9 files
SF2 F-102A (v2k) ANG Skins & Decals Pack
By Wrench
SF2 F-102A (v2k) ANG Skins & Decals Pack 8/2/2022
-For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)-
This package contains 3 new Air National Guard skins & decal sets for Veltro2k's F-102A Delta Dart. This package covers Darts used by the Pennsylvania, New York and Connecticut ANGs.
On the skin/unit selection drop down menu, on the Loadout screen you'll see:
146th FIS, PA ANG (61-75)
102nd FIS, NY ANG SEA Camo (72-75)
118th FIS, CT ANG (66-71)
Almost all markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. ALL serial numbers are 100% historically accurate for each of the units depicted. Each unit has been supplied with 26 serial numbers (probably more than when actually in service). The SF2 "date switch" IS active.
As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
Director of Marketing, Coyote Aerospace
"We Aim Higher"
SF2 F-102A (v2k) 159th FIS Fl ANG Skin & Decal Pack
By Wrench
SF2 F-102A (v2k) 159th FIS Fl ANG Skin & Decal Pack 7/14/2021
-For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
This package contains a replacement skin and decal set for Veltor2K's F-102A Delta Dagger. This skin represents the 159th Fighter Interceptor Squadron "Boxin' Gators" of the Florida Air National Guard from 1960 thru 1974. The original skin is found in the "Operation Tainted Cigar" campaign.
The remake of this skin was inspired by some screenshots Viggen posted in the CA SF2 Screenshots thread. Since the decaling was totally inaccurate, I took it upon myself to "make it correct".
26 all new, 100% historically accurate serial number decals were created, including the correct Air National Guard fuselage tag. Decal randomization is TRUE.
On the skin/unit selection drop down menu, on the Loadout screen you'll see:
159th FIS FL ANG (60-74)
With luck, this change will not effect the OTC campaign data ini. If so, End Users (tm) may have to do a little text editing to correct the skin's folder name or displayed name in campaign data ini. I don't know enough about campaign structure to give any real advice.
As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
Director of Marketing, Coyote Aerospace
"We Aim Higher"
SF2 F-102A (v2k) 64th FIS Skin & Decal Pack
By Wrench
SF2 F-102A (v2k) 64th FIS Skin & Decal Pack 7/4/2021
-For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
This package contains all 2 new skins for Veltor2K's F-102A Delta Dagger. They represent the 64th Fighter Interceptor Squadron "Scorpions" from 1956 thru 1969.
Within this package you'll find:
ADC Grey (56-66) when the squadron was based at McChord AFB, WA, and when assigned to PACAF from Clark AFB, PI.
SEA 3 Tone (66-69) when based at Tan Shon Nut, RVN, Clark AFB and in South Korea during the Pueblo Crisis.
Almost all markings are decals, excepting the ADC Grey's tail badge. I experimented with a decal, it didn't look as good as it should have. So, going against my usual practice, it's painted on the fin. All 26 serial/buzz numbers are 100% historically accurate for this squadron, for -both- skins. The 3-tone SEA camo has the proper Tail Code assigned when the squadron was based in the Phillipines and Southeast Asia (Vietnam era), and correct serial presentation. Decal randomization is TRUE. As this unit is listed in the game's SquadronList.ini, their displayed name is activated via my (patent pending) fake "SqTail.tga", and will be visible on the Loadout Screen.
The SF2 "date switch" is only used on the SEA 3 tone skin with a 1965 start date.
Also included is a (slightly) upgraded AIM-4F Falcon missile, station specific coded for the F-102A.
As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
Director of Advertising, Coyote Aerospace
"We Aim Higher"
SF2 F-102A (v2k) Skin & Decal Remod Pack
By Wrench
SF2 F-102A (v2k) Skin & Decal Remod Pack 6/19/2021
-For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
This package contains all new, corrected decals for Veltro2k's F-102A Delta Dagger. This mod package is designed to be applied to MigBuster's Upgraded Version available at the following URL:
Several of the skins have also recieved replacement skin maps, and the changes are documented in the "Notes" below. These adjusted skins remain in bmp format. Repeat: this is upgrading =ONLY= the skins & replacing decals that came in that package. The units are:
57th FIS (62-73)
317th FIS, AkAC (56-69)
176th FIS WI ANG (66-74)
196th FIS CA ANG (65-74)
431st FIS USAFE (58-64)
460th FIS ADC (58-66)
509th FIS SEA Camo (68<)
and a NEW skin
509th FIS (>1968) in ADC grey, as used in PACAF & SEA before the application of the 3 tone camo.
The years presented in the above, will also be seen in the game's Loading Screen, on the Skin Selection Drop-Down Menu.
Most national insignia are still painted on. All serials & buzz numbers are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Each skin has 26 serial numbers. With few exceptions, =ALL= serials are historically correct for EACH squadron. If all could not be found, 'generic' serials and buzz numbers are used. These are identified by the star (*) symbol. If it does NOT have star, it is 100% correct. Any squadrons that are listed in the game's SquadronList.ini have had their displayed name activated via my (patent pending) fake "SqTail.tga", and will be visible on the Loadout Screen. Also, due to many having painted on insignia, a hidden "Insignia" decal is used to activate the displayed Nation Name.
The SF2 "date switch" is only used on 2 skins; the oldest (317th) with a '1' start date, and the later (509th camo) with a 1968 start date. Any others, which most of them DO fall in-between these two, End Users (tm) will have to select for themselves.
As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
Director of Advertising, Coyote Aerospace
"We Aim Higher"
SF2 F-102A (v2k) Greek Air Force Skin Pack
By Wrench
SF2 F-102A (v2k) Greek Air Force Skin Pack 6/19/2021
-For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
Two new skins for Veltro's F-102A Delta Dart Interceptor. These represent the Greek Air Force versions from 1968 until their retirement in 1979.
The skins are:
ADC Grey
SEA 3 Tone
All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. All 20 Serial numbers are 100% historically correct. The SF2 'date switch' is used to swap from the Grey to 3 Tone in 1974.
Also included are:
Updated data ini with minor FM adjustements (a backup of the original is also provided for safety's sake)
Updated Loadout ini with F-102 specific weapons
The F-102 specific weapons themselves (just to be safe!)
Updated Userlist with Greece & Turkey added
Damage Tgas (finally!)
Main ini (F-102A.ini) with the "v2k" tag added to the displayed name. This will differentiate this model from that by Razbam, for those that may have that payware version. This means that you'll see...
F-102A Delta Dagger (V2K)
on the aircraft selection drop down on the main mission screen. A backup of this ini is also provided. The new ini included here is "clean", with no texture listings. When the game is started, it will automatically re-populate with YOUR skins.
This mod package is designed to be applied to MigBuster's Upgraded Version available at the following URL:
As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! Also, the Notes section has more details on the changes.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
F-102A, Turkish AF (for Veltro's F-102)
By acesfakia
SKIN for the F-102A
With TUAF color's in silver.
Please see the read me file
Thank's the combatace for the space...and all the modder's that make this plane.
For Use on Veltro2K's F-102
USAFE Deuce Skinpack (for Veltro's F-102)
By paulopanz
USAFE Deuce Skinpack 14 Skins 14
Here I remade mostly for NATO 5+ use my Razbam F-102 Skinpack for Veltro's one.
The skin folders name are the same so in a camp is granted the F-102A use.
We really haven't yet a definitive F-102A as both have some unsolved issues:
- Razbam's F-102A has a bad shadow shape
- Veltro's F-102A has bad unfinished wheels
I made my best with skins but none of the above plane makers
(the payware, too), as I asked several times, wanted to fix.
I hoped that almost Veltro could fix, to gain the perfetion for his masterpiece,
but at last, as he doesn't seem intersted, I decided to upload these skins anyway.
As I have both, I currently use Veltro's one (even with bugged wheels)
with Raz's cockpit.
BTW now the choice is Yours!
32nd FIS Soesterberg AB (8/60-6/63)
32nd FIS Soesterberg AB (6/63-8/64)
32nd FIS Soesterberg AB (8/65-12/66)
431st FIS Zaragozza AB (12/61-6/64)
496th FIS Hahn AB (5/60-8/63)
496th FIS Hahn AB (8/63-6/64)
496th FIS Hahn AB (6/64-11/66)
497th FIS Torrejon AB (1961-1964)
525th FIS Bitburg AB (1961-10/63)
525th FIS Bitburg AB (8/63-11/64)
525th FIS Bitburg AB (11/64-10/66)
526th FIS Ramstein AB (2/60-3/64)
526th FIS Ramstein AB (3/64-10/64)
526th FIS Ramstein AB (10/64-8/66)
A new Loadout immage tga included as a bonus!
CREDITS: All to Veltro
To INSTALL: All in Your mod folder
SF2 F-102 (V2K) Delta Dart Hawaii ANG Skin Pack
By Wrench
SF2 F-102 (V2K) Delta Dart Hawaii ANG Skin Pack 5/22/2020
= For SF2 (Any & All) =
This is a new skin for the F-102 Delta Dart, by Veltro2K. It represents Darts as used by the 199th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, Hawaiian Air National Guard from 7 December 1960 until October 1976.
You can find the aircraft, if you don't have it already at the following URL:
This is an all new skin, built from Geary's template (thanks!), with 26 new serial numbers. Those numbers marked with the star (*) are 100% historical. All the rest should be considered generic in nature. Decal randomization is TRUE.
When in-game, you'll see:
199th FIS, Hi ANG (12/60-10/76)
On the skin/unit selection drop-down menu.
**Important! In order to eliminate confusion with the Razbam F-102, this main folder has been tagged as "F-102A_v2k". If yours in name differently, you may have to either rename you aircraft folder, or rename THIS folder to fit you personal naming conventions. Do NOT rename the folders in the Decals sub-folder. This will keep their specific pathways intact.**
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... they can be accessed after unzippering. Please follow the 'usual instructions'. If you run into trouble, feel free to post the question, or PM me.
Happy Landing!
Kevin Stein
F-102A (Razbam) SkinPack
By paulopanz
RAZBAM F-102A ('60) Upgrade Pack
14 Skins for & USAF Squadron in EUROPE 62/66
stock 32Sq updated
100 real USAFE numbers 100
Preview here: http://forum.combatace.com/topic/52182-razbam-f-102-skinpack/
Put all in mods main folder
N.B. These Skins are dedicated to our kind, mighty ADMIN DAVE fan of the Deuces
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