29 files
SF2 CAC CA-27 Avon Sabre: AURI & TNIAU Skin Pack
By Wrench
SF2 CAC CA-27 Avon Sabre: AURI & TNIAU Skin Pack 1/2/2025
-For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Recommended)
This package contains 3 new skins/decals sets for the CAC CA-27 "Avon Sabre". After an almost 12 year delay, I'm finally completing a promise made in 2012. These skins are to be used on Zur's RAAF Sabre (version 2) found at the following URL:
If you don't have it, now's a good time to get it!!! <gr>
This package adds the Indonesian Air Force and two (2) Malaysian Air Force skins. Textures are in jpg format, and all markings are decals. All serial numbers are 100% historically accurate for both countries. Decal randomization is TRUE for both. Also included are tweeked decal inis for the two RAAF skins, activating their displayed Squardron Name via my (patent pending) fake "SqTail" decal. The SF2 date switch is active for the RMAF skins; you'll start with the NMF and in approx 1974, will switch to the OD camo skin. On the Skin Selection drop down you'll see them listed as:
No.14 SKU,TNI-AU (<73)
No.11 Sqdn, RMAF (<68)
No.11 Sqdn, RMAF Camo (<74)
New(ish) Data, loadout and userlists inis are also included, due to some small changes I'd made in all of them.
As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. The Change Log List is also in the Notes section.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2 F-86F Sabre, 461st FDS, USAFE Skin Pack
By Wrench
SF2 F-86F Sabre, 461st FDS, USAFE Skin Pack 11/27/2024
-For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Recommended)
This is a NEW (well, rebuilt) skin for the F-86F-40 Sabre. It is designed to be used on the SF2 F-86F-40 pack available here at CA. As this unit served in Europe (USAFE), it's recommended for a SF2:E installed Sabre.
This set represents the 461st Fighter Day Squadron in approx 1956, when they use the "Euro Camo" (dark green/dark gray uppers, PRU blue unders). This skin will replace any earlier versions, as a small glitch at the aft wing root has finally been fixed and repainted. You get 24 historically accurate decals. Meaning: those marked with a star (*) have been postively ID'd as have been used by the 461st. All the others, marked with the cross/plus sign (+), while having served in the 36th Fighter Day Wing, could not associated with a particular squadron. The skin is in jpg format, and decal randomization is TRUE. The SF2 date switch is NOT used. A new skin specific Hangar Screen is also included. As the 461st is a 'stock' squadron, the squadron displayed name is activated via my (patent pending) fake SqTail decal.
On the skin selection menu, on the Loadout Page, you'll see:
461st FDS, 36th FDW USAFE (Camo)
As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2 RoCAF F-86F Sabre Skin & Decal Pack
By Wrench
SF2 RoCAF F-86F Sabre Skin & Decal Pack 10/14/2023
-For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
This is a new skin for the F-86F-40 available here at CombatAce at the following url:
This pack is 'representative' of F-86F series Sabres used by the Republic of China Air Force (Taiwan). In truth, the RoCAF had several 86F sub-variants, but eventually almost all were brought up to -40 specs.
All markings, excepting the fuselage and wing ID bands are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. All serial/buzz numbers are 100% historically accurate for Sabres serving in the RoCAF. They do not, however, replicate any specific or particular squadron. I was unable to run them down accurately enough. You have a "basic" full squadron of 26 numbers.
As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
CL.13B Sabre Mk 6 SAAF
By strahi
Canadair CL13 South African Air Force
Skin templates by Geary, thank you, my friend
Not perfect, maybe someone will find useful.
SF2 F-86A Sabre, 1st Fighter Group Skin Pack
By Wrench
SF2 F-86A Sabre, 1st Fighter group Skin Pack 7/24/2019
-For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Recommended)
This is a NEW skin pack for the F-86A Sabre. It is designed to be used on the F-86A-5 available from SF2 KAW Sabres Pack. The Sabre(s) are to be found at the following URL:
**Be advised! These are for CONUS based Sabres ONLY!! Do =not= use this set within your KAW mods folder! You are advised to have the aircraft installed into another mods folder for proper year-span & theatre usage.**
This skin set represents the 3 squadrons of the 1st Fighter Group in 1949 when they received the first operational F-86A Sabres at March AFB, and later based George AFB here in California. In the 1950s, the squadrons were dispersed across the US in the Air Defence role, but that's another story.
The squadrons are:
94th FIS "Hat in the Ring"
27th FIS "Fighting Eagles"
71st FIS "The Ironmen"
The skins are in jpg format, and each have 26 all NEW serial number decals. On the number list for each squadron (individial aircraft serial) drop down, any serial marked with a star (*) has been positively identified as having served in that squadron. Those marked with a cross/plus sign, (+) have been identified as having been assigned to the 1st FG. Those without any markings are generic F-86A serials. It should be noted, due to a lack of a full squadron roster, some of the serials will be repeated across all three squadrons. This could not be helped. ALL markings are decals, expecially the squadron flashes on the fuselage. Other squadron markings, the tail bands, are painted on for each squadron.
On the skin selection menu, on the Loadout Page, you'll see:
94th FIS, 1st FG (49-54)
27th FIS, 1st FG (49-54)
71st FIS, 1st FG (49-54)
As the game tends to order things by number in the aircraft main ini (F-86A.ini), you may want to edit them into the order shown above. The 94th was the first operational unit, followed by the 27th, and lastly the 71st.
The SF2 "date switch" =IS= active on this skin. It will automatically be chosen as the default skin(s) from 1949. As these units were never deployed outside the Continental US, it is NOT reccomended they be used in your KAW install.
As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for the install instructions. For more information on the 1st FG, you are encouraged to look up it's long and distinguished history from World War 1 to the Present Day.
As an added bonus, a one sheet "expliotation" comic-style jpg is enclosed in the main aircraft folder. It's from one of the Hollywood "newspapers" (read: tabloids) of the time. I stumbled across it, and now share it with you all!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2 F-86A Sabre, 115th FIS, California ANG Skin Pack
By Wrench
SF2 F-86A Sabre, 115th FIS, California ANG Skin Pack 6/9/2019
-For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Reccomended)
This is a NEW skin for the F-86A Sabre. It is designed to be used on the SF2 KAW Sabres Pack, for the F-86A-5 available therein. The Sabres are to be found at the following URL:
Also included is a new data ini, with updated hit and collision boxes, and some meshes now correctly named. Honestly, I'd never noticed they were 'way off' until Mue's LOD Viewer! Please note, that Crusader's fix-its have already been applied to THIS versions' data ini. A backup copy of the original (2012) data ini is supplied, so as to lessen End User (tm) workload, and provide a safety net 'just in case'.
This skin repesents the 115th Fighter Interceptor Squadron of the California Air National Guard from 1954 through 1959-ish. The skin is in jpg format, and 26 all NEW serial number decals have been created for it. While the serial numbers are historically correct for the A model, they should beconsidered generic in nature as they don't actually represent aircraft from this particular unit. However, at least 9 of these ARE actual aircraft used by the 115th; the rest =were= used by other CA ANG units. Decal randomization is TRUE. Squadron color markings are 'painted on' the skin maps.
On the skin selection menu, on the Loadout Page, you'll see:
115th FIS, CA ANG (54-59)
The SF2 "date switch" =IS= active on this skin. It will automatically be chosen for years of 1954 and later.
As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2 F-86E Sabre, 144th FIS, Alaska ANG Skin Pack
By Wrench
SF2 F-86E Sabre, 144th FIS, Alaska ANG Skin Pack 6/5/2019
-For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Reccomended)
This is a complete revamp of a 1stGen Sabre skin by Dave "USAFMTL" Slavins from June, 2003. It is designed to be used on the SF2 KAW Sabres Pack, for the F-86E-10 available therein. The Sabres are to be found at the following URL:
Also included is a new data ini, with updated hit and collision boxes, and some meshes now correctly named. Honestly, I'd never noticed they were 'way off' until Mue's LOD Viewer! Please note, that Crusader's fix-its have already been applied to THIS versions' data ini. A backup copy of the original (2013) data ini is supplied, so as to lessen End User (tm) workload, and provide a safety net 'just in case'.
This skin repesents the 144th Fighter Interceptor Squadron of the Alaska Air National Guard from 1955 through 1957-ish, when their mission changed from Air Defense to Airlift. The skin is in jpg format, and 26 all NEW decals have been created for it. While the serial numbers are historically correct for the E model, they should beconsidered generic in nature as they don't actually repsent aircraft from this particular unit. Decal randomization is TRUE.
On the skin selection menu, on the Loadout Page, you'll see:
144th FIS AK ANG (1954-58)
The SF2 "date switch" is NOT active on this skin. You'll have to select this skin for your flightmates by hand. However it is easily added by a simple text edit.
As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
F-86 Ethiopia
By strahi
This is my attempt to make EtAF skin, far from perfection, if someone needed for Ogaden campaign ... this is the opportunity.
SF2 FJ-3 Fury USN/USMC Skin Pack 3
By Wrench
SF2 FJ-3 Fury USN/USMC Skin Pack 3 2/23/2016
= For SF2, Any & All (Full-5 Merged Reccomended) =
This package contains 3 new skins/decal sets for the FJ-3/3M Fury.
This package contains skins for the following squadrons:
VF-21 "Mach Busters" (USS Forrestal, shakedown cruise, 1956)
VF-111 "Sundowners" (USS Bennington, mid-1957 WesPac )
VMF-235 "Death Angels"
Almost all markings are decals, with the exception of some special squardron markings and color "zaps". The skins are in jpg format. Decal randomization is TRUE. See "Notes" for more information on the markings and so forth
As always the standard, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2 FJ-3 Fury USN Skin Pack
By Wrench
SF2 FJ-3 Fury USN Skin Pack 2/19/2016
= For SF2, Any & All (Full-5 Merged Reccomended) =
This package contains 2 new Us Navy skins for the FJ-3/3M Fury.
This package contains skins for the following squadrons:
VF-91 "Red Lightnings" (USS Ticonderoga, WesPac, 1957/58 "NG" code)
VF-173 "Jesters" * (USS Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1956/57 "R" code)
(* note: VF-73 also was called Jesters, in approximately the same time frame!)
Also, for VF-173, I've suppled tail and wing code letters (AD) for it's deployment aboard USS Randolph (6th Fleet); although the profiles (in the skin folder) MAY be in error, as the time frame overlaps that of the deployment about the Rosie.
Almost all markings are decals, with the exception of some special squardron markings and color "zaps". The skins are in jpg format. Decal randomization is TRUE.
As always the standard, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2 FJ-3 Fury Ini Update & Skin Pack
By Wrench
SF2 FJ-3 Fury Ini Update & Skin Pack 2/19/2016
= For SF2, Any & All (Full-5 Merged Reccomended) =
This package contains an update kit for NAA FJ-3/3M Fury (v2), available at the following URL:
If you don't have it already, you'll need that mod first.
Like many (ok, most) of the other Sabres recently updated, the following items have been changed, added to, adjusted and whatevered:
updated hit boxes/collision points
corrected mis-named nodes
activated nose wheel steering
Exported now "TRUE", years now match Userlist (I'd forgotten US Marines is a seperate nation!!)
FM remains the same; I've just performed some very basic and small tweeks.
A new skin is included for VF-191 "Satan's Kittens" (that I'd forgotten to finish from 3 years ago!!)
All markings are decals, and the skin is in jpg format. The aircraft is finished in standard USN Gull Grey/White. I've supplied 18 modex number decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. The skin is basicly "blank", making it fairly easy to create other units, via decals.
As always the standard, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
*Please note the mod has been placed in the "F-86 Skins" section, as there isn't one specificly for FJ Furys
Canadair Sabre Mk.6 (RCAF/AMI) Update Pack
By Wrench
Canadair Sabre Mk.6 (RCAF/AMI) Update Pack 2/13/2016
= For SF2, Any & All (Full-5 Merged Reccomended)=
This package contains an update kit for my "Canadair Sabre Mk.6, RCAF and AMI" aircraft pack available at the following URL:
The full package above will also be getting this update pack for those that don't have it yet. However, if you =DO= have it already, you'll only need to use this kit; you don't have to download the full aircraft pack again
Like several of the other Sabres, the following items have been changed, added to, adjusted and whatevered:
updated hit boxes
adjusted loadouts
new "1" skin map, w/o A-G Panel (camo only)
new "CL-13 bits" (new for this model)
FM remain the same.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for a more detailed change/correction list.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
Canadair Sabre Mk.4 Update Pack
By Wrench
Canadair Sabre Mk.4 Update Pack 2/13/2016
= For SF2, Any & All (Full-5 Merged Reccomended) =
This package contains an update kit for my "RAF/RCAF Sabre Mk.4" aircraft pack available at the following URL:
The full package above will also be getting this update pack for those that don't have it yet. However, if you =DO= have it already, you'll only need to use this kit; you don't have to download the full aircraft pack again
Like several of the other Sabres, the following items have been changed, added to, adjusted and whatevered:
updated hit boxes
adjusted loadouts
new "1" skin map, w/o A-G Panel (camo only)
new "CL-13 bits" (new for this model)
changed _001.lod for one with bomb pylons -all other lods the same
FM remain the same.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for a more detailed change/correction list.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2:E F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Skin Pak Part 2
By Wrench
SF2:E F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Skin Pak Part 2 2/9/16
-- For SF-2, FULL-5 merged, Reccomended --
This mod is second skin/decal pack represening F-86F Sabres as used by the USAFE
It can (and should) be applied to the recently uploaded "SF2:E F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Skin Pak
available at the following url:
It is adivsed you have Part 1 installed in the SF2:E mods folder first.
In other words, like Part 1, this is a European-centric skin/decals/ini package only!!
In this package are skins for Sabres from the 36th FDW, USAFE, in the mid-1950s ...
22nd FDS (Red)
23rd FDS (Med. Blue)
32nd FDS (Green)
53rd FDS (Yellow)
The colors are those assigned to each squadron, and are the stripes applied to the vertical fin.
This pack, along with the 461st FDS skin in part 1, will give you the full squadorn strength of the 36th Fighter Day Wing.
All markings are decals, with the Tail bands at Level=1, and as such, will activate the Squadron Displayed Name on the Loadout Screen (these are stock units, listed in the game's SquadronList.ini). All skins use a "pool" of serial Serial and buzz numbers; while these should be considered 'generic' in nature, are for the variant depicted. Decal randomization is TRUE. All skins are in jpg format.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them! Also, this mod pack is specificly designed for an SF2:E (Europe) install.
It is HIGHLY ADVISED you read this document through, after unzipping, but BEFORE installing to you game.
Just so we're clear on everything, again, this is for use in Europe (SF2:E) ONLY!!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2:E F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Skin Pak Part 3
By Wrench
SF2:E F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Skin Pak Part 3 2/11/16
-- For SF-2, FULL-5 merged, Reccomended --
This mod is third (and hopefully final) skin/decal pack represening F-86F Sabres as used by the USAFE.
It can (and should) be applied to the recently uploaded "SF2:E F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Skin Pak
available at the following url:
It is adivsed you have Part 1 & Part 2 installed in the SF2:E mods folder first.
In other words, like Parts 1 & 2, this is a European-centric skin/decals package only!!
In this package are skins for Sabres from the 21st FBW, USAFE, in the mid-1950s ...
72nd FDS (Red
416th FBS (Med. Blue)
531st FBS (Yellow)
Almost all markings are decals, however the squadron nose & tail markings (colors & stars) are painted on. A fake "SqTail" decal is used to activate the Squadron Displayed Name on the Loadout Screen (these are stock units, listed in the game's SquadronList.ini). All skins use a "pool" of serial Serial and buzz numbers; while these should be considered 'generic' in nature, are for the variant depicted. Decal randomization is TRUE. All skins are in jpg format.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them! Also, as this mod pack is specificly designed for an SF2:E (Europe) install,
Just so we're clear on everything, once again, this is for use in Europe (SF2:E) ONLY!!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2 F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Part 1 Fix-It Skin Pak
By Wrench
SF2 F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Part 1 Fix-It Skin Pak 2/9/16
This pack contains replacement "1" maps for the aircraft recently released in the
SF2:E F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Skin Pak (Part 1), avaliable at the following URL:
It has been brought to my attention that I was in error in leaving on the anti-glare panel on the nose. This will replace them with 1 maps that don't have the A-G panel. My apologies!
Simply unzip, and drop the supplied /Objects folder into the mods folder where you installed the original pak. Allow the overwrite.
The Part 1 Package will also be getting updated with these corrected skins, for those that have not downloaded it yet. In other words, if you have them already, you won't need to download the whole package again, but should use THIS package
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2:E F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Skin Pak
By Wrench
SF2:E F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Skin Pak 2/7/16
-- For SF-2, FULL-5 merged, Reccomended --
This mod is to be applied to the "F-86F-40 Remod Pak", available at the following url:
It is also advised, if/when installing both the original Remod Pak and these skins in SF2:E you =MUST= remove any/all other skins for non-European based users (such as JASDF, IIAF, EtAF). This will preclude any "oddites" that you might see over The Continent. See "Notes" below for more information on the included data and loadout inis.
In other words, this is a European-centric skin/decals/ini package only!!
In this package are skins for Sabres from the 50th FWB, USAFE, in the mid-1950s ...
10th FBS
81st FBS
417th FBS
also a remoded/corrected version of the...
461st FDS, 36th FDW (corrected FDW)
skin/decal ini with 'fixed' tail skin, and corrected Wing affiliation in the texture set ini. Also, a "Level 1 decal" has been added, activating the Squadron Displayed Name on the Loadout Screen. When installing, just allow the overwrite for this skin.
I've been unable to run down exactly WHICH F-86F version was used by these squadron, so simply chose to use the F-40, given the time frame they operated them (1953-58-ish).
As all the Sabres are mapped the same, can be used for any of the F-86F variants. However, if NOT using this on the -40 model, do =NOT= use the included data ini!! (but you can copy the changes, which are the 1950s pilot figure and 'steerable nose gear' callouts)
Almost all markings are decals, with the exceptions of the nose color bands for the 50th FBW birds. Tail bands are decals, at Level=1, and will activate the Squadron Displayed Name on the Loadout Screen (these are stock units,
listed in the game's SquadronList.ini). All skins use a "pool" of serial Serial and buzz numbers; while these should be considered 'generic' in nature, are for the variant depicted. Decal randomization is TRUE. All skins are in jpg format.
As well as a slightly tweeked data ini, a new "USAFE only" style loadout ini is included. . REMINDER -- this loadout ini is =ONLY= for use by American Sabres (this version) as used in the SF2:E mods folder!!! Don't use it anywhere else!
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them! Also, as this mod pack is specificly designed for an SF2:E (Europe) install, PLEASE read the "Notes" section for important information on the 2 inis included!
It is HIGHLY ADVISED you read this document through, after unzipping, but BEFORE installing to you game.
Just so we're clear on everything, this is for use in Europe (SF2:E) ONLY!!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
Update 2/9/2016:
Replaced "1.jpg" on all skins, removed anti-glare panel.
PAF Sabres HD Generic Skins
By Lazarus1177
PAF Sabres HD generic Skins.
Presented are a couple of Generic HD quality Skins to portray the PAF Aircraft which fought in the wars of 65' and 71'.Two skins are contained,one for the F-86F(Silver) and another for the Cl-13B(EuroCam).
The base skins were borrowed from the Luftwaffe F-86 Pack.The skins are 2048x2048 so those with older systems should resize to a lower resolution.I have modified the colours of the Euro Cam skin to give it a distressed look showing service under wartime conditions with little maintainance.Realistic dirt as well as wear and tear have been added to both skins.The Roundels and Fin Flash do not use Decals but are part of the skins themselves.This Skin pack is meant to represent a Generic look hence no decals are provided though you can get the decals from one of the many PAF Sabre packs on Combatace.Both skins by default have a dirty gunport but clean variants are also provided as an option.These skins are compatible with all models of the F-86.
Simply unzip and place the skin folders in the folder of your aircraft.
You have permission to modify these textures for your own mod(s) as long as I(lazarus1177) am acknowledged as the original author.
If you have any concerns about my mod(s),then I can be contacted here at combatace.
Original Skins:Ravenclaws' Cl-13B mk6 Pack.
Murtaza Akbar
SF2 RTAF F-86F Sabre Skin/Decal Pak
By Wrench
SF2 RTAF F-86F Sabre Skin/Decal Pak 1/14/2015
= For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) =
Continuing the story of Worldwide Sabres...
A new skin for the F-86F Sabre jet, representing those as used by the Royal Thai Air Force in the 1960s, until their replacement (approx 1970) by F-5 Freedom Fighters.
This package is designed to be used with the F-86F-40 Re-mod pack, available at the following url:
If you don't have it, you =WILL= need it!!
The skin herein represents aircraft from
13th Squadron, 1st Wing
as based at RTAFB Don Muang, circa 1961.
All markings are decals, excepting the tail squadron markings, and decal randomization is TRUE. Serial numbers are 100% hisorically correct. Also included is an updated Userlist, that adds Thailand.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
Happy Landings
Kevin Stein
SF2 KAW F-86F Sabre Fighter-Bomber Units Skin Pak
By Wrench
SF2 KAW F-86F Sabre Fighter-Bomber Units Skin Pak 1/1/2015
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*Note: There is a distinct probability that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo*
1stGen game installs at any patch level. End Users that attempt it, do so at
their own risk. A Full 5 Merged install is reccomened at the LATEST patch level.*
This is an add on pack for use with the KAW Sabres Pak availalbe at the following
This pack is for Fighter-bomber units in the 1953-ish time frame, and represent
units that transitioned to the Sabre from other aircraft (Mustangs and Shooting
Skins/decal sets are for the following units...
67th FBS, 18th FBW (in it's mid-1953 markings)
35th FBS
36th FBS
80th FBS, 8th FBG (Wing?)
All skins are in jpg format, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. Almost all markings
are decals, excepting Squadron/Group/Wing markings on the tails and/or nose.
These are painted on.
The serial/buzz numbers are 75-80% historically accurate. In each skin's Number.lst, those marked with a
star (*) are 100% matched to their unit. Those marked with a cross (ok, the plus
sign, +) served with that Group/Wing, but could not be matched to a particular
squadron. Those with no mark, are 'generic' F-86F-30 serials
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included.
So, please read them.
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
Canadair Sabre Mk.6 AMI NM Skinpak
By Wrench
Canadair Sabre Mk.6 AMI NM Skinpak 9/21/2014
= For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) =
This package is designed for use on the Sabre 6 Pak available at the following URL:
You'll need to have the above listed aircraft to add this skin pak to.
This package contains 2 new skins, in Natural Metal , representing the following units as first delivered to the AMI:
2 Aerobrigata (8 Gruppo)
4 Aerobrigata (Cavallino Rampante)
Included are updated texture set inis for the 2 AMI Euro camo skins, adding the "Start Default Date" SF2 switch, that will (hopefully!) turn on the camo skins in 1959 (best guess date). They have also had the "displayed name" changed, so you'll see, for example, either
2 AeB (NM)
2 Aeb (Camo)
Making it easier to select.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
JASDF F-86 Sabre Skin Pak
By Wrench
JSADF F-86F-40 Sabre Skin Pak
=For SF2 & SF/SFG/WoV/WoE and maybe WoI @ 08 Levels and above=
Something to fill the gap for early usage by the JASDF, from it's formation in 1954, until the mid/late 1960s when the F-104s began replacing them.
You MUST have the F-86F-40 installed first, before installing these skins (duh!). Although all Zur's Sabres are mapped identically, these are for the F-40 variant, and NOT the standard or garden variety F-86F (although the JASDF DID use/build a lot of F variants)
The 4 JASDF Squadron represented here are:
1 Hikotai
3 Hikotai
6 Hikotai
8 Hikotai
While designed with SF2 installs in mind (this was tested in my full-4 merged), it can also be used in 1st Gens, with some minor editing. I've suppled a 'blank' SF/Wo* F-86-40.ini (blank meaning it has no textureset listings), and full instructions for use in 1st Gens, found down below in the "To Insall" section. Be advised, I no longer mod for 1st Gen Series, excepet for WW2 (and I'm trying like crazy to get THEM updated...), so if you can't figure it out...
All have accurate serial numbers assigned, as per squadron (rated at 90%, as I couldn't find each and every one of the 18 A/C per squadron, so 1-3 are 'fill-ins'. Rest assured, however, they ARE correct either for NAA or Mistubishi/Fuji built versions). While the number.lst in included, it's been deactivated as for to keep you from running out of numbers while playing; what with only 18 aircraft per squadron, this is a VERY real possibility. It's easily reactivated by a simple rename. A 'generic' patch is included, also renamed to remove it. SF2 seems to have some kind of 'issue' with the paintchip/patch, in that it shfits the squadron selextions in the dropdown to the left a bit, making it hard to read.
For SF2 only, there are a new SF2 style plane-jane Hangar Screen, a new avionics ini that activtes the gun ranging-only radar (puts the yellow diamnomd on the target when within range),a =very= incomplete UserList.ini, and an extra main ini for SF/Wo* 1st Gen usage. The avioinics.ini =NOT= usable in SF/Wo* 1st Gens, except with the possiblity of WoI with the new Suez Expansion Pak. This has =NOT= been tested, as I don't have the WoI Expansion.
As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. For those wishing to install to 1st Gen games, =PLEASE= make double damn sure you read the special section for you. I've tried to keep it as simple a possible, while covering all bases.
It is HIGHLY suggested you read this document through before installing the mod, to make sure you understand what's to be accomplished.
Good Hunting!!
Kevin Stein
Ethiopian Air Force F-86F-40 Sabre Skin & Decal Pak
By Wrench
Ethiopian AF F-86F-40 Sabre Skin Pak
= For SF2, Any and All =
A new skin/decal pak for the Sabre, representing those as flown by the Ethiopian Air Force in the 1960s through the mid-1970s. Designed specifically for the F-40 (as this model/lod has the least in-game problems -ie shadow probs), it can be used on any version as they're all mapped the same. However, what little data is availalbe seems to suggest the later 'hard winged' versions. So, stick to that one
A modifed Loadout ini, with Ethiopian nation-specific loads, is included, as they never seemed to have been fitted with Sidewinders. This A-A load has been eliminated via the magic of that recently (as of Sept/Oct 2011 patch) implemented trick. Ground attack loadouts using rockets keep the 8 HVAR loads. All others are the same as before.
A new "Userlist.ini" is also included, that replaces the one from my JASDF Sabre Pak. It would be advisable to add THIS package over that one, or you'll be editing the main ini to add the Userlist line.
Serial numbers are/have been extrapolated from the 3 known photos - one of which was a derlict camo aircraft, and are not 100% historically accurate (excepting 251 and 258). The aircraft is in Natural Metal, as delivered from the USA. Sometime in the 1970s, the EtAF recieved several dozen from Iranian stocks, which were painted in the same camo colors as the IIAF F-5s. That skin may be forthcoming...who knows!
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
F-86E Sabre, 54th FIS "The Hunters" ver.2.0
By Wrench
F-86E Sabre, 54th FIS "The Hunters" ver.2.0
- Version 2 for SF2 -
Based on the movie "The Hunters" (as if you didn't know!!!)
A revamp and cleanup of my original "The Hunters" F-86 Sabre skin. This pack WILL replace any eariler version you may have.
While designed for the F-86E, it can be used on any late version (E or F). However, the movie clearly shows the aircraft to be E models (as evidenced by the opening montage, and the all-flying tail, and wing slats). If used on other variants, editing of the decals.ini will be required.
Not much really changed; skins are now jpg format (rebuilt from ravenclaw's SUPERB template), decal randomization is TRUE. The 51st FIW checks are now painted on, and the 'squadron color' zap is a ficitonal white stripe above the checkerboard. Pilot names decals have been moved slightly forward. Also, the 54th is now a Fighter Interceptor Squadron, not a Fighter Interceptor Wing (even though the sign in the movie shows it as a Wing).
kevin stein
F-86E(M) R HAF
By acesfakia
F-86E (M) RHAF Greece
This is 3 pax silver.. Skin's with the greek color's for the F-86E sabre ex cl-13mk2 M ( M = Modified )
Is also incude the acro team Hellenic Flame...
The camo is not Ready yet....!
The 4 number's are ocurate... real ! Many extra info's pic's....with the serial number's..etc...!
Is very easy..just unzip...and copy/paste in the plane's folder.....!!
Don't forget they are also ..the pack from paulopanz.....for the Anatolia Terrain...
and many other's ..like whrenc...
This is a freware..
Thank's combatace....all the maker's and modder's...
If someone like to convert...please...do ..!
I hope you like it....!
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