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10 files

  1. SF2 A-1H/J Skyraider (mcz) Remod Pack by MontyCZ

    SF2 A-1H/J Skyraider (mcz) Remod Pack by MontyCZ       1/8/2024
    -For SF2, Any and All-
    Another 1stGen Salvage Project...
    This is an SF2 Remod of MontyCZ's A-1H Skyraider. Historically this was the VERY first aircraft mod released for SF1 in 2005. While the model still has some issues (see "Notes"), it's fully functional, with some limitations, in the SF2 environment.
    This mod is supplied with just about all the original (many rebuilt) skin sets I could find from the 1stGen SF mods section and from Marcfighters. These skin sets cover US Navy, US Air Force and South Vietnam Air Force units.
    You have ...
    VA-35 "Black Panthers" USS Saratoga, 1959 Med cruise, (Beirut crisis?)
    VA-52 "Kinghtriders" USS Ticonderoga, 1966-67 VN cruise
    VA-65 "Tigers" USS Intrepid, 1960-61 Med Cruise
    VA-75 "Sunday Punchers" USS Independence, mid-1962 SEA-VN cruise
    VA-145 "Swordsman" USS Ranger 1958-59 WesPac (tagged "VA145E")
    VA-176 "Thunderbolts" USS Intrepid, VN cruise 1966-ish (bumblebee art)
    1st FS, Bien Hoa, 1961 (VNAF1 - overall very light grey, blue/red devil fues band )
    514th FS, Dan Nang ~1963 (VNAF2 - overall medium grey, tiger stripe fues band)
    518th FS, Bien Hoa AB ~1970 (VNAF3 - 3 tone SEA camo, yellow/black checks fues band)
    602nd SOS, 56th SOW (various RVN & Thai bases 1962-1970)
    2nd SOS, 56th SOW (nite black unders, ~1968)
    There is also an extra blank USN skin called, oddly enough, "USNGrey1" This can be used to create any other units as one desires in the Gull Gray/White scheme.
    The texture set ini for each skin has a small notation at the bottom with historical notes.
    While many skins had to be remade, some are still 'as issued' (un-retouched). All are in bmp format. As is usual, serial/BuNums are as historically accurate as possible. Those 100% are marked with the star (*), those correct, but unable to match to a modex are marked with the plus/cross (+), those with no mark are generic. All skins have been updated to use the last known LOD (5/2009), and have been updated to use the latest decal style. Decal randomization is TRUE. For those units listed in the game's SquadronList ini, my (patent pending) 'fake SqTail' decal is used to activate their name displayed on the Loadout screen. The SF2 'date switch is used for all services on their respective skin sets. Sounds and drop tanks are included. All weapons used are stock in-game 3rd Wire items. The data ini has been brought up, as much as possible, to current standards.
    When in-game, you'll see
    A-1H/J Skyraider (MCZ)
    on the Aircraft Selection dropdown. This will differenize this one (MontyCZ) from the 3rd Wire or Razbam Skyraiders. This mod DOES (sorta) cover both the H & J variants, as there's very little (actual) difference between them. The wing fold is active, it uses the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/9. The canopy CANNOT manually be controled; it's linked to the flaps.
    As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Also, give the "Notes" a browse, as it explains certain issues this model has, and the change logs.
    Good Hunting and Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


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  2. SF2 AD-4B Skyraider, KAW Era

    SF2 AD-4B Skyraider, KAW Era 4/15/2015
    = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Preferred) =
    *Note: =MUST= have SF2:V as part of your merged install to access the A-1H lod used herein. This, like the other
    KAW Skyraiders with the "_3W suffix, is based off the stock A-1H lod.*
    The mod represents AD-4B Skyraiders during the Korean War. It should be noted, the -4B was equipped for "special weapons delivery", and was the primary type the USN had for this at the time. Of course, it carries all the conventional munitions as well, so standard mission tasking remains. 2 special loadouts are available through the 3W mission editor (see "Notes" for more details).
    The skin herein represents:
    VA-195 "Dambusters" aboard USS Princeton (CVA-37) circa 1952
    The aircraft is finished is standard 1950s Dark Gloss Navy Blue. The skin is in jpg format. All markings are decals, excepting the green squadron color on the tail fin. Decal randomization is TRUE.
    The BuNums, while correct for this model, are not specific to any squadron, and should be considerd 'generic' in nature.
    Wingfold and canopy are controled via the Standard Animiation Keystrokes ™. Shift/9 for the wings, and Shift/0 for the window.
    Most weapons are suppllied, including the low-yeild (8 kt) "special". The nuke effects are from the Gunny Pak, and I HOPE I've got all the pieces/parts in place; if not, you'll have to locate them yourselves from the Gunny Pak (or just intall the Effects from there). The other weapons used can be found in the KAW weapons pack.
    On the Aircraft selection drop down, you'll see
    AD-4B Skyraider (3W)
    To differentiate it from the other -4s. The "3W" indicates use of the stock 3W lod.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....In fact, read them before installing, but after unzipping of course! This mostly pertains the effects used for the 'special weapon'.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


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  3. SF2 AD-4N (Late) Skyraider, 1950s USN

    SF2 AD-4N (Late) Skyraider, 1950s USN 4/12/2015
    = For SF2 (Any & All, Full- Merged Prefered) =
    *Note: must have SF2:V as part of your merged install to access the A-1H lod used herein. This, like several of the KAW Skyraiders with the "_3W suffix, is based off the stock A-1H lod.*
    Something slightly different, for USN Skyraider squadrons in the mid-1950s. I basiclly did this as I got tired of seeing DGNB AD-4Ns parking on deck intermixed with Grey/White jets and such (even though that IS historically correct). But, some early models DID survive the switch, and operated in the Gull Grey/White. This is one of them...
    The skin herein represents:
    VA-216 "Black Diamonds" aboard USS Yorktown (CVA-10) circa 1956/57
    The skin is in jpg format. All markings, excepting the tail Black Diamonds, are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE.The BuNums, while correct for this model, are not specific to any squadron, and should be considerd 'generic' in nature.
    Wingfold and canopy are controled via the Standard Animiation Keystrokes ™. Shift/9 for the wings, and Shift/0 for the window.
    All weapons used are stock in-game items, excepting the APS-31 radar pod and ALT-7 ECM pod.
    I'm trying out a different "style" for the Hangar screen; I hope you like it.
    On the Aircraft selection drop down, you'll see
    AD-4N Skyraider (Late) (3W)
    This will differentiate it from the -4NL and other -4 marks. The "3W" indicates use of the stock 3W lod.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  4. SF2 KAW AD-4NL Skyraider (3W)

    SF2 Korean War Era AD-4NL Skyraider (3W) Ver 4.0 12/28/2014
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    **Full 5 URGED, due to use of some SF2NA coding! As this mod references the stock 3rd Wire Skyraider, you =MUST= have SF2:V as part of your merged install. If you don't, this mod will not work.**
    This is a 'new' version of the AD-4NL Skyraider, built from the 3W A-1H. It is designed to replace completly any & all earlier versions built from MontyCZ's Skyraider.
    It's your choice (the End User) if you wish to keep or delete the early version.
    This mod represents AD-4NL's from VC-35 "Night Hecklers". The squadron was deployed in various "Dets" of 2-4 aircraft aboard almost all USN Carriers during the Korean Conflict. This is designed for a stand-alone KAW mods folder, but can be used in any Full-5 merged install. However, several SF2NA only statements are included, and may only fully work in that environment.
    The aircraft is fully carrier-capable; after all, it's built from a Stock 3W carrier bird!
    All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE.
    All the necessary weapons, effects, sounds and etc are included, as is the NEW Skyraider cockpit by Dels. Those with the MCZ version will note they are all the same, but included for ease of installation.
    Standard Animations keystrokes are used for the canopy (Shift/0) and wingfold (shift/9). However, due to some "malfunction", don't fold the wings with ordenance loaded. They won't follow it!
    As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, PLEASE read them!!!!
    Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. There is important information on Night Operations (what VC-35 specalized in).
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (2 reviews)



  5. SF2 AD-4W/AEW.1 "Guppy"

    SF2 AD-4W/AEW.1 "Guppy" 4/1/2014
    = For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED! =
    **Note: Actually, SF2NA is actually -REQUIRED- in merged installs, due to NA coding used for
    this aircraft's operational statements. It is also HIGHLY SUGGESTED!! that this be
    =ONLY= used in the NA envrionment (read: in SF2:NA only). It was tested only in the
    NA environment, but there are a few issues (see Notes below).***
    A rebuild of MontyCZ's A-1H Skyraider give us the AD-4W "Guppy" Naval Airborne Early
    Warning aircraft of the 1950s.
    Included are 4 skins, representing the aircrft from 1950 through 1960. They are:
    British Royal Navy (AEW.1)
    No 849 Naval Air Squadron; in 'normal' garb
    No 849 NAS, HMS Albion, during the Suez Crisis (with Suez 'Invasion Stripes')
    The USN/USMC skins use a painted on fueselage national marking (not enough meshes
    for all decals); All other markings are decals. All aircraft are in 'standard' Dark
    Gloss Navy Blue. For the RN skins, ALL markings are decals. Serial numbers are 100%
    historically accurate for the model depicted, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. As
    there is no possible way to run down the US serials, they should be considered
    'generic' in nature.
    However, you may experience some 'unusual' shuffling' of the CV and Flight letter
    codes on the Royal Navy (non Suez) skin. Further explinations for this are in the
    'Notes' Section. The Suez skin depicts 849's "C" flight as embarked during Operation
    Musketeer, and are 100% correct.
    Skins remain in lo-rez bmp format, but new DDS damage textures are supplied (just in
    case). Each skins has it's own hangar screen.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included.
    So, please read them. As mentioned above, give the "Notes" section a read too.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (4 reviews)



  6. SF2 AD-4N/NA Skyraider, Armée de l'Air

    SF2 AD-4N/NA Skyraider, Armée de l'Air 4/3/2014
    = For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED, at Latest Patch Level =
    *At minimum, SF2:V is required, as this mod references the stock 3W A-1H lods.*
    **Note: It is also =REQUIRED= you be at the lates (7/2013) SF2 patch level. The data ini supplied is FROM this last patch level. Those End Users NOT up to speed, may experience visual oddities on the aircraft, as some things have been changed over the last few patchs. No support is, or will be availalbe, to those End Users.**
    This mod represents Skyraiders as used by the AdA in the early 1960s, and will give you a new, nationalized aircraft.
    The aircrft represented here is from:
    EC 3/20 "Oranie"
    as seen in Algeria in the early 1960s.
    All skins are in jpg format. All markings, excepting the squadron color bands, are decals. Recal randomization is TRUE. The aircraft BuNums are 100% correct for those Skyraiders in French service, but should be considered "generic" in nature as they do not represent any individual aircraft in any particular squadron.
    The canopy opens with the Standard Animatin Keystroke, Shift/0.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, give the "Note" section a read,
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (4 reviews)



  7. SF2 KAW Era AD-4NL Skyraider (by MontyCZ)

    SF2 Korean War Era AD-4NL Skyraider (by MontyCZ)
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    This is an SF2/SF2NA upgraded version of my previously released AD-4NL Skyraider. It is designed to replace all my older versions for use in the SF2 environment.
    This mod represents AD-4NL's from VC-35 "Night Hecklers". The squadron was deployed in various "Dets" of 2-4 aircraft aboard almost all USN Carriers during Korea.
    The aircraft is fully carrier-capable, with all the SF2NA coding for deck 'parking'.
    Skins are still in bmp format, I didn't bother converting them to jpg. Most markings are decals and Modex/BuNums are Randomized. BuNums are accurate for the aircraft variant depicted, but not for the actual ones used by this squadron, as I couldn't run them down; consider them 'generic' for this purpose.
    All the necessary weapons, effects, sounds and etc are included, as is the NEW Skyraider cockpit by Dels.
    Standard Animations keystrokes are used for the canopy (Shift/0) and wingfold (shift/9)
    As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. There is important information on Night Operations (what VC-35 specalized in)
    You may consider this 'Ver.3' of the AD-4NL.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (2 reviews)



  8. SF2 AD-2/3 Skyraider, Korean War

    SF2 AD2/3 Skyraider
    = For Your Korean War Flying Pleasure =
    = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged, (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *Note: you MUST have SF2:V as part of your merged install. This aircraft references the A-1H lod from SF2V,
    and will =NOT= work without it.*
    This is a mod of the 3rdWire A-1H Skyraider, to the earlier AD-2/3 version as used by the USN and USMC
    during the Korean War. It was thrown together as an experiment some long time ago, and I thought you all would like to have it, "just because". The aircraft is supplied with 2 skins:
    VA-35, "Black Panthers" US Navy, USS Leyte 1950 *
    VMA-121 "Wolf Raiders", USMC, Pyongteak, 1950-53
    This is a complete aircraft (well, minus the Stock Lod ™ of course!), with a new radar-equipped cockpit
    by Dels. Skins are still in bmp format, making it usable in all SF2 merged game installs with access to the
    A-1H.lod. The skins are new from my Home Grown Templates ™, in the 1950s Dark Gloss Navy Blue; all
    markings are decals and are Randomized. BuNums are accurate for the aircraft variant depicted, but not for
    the actual ones used by the squadrons; consider them 'generic' for that purpose.
    The 'USMC50s' pilot figure, AN/APS-4 radar pod and engine sounds are included. The only weapon included is the 120 gallon drop tank. Bombs and rockets reference those WW2 units from the GunnyPak, and are NOT
    included (simple edits can make the stock 3W ones usable, if one has Expansion Pak 1).
    Wingfold is NOT activated, but the canopy is. Use the Usual Suspect (shift/0) to open and close it. All
    lighting is hisotrically correct.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them.
    Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Please.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein
    *note: VA-35 may have actually used AD-4s as opposed 2/3... my references were a little vague on the point*


       (1 review)



  9. SF2 Korean War Era AD-4 Skyraiders

    SF2 Korean War Era AD-4 Skyraider Pak
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *Note: you MUST have SF2V as part of your Full-5 Merged install to gain access to the A-1H.lod this mod refers to.*
    All aircraft have brand new skins, built from my Home Grown Template ™.
    Unites depicted are:
    VA-35, USS Leyte 1950
    VA-55, USS Valley Forge 1951
    VA-75, USS Bon Homme Richard 1950-51
    VA-115, USS Philippine Sea 1950-51?
    VA-195, USS Princeton ???
    VA-702, USS Boxer (became VA-145)
    VA-923, USS Oriskany (became VA-125)
    VF-194, USS Boxer 1953? (became VA-196)
    VMA-121, Land Based, K-6 airfield
    This is a complete aircraft (well, minus the Stock Lod ™ of course!), with a new radar-equipped cockpit by Dels. Skins are still in bmp format, making it usable in all SF2 merged game installs with access to the A-1H.lod. All markings are decals and are Randomized. BuNums are accurate for the aircraft variant depicted, but not for the actual ones used by the squadrons; consider them 'generic' for that purpose.
    The 'USMC50s' pilot figure, AN/APS-4 radar pod and engine sounds are included. All weapons are included* (simple edits can make the stock 3W ones usable, if one has Expansion Pak 1).
    Wingfold is NOT activated, but the canopy is. Use the Usual Suspect (shift/0) to open and close it. All lighting is histerically correct.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them.
    Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
    When in-game, you'll see "AD-4 Skyraider (3W)" on the selection drop-down.
    Happy Hunting!
    kevin stein
    *excepting torpedoes for attacking the Hwachon Dam


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  10. Flyable A-1H/J Skyraider for SF2V Ver 1.0

    This mod makes the stock A-1H/J's from SF2V flyable using a cockpit created by me.
    It also incorporates all the skins The Wrench has released for the Skyraider.
    Read the readme.txt for full details and credits etc.


       (11 reviews)



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