6 files
SF2 WW2 CBI P-40K-5 Skins & Tweeks Pak
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 CBI P-40K-5 Skin & Tweeks Pak 11/14/2013
-- Something for the WW2 PTO players --
= For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*Note: this pak MAY be usable in 1stGen SF/Wo* game installs. However, some features
(decal randomization) will =NOT= be functional. Use in 1stGens has not, and cannot be,
tested by me.*
**Note x2: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in a WW2 CBI-Centric mods folder. Some
Theatre specific changes have been effected, and should =ONLY= be used in the CBI!!!**
This is =NOT= the full aircraft; you'll be adding all this stuff to the original.
Some mods, tweeks, and 2 new skin/decal sets for Raven's P-40K-5-CU Warhawk, is seen in
China durning WW2.
Included are 2 skins for the 23rd FG, aka "Flying Tigers"
74th Fighter Squadron, in late 42 (star-and-ball)
75th Fighter Squadron, in late 43 (star-and-bar)
The squadron patch (ww2 versions!) will be seen as the paint chip for each skin on the
Loadout screen.
Skins remain in their bmp format.
New DDS damage textures (usable on all Raven's Warhawk/Kittyhawk in SF2 only) are
Several new inis are included;
The data ini makes use of my "kit-bashed" FM, that while (semi) SF2-compliant, still
needs fine tuning by an Expert. At least now, it won't mush into the ground and explode.
You are advised to back up your original inis, and full instructions are in the "To
Install" section.
The DF Loop antenna has been added via the 'fake pilot' method
Canopy Opens/Closes via the Standard Animation Keystroke , Shift/0.
All markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. There are no nose arts. Also,
via the use of my (patent pending) fake SqTail decal, the squadron name display is now
active on the Loadout Screen (74th only).
No weapons are included, except SF2 Versions of the new bombs (for those that haven't
converted them yet).
New SF-2 compliant "Box Art" style Hangar and Loading screens are included, too.
The skins have been run through the template (thank you Raven for that!), and have had a
layer of dirt and 'clouds' added for weathering.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE
read them!!
Good Hunting!!
Kevin Stein
SF2 WW2 P-40N, 74th FS, China Pak
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 P-40N, 74th FS, China Pak 11/30/2013
-- Something for the WW2 PTO CBI players --
= For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*Note: this pak MAY be usable in 1stGen SF/Wo* game installs. However, some features (decal randomization, jpg format -will need conversiont to bmp) will be functional. Use in 1stGens has not, and cannot be, tested by me.*
**Note x2: this mod is designed for use ONLY in a CBI-Centric WW2 mods folder**
A simple redecaling for Raven's P-40N20-CU, represents the 74th FS, 23rd FG "Flying Tigers" in late 1943-through the war's end (or, in reality, when they got replaced by Mustangs in late 44).
All markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. There are no nose arts. Also, via the use of my (patent pending) fake SqTail decal, the squadron name display is now active on the Loadout Screen.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!
Good Hunting!!
Kevin Stein
(and yes, the screenie IS over the rebuilt WW2 China map)
SF2 Burma Banshees
By Heck
80th Fighter Group
The Burma Banshees
This is a semi-historical skin of the 89th Fighter Squadron of the 80th Fighter Group for Raven's P-40N20-CU. It is semi-historical because I have used any skull I could find to create these, and some are from the 88th and 90th squadrons of the 80th FG. This doesn't make the skin totally inaccurate, because there were similarities between the skulls for all three P-40 squadrons of the group (the 459th flew P-38s).
Some skulls I've created are alterations of skulls I've found, but again this isn't totally inaccurate, because in photos found in the Philip Adair collection you'll see two P-40s sitting side by side with almost identical skulls. All the skulls here were painted by me, using decals or photos as a guide, altering the proportions where necessary to account for the fact they were on a curved surface. Some skulls don't cover the same area of the nose they did in real life, because of bending and stretching problems caused by the use of decals.
Where I could find photographic evidence of a skull/aircraft number/serial number combination, I've used it, the rest have generic serials derived from the Joe Baugher site.
I've included the following named aircraft. Some have accurate skull/number combos, if I could find complete information, some are best guesses:
Lulu Belle II
The Rough Cobb
Joe Aztec
Butter Bean II
Miss Frances III
No matter what their flaws, I think they make a cool appearance in game. I know we don't have an updated CBI for them to operate in, but perhaps some day we will. I created them because they were one of the most unusual P-40 groups out there in a world that seemed dominated by shark mouths. I hope you enjoy them.
Simply unzip the enclosed .rar to a location on your computer and open the readme for complete installation instructions. Designed for a full five merged installation of SF2. You'll have to make your own alterations for SF1, and I cannot guarantee they'll work.
I've used Raven's wonderful template to create these. I've added my own weathering and dirt layers, so any flaws are solely my own.
I strongly recommend that you download and install Wrench's Southwest Pacific P-40N pack located here first:
It has some goodies in it that you'll want to have.
This skin is Freeware. It is not to be used in any Payware project, or file.
Raven, for his P-40N and templates.
Wrench for his information and tips.
Jaypack44 for his USAAF insignia, found at Simmers Paint Shop.
The tutorials in the Knowledge Base here, especially Wrench's tutorial on decal creation.
Simmers Paint Shop for their weathering tutorials and color swatches.
Numerous web pages for pictures and information, too numerous to mention, but http://www.burmabanshees.com/ is a must for information, and links to photo collections.
All the members of CombatAce who gave a like to a screenshot, or a comment in a thread. I don't think people realize how important the encouragement of this wonderful community can be through the use of those simple measures.
For Lt. John Mateulevicz, who died before my time, but whose gaze from an old photo I could not forget. RIP
SF2 WW2 PTO P-40N, USAAF (SWPA) Skinpak
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 PTO P-40N, USAAF (SWPA) Skinpak 9/14/2013
-- Something for the WW2 PTO players --
= For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*Note: this pak MAY be usable in 1stGen SF/Wo* game installs. However, some features
(decal randomization, DDS damge textures, destroyed model, etc) will be NOT
functional. Use in 1stGens has not, and cannot be, tested by me.*
**Notex2: this mod is designed for use ONLY in a PTO-Centric mods folder**
A new skin for Raven's P-40N, a "generic" representation of USAAF P-40Ns in SoWesPac
Theatre (read: New Guinea). Although the "Displayed Name" on the Loadout Screen will
say "7th FS, 49th FG" (the Bunyaps), they are to be considered a bit more generic than
Squadron Specific. Even though the individual plane-in-group numbers fits those of the
7th's usage.
Skins remain in their bmp format.
New DDS damage textures (usable on all Raven's Warhawk/Kittyhawk in SF2 only) are
A slightly modified data ini, with some flight model tweeks, and switching to the
AvHistory engine sound. So, be prepared to back up some inis for saftey!!! A new
textureset ini for the "Bare Metal" skin is included, that adds Decal Randomization
for SF2. A new userlist ini was created, for the Export Customers.
All markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. Also, via the use of my
(patent pending) Fake SqTail decal, the squadron name display is now active on the
Loadout Screen.
No weapons are included, except SF2 Versions of the new drop tanks (for those that
haven't converted them yet). New theatre-specific Hangar and Loading screens are
included, too.
The skins have been run through the template (thank you Raven for that!), and have had
a layer of dirt and 'clouds' added for weathering. They're still not dirty enough for
my taste, but it's something!!
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included.
PLEASE read them!!
Good Hunting!!
Kevin Stein
SF2 WW2 MTO Kittyhawk IA, 112 Squadron
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 MTO Kittyhawk IA, 112 Squadron
-- Something for the WW2 MTO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*There is a distinct probabality that this mod =WILL= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs.
After all, it's just a skin and decals!! However, the decal radomization will not be
functional in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs*
A fairly simple redecaling for Raven's Kittyhawk Mk.IA as flown with 112 Squadron in Egypt
and the Western Desert. In fact, other than the skins getting a light coating of dirt and
smoke, it's still Raven's original skin. This will add the Squadron Code, plane-in-group
letters and serial number decals to his original skin. It just overwrites the decals and
texture set ini (although the skin map will also overwrite, too. don't worry about that!)
This skin is still in bmp format, so it's usable in SF/Wo*. Decal randomization is TRUE.
All the markings are decals, which (serials, plane-in-group letters) are reused from
another Kittyhawk skins set.
Also included, is a NEW loading screen from my AvArt collection
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So,
please =READ= them.
With Thanks To Raven for the bird!
Happy Hunting!
Kevin Stein
SF2 WW2 PTO P-40E Skin Pak
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 PTO P-40E Skin Pak
-- Something for the WW2 PTO players --
= For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*Note: this pak MAY be usable in 1stGen SF/Wo* game installs. However, some features
(decal randomization, dds damage textures) will =NOT= be functional. Use in 1stGens has
not, and cannot be, tested by me.*
Some reskins for Raven's recently Released P-40E Warhawk. These skins represent USAAF
squadrons in the South West Pacific (SWP) -northern Australia, New Guinea- region from
approximately April 1942 onwards. And a "interesting" skin, as I hate wasting decals
In this pack you'll get:
7th FS, 49th FG -Bunyaps (OD/Grey)
8th FS, 49th FG -Black Sheep (Green/Tan/Grey camo)
9th FS, 49th FG -Iron Knights (OD/Grey)
The Flying Legion (OD/Grey) - somewhat of a "What If..." skin from the motion picture "Sky
Captain and the World of Tommorrow. You may keep it, or delete as you desire. I won't be
insulted or hurt; I promise!!
Skins remain in their bmp format.
New DDS damage textures (usable on all Raven's Warhawk/Kittyhawk in SF2 only) are
New aircraft plane-in-group number decals, in correct sequencing for the 3 Real Life
squadron are included. Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins. There are no nose arts.
The squadron patch is used for the 7th, 8th and 9th FS. Also, via the use of my (patent
pending) fake SqTail decal, the squadron name display is now active on the Loadout Screen.
My modified Loadout ini is also included. As is an SF2 Version of the drop tank (for those
that haven't converted it yet).
The skins have been run through the template (thank you Raven for that!), and have had a
layer of dirt, stains and 'clouds' added for weathering.
A rebuilt version of my "Box Art" style Hangar screen, USAAF PTO specific (in SF2 jpg
format) is included.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE
read them BEFORE installing this pack!!!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for other stuff
that might be interesting.
Good Hunting!!
Kevin Stein
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