But it won't make your wingmen actually obey the commands any more than usual 
    The separate Voiceattack program is required, but only costs a small fee to buy.


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  2. TARGET profile for T.16000M joystick and TWCS Throttle to use with SF2 series

    The idea of creating a T.A.R.G.E.T profile for the T.16000M + TWCS Throttle combination to use with the 
    Strike Fighters 2 series was born from the following desires:
        - Since I fly with the 'hard' FM setting, I wanted to have a working trimming system that wasn't the half-working
          workaround that can be done by editing the controller settings in Default.INI.
        - I also wanted to be able to play with the joystick curves to find the sweet spot for controllability and
          responsiveness. (This is still work in progress, curves are still linear for the time being.)
        - I wanted to be able to use shifted buttons, so I don't have to rely on the awkwardly placed buttons on the base
          of the T.16000M.
        - I wanted specific actions to only activate on long button presses, so I couldn't activate them accidentally.
    Because of the need for a trim system outside the simulator itself, instead of a normal T.A.R.G.E.T configuration 
    (created by using the GUI), I've decided on writing a T.A.R.G.E.T script from scratch. This decision also opened the 
    gates before adding more features and further customization in the future.
    This is the 1.0 version of my script, meaning that it's the first complete, fully working release. It's got all the
    basic features I wanted to implement, along with the working trim system, and two countermeasures (chaff/flare) 
    programs. The axis curves are still linear for now, since I didn't yet have the time to tinker with and test them.
    All the needed information is in the README.txt file. I hope some of you will have a use for this and will enjoy it!


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  3. 360 Controls For Strike Fighters 2

    4 controls for Fighter, Attacker and Vtol, also include a easy keyboard configuration only with the nesesary commands
    Just place the file "Default.ini" in Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Controls
    Run Xppader, Load the Profile and you are done and ready to Fight in the sky


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  4. SF2.fcf for Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS

    With this profile running, you will have to configure the SF2 in-game snap views (or other functions according to your preference) to the gray primary POV hat (trim switch) on the Warthog joystick to function as intended.
    Otherwise it will serve no purpose.
    This is a fairly complex profile that uses almost every switch available and some switches have "shifted" modes according to the gray rocker switch just above the red thumb switch on the throttle.


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  5. SF2 X-52pro profile

    This file is designed to be used with a default control ini. so if you have made significant changes to your controls button assignments then you should move them away from the controls folder within your mod folder and then start the game and let it create a fresh "default.ini" in the controls folder prior to trying this profile.
    To install just place the "SF PITkey.pro" into your 'C:/user/public/documents/saitekSD6 profiles' folder then activate the profile with the little green icon in the bottom right corner of of your lower taskbar.....start the game and assign your axis and you should be good to go.
    you will have 3 modes NAV, A-A, A-G.
    Hat #1 works the radar regardless of which mode is selected
    Hat #2
    •(NAV mode) cycles waypoints and also enables elevator trim
    •(A-A mode) cycles visual air targets
    •(A-G mode) cycles ground targets
    Hat #3
    •(A-A mode) Cycles A-A weapons
    •(A-G mode) Cycles A-G weapons
    Everything else is not effected by which mode you are in
    See the attached JPEG which better explains where everything is on the layout.


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  6. X52Pro_Profile.ini

    X52Pro controle file from C:\Users\.......\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Controls\


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