4 files
B-57B Vietnam (Plus) Skinpack
By paulopanz
This is a complete overhaul/update/fixing of great Dave original package,
an handmade reskin using Lod viewer and no templates.
The job was started several years ago and finished after downloaded last
Kevin's effort.
So you'll find, jpg textures, SM files, fixed camo, lines and right shaped
stripes and some missing parts added to originals.
As I always dislike redoing someone's else work pratice without a valid
reason, this job started only for personal use, but when became a complete
overhaul, I decided to share.
As a bonus a Defence Systems Evaluation skin made by myself using TW silver
skin as template (EB-57B) and a second AVON 1 skin for 13 BS.
Decals are taken from Dave's package and some are brand new.
Remember to delete ALL previous old skins from original pack if installed.
I hope you like.
Happy new year.
SF2 B-57B Canberra, Early SEA Camo Skin Pack
By Wrench
SF2 B-57B Canberra, Early SEA Camo Skin Pack 12/21/2023
= For SF2, Any and All =
* Full-5 Merged reccomended *
This mod is designed to be used with my recently uploaded B-57B Upgrade & Skis set. You can still use it, if you're familiar enough with added/editing inis. If not, you can find the Upgrade Pack at the following URL:
A new Vietnam-era skin for the stock 3rdWire B-57B Canberra. This represents the 8th Bombardment Squadron of the 35th TFW as first deployed to Southeast Asia. The uppers are finished is standard 3-tone camo, with the unders in a 'light grey'. This was an unpopular paint job, and was replaced soon after with the standard Night Black (tm) unders.
All markings are decals, and have 24 100% historically correct serials, and their presentation on the tail, for the timeframe represented. Decal randomization is TRUE. As usual, they are marked with the star (*) to show their accuracy.
Also included, is a new(ish) Dual HVAR launcher, as requested (along with this skin) by CA member KiwiBiggles. It's a modified, aircraft specific version of the dual rack as used on the F-84 Thunderjet/Thunderstreak. It mounts the STOCK 3W 5" HVAR rockets. It has been edited to it's own name, and will NOT conflict with the T-Jet rack. A new loadout ini is included that pre-loads the Dual Rack for those mission taskings when it would be needed. This skin also includes it's own Hangar Screen. (You may need to edit the main B-57B.ini to add it. If you don't know how, contact me via PM or post in this announcement thread)
On the Loadout screen, for skin selection you'll see:
8th BS (Early Grey Unders)
On the drop-down menu
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
SF2 B-57B Canberra Ini, Skin & Decal Update Pak
By Wrench
SF2 B-57B Canberra Ini, Skin & Decal Update Pak 11/30/2023
= For SF2, Any and All =
* Full-5 Merged reccomended, but can be used in any game with access to the STOCK B-57B & F-4C_67 *
** Designed to REPLACE in total, any earlier mod packages of this type **
Some ini mods for the stock 3W B-57B that add a usable cockpit (albeit not perfect!, but VERY usable & functional), new avioncs ini, and adds the Nuclear Delivery Capability (tm) they had from inception. All this will make the aircraft Player Flyable (tm). Be advised, your game install MUST have access to the stock F-4C_67, as that cockpit is used in this mod. See "Notes" for more Whys.
This mod includes a new skin, for the 499th BS, 345th BG with historical serial & Buzz Numbers for 24 aircraft. It should be noted, while correct for the 345th, I was unable to locate serials specifically for the 499th. The "Bat Out of Hell" nose art IS fictious, but historical as used on their B-25s during WW2 in the Pacific. I just thought it looked cool!. Also included (as seen in the SF2 CA Forum) is a new skin for the wing tip drop tanks as used on the Natural Metal Finish (NMF) skin. As of now, it's set up ONLY for the USAF NMF skin, but is easily used on any other NMFs. See "Notes" below are more instructions. The USAF NMF skin also gets 24 correct serial & buzz number decals, but they are 'generic' in nature, representing no specific unit.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! You may with to unzip this archive FIRST before installing, to read all the crazed instructions. Also, please read the Notes section for more expositions on WHY I chose the cockpit I did.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
B-57B Skin Pack
By Dave
This pack represents the B-57B as it was used during the Vietnam era. I bought the excellent Osprey book "B-57 Canberra units of the Vietnam War" as a reference. C
Caution this pack is 695 MB Unzipped!!!!!
Thanks to Carlo and Sundowner for the templates....
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