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WW2 Aircraft Skins

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    1. VMF-211, Ewa HI, December, 1941

      F4F-3 Wildcat Skin, VMF-211, Ewa HI, for SF/WoV/WoE PTO installs
      -Yet another "Pearl Harbor Defender"
      (well, almost -- they were all on the ground at the time....)
      This skin represents VMF-211 as based at MCAS Ewa, Territority of Hawaii, approximatly December, 1941.
      Information I've found in my researches seem to indicate that not all of 211' s aircraft were sent to Wake Island prior
      to the Pearl Harbor Attack. So, I offer this skin.
      The paint job is still the pre-war non-specular gray, sometimes called "Neutrality Gray", as photographic evidence,
      and some references exist that point to the USMC not yet having applied the non-spec blue to the upper surfaces.
      Decals represent the standard type as seen on Naval/Marine aircraft of the time, and include BuNums and aircraft
      type on the tail.
      --NOTE: this mod is designed for use ONLY on the F4F-3 Wildcat mod I released some ago; NOT for the F4F-4. Totally different aircraft--

      -= NOTE: You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06 to get the WW2 weapons and guns and such =-
      -== This aircraft has been tested in SF/WoV/WoE and post-patch WoI (8/08) as well as post 9/08 & 10/08
      SF/WoV/WoE. There still are some 'issues' with prop-plane flight models, but there has been a MARKED
      improvement!! You use it in these Post Patch Environments at YOUR own risk ==-

      Easy to follow instructions in the enclosed readme...
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein


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    2. Vought F4U-5 Corsair, Fuerza Aérea Hondureña

      Vought F4U-5 Corsair, Fuerza Aérea Hondureña (Honduran Air Force) for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI and probably SF2
      -Part of an on-going series of mods recreating Central American Airpower
      This is a modification of The Mirage Factory's F4U-7 (French Navy version), into the earlier, and almost identical (albiet modified), F4U-5 version as used by the Honduran Air Force in the 1950s and 60s. This mod is VERY similiar to the Korean Era F4U-4B mod I released in 2008.
      This pak contains -almost- everything you'll need to create this new version, minus a few critical files that you'll need to copy from the original F4U-7. So you MUST have the -7 somewhere to copy them from. If not, you can download it from Check6 (TMF Home Site), Column5 or CombatAce
      This is to be considered as an "incomplete" aircraft mod, due to the non-inclusion of certain files. I've NOT included the aircraft LOD files nor the cockpit folder. See below "To Install" for a complete list of the necessary parts.
      I've included all the inis I've modified, so you'll be copying the minimum number of bits. You also get a new WoE style Hangar screen, all the weapons in the new "folder format" for use in post-patch installs, and in EACH weapons folder is a _data.ini as used by SF2. Unfortunately, as I don't have SF2, some experimentation on your part will be required to install and get them up and running.
      The skins are "pieces parts", dejumbled together from the stock ones that came with the aircraft when released. New, historical individual number decals are included. The numbers.lst, while included, is NOT active, to prevent 'running out of numbers in game'. It's just renamed, so it's easy to reactiveate it.
      This mod is designed for use with the, I'm hoping, ANY weapons pak. You may just need to add a few things.
      = IMPORTANT: This aircraft has been tested in Post-Patch SF/WoV/WoE/WoI. Be advised of the existence of some handling issues prevelant in WW2 era aircraft. Fly accordingly!!! It should also work in SF2 and later iterations - this has NOT been tested, however.(as I ain't got it!)
      PLEASE read the enclosed readme for FULL, detailed install instructions!! It's Important!!
      kevin stein


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    3. Vought/Goodyear FG-1D Corsair (F4U-1D) Fuerza Aérea Salvadoreña

      Vought/Goodyear FG-1D Corsair (F4U-1D) Fuerza Aérea Salvadoreña (El Salvador Air Force)
      --for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI and probably SF2
      -Part of an on-going series of mod recreating Central American Airpower
      Modifications, and a complete reskin of Wolf257s F4U Corsair into those as used by the El Salvadoran Air Force.
      This is a SEMI-COMPLETE aircraft mod, as per Wolf's wishes, the aircraft LOD is NOT included. However, EVERYTHING else is; cockpit, inis, skin, decals and so forth. The cockpit includes 2 bmps, both 'enhanced' with extra little do-dads and thingamabobs.
      The skins, from my "enhanced" template, have my patented "interperative" panel, rivet lines and other details.New decals for the individual aircraft are from historical listings. The numbers.lst, while included, is NOT active, to prevent 'running out of numbers in game'. It's just renamed, so it's easy to reactiveate it.
      You also get a new WoE style Hangar screen, all the WW2 style weapons are included in the new "folder format" for use in post-patch installs, -and- in EACH weapons folder is a ***_data.ini as used by SF2. Unfortunately, as I don't have SF2, some experimentation on your part will be required to install and get them up and running. (meaning, I'm not sure how the numberation runs...)
      This mod is designed for use with, I'm hoping, ANY weapons pak. You may just need to add a few things.
      = IMPORTANT: This aircraft has been tested in Post-Patch SF/WoV/WoE/WoI. Be advised of the existence of some handling issues prevelant in WW2 era and many Pre-Patch (ie: 06 level and eariler) aircraft. Fly accordingly!!! It should also work in SF2 and later iterations - this has NOT been tested, however.
      =MORE IMPORTANT: You =MUST= have Wolf's WW2 Planes Pak to get the LOD from. It is NOT included!!=
      Again, you can expect the usual detailed readme to browse through that's got all you need to know to, well, install it!!
      Good Luck, and Good Hunting!
      kevin stein


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    4. Westland Whirlwind - Desert Camo No.6 Squadron

      This is a fictional Desert Camo scheme for the Westland Whirlwind recently released by Veltro2K with markings for the famous No.6 squadron ('The Flying Can-Openers') of the Royal Air Force. For SFP1/SFG/WOV/WOE/WOI just drop the folder called '6d' into your Whirlwind folder and go and open some cans! For SF2 users things are a bit more tricky but you probably know your way around the different file structure by now. BTW the Whirlwind flies really nicely in SF2 but make sure you've got your throttle to zero before you start!
      Anyway, many thanks to Veltro2K for this little gem and also to Syrinx for the template and for the serial number decals - to which I've added another two to make a baker's dozen plus I've knocked up some reasonably authentic squadron codes.


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    5. Wulf Hound

      The SFP1 Dev A-Team (capun, Gramps, Charles, Kesselbrut) proudly presents the Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress
      Model work by capun, Texures by Gramps, FM and Screens by Charles Virtual Cockpit by Kesselbrut. Many thanks to all devs who contributed to this project. Please read the Readme.


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    6. Yankee Kid IV P-51D Mustang

      This aircraft depicts "Yankee Kid IV", a P-51D Mustang of the 504th FS, 339st FG, late 1944.
      The aircraft was flown by Lt. Merle Caldwell. Special thanx to Wolf257 for creating
      this aircraft and to Crab02 and USAFMTL for their help with the making of this skin.
      Hope you enjoy this...
      Regards, Pappy


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