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2 files

  1. F-11F-1 Tiger for SF2

    Grumman F-11F-1 Tiger
    -- For SF2, Any and All --
    This is an upgrade package of the F-11F by Fleet Defender & Co (originally released in 2005). All the skins and decals have been updated, with many new ones created. Ini edits fix the overbright landing light; other tweeks add new AI sections, place weapons more centered on the pylons, round count corrected, and some other minor adjustments. A new avionics ini is included, that adds the radar ranging gunsight. The cockpit used is the stock A-4B Skyhawk, which is available in all versions of SF2, excepting stand-alone SF2:I mods folders. Merged installs should have no issues whatsomever. The lead-computing gunsight statements have also been added.
    4 skins and decals are included in this pak (all that I could find!). They are:
    VA-156 (which became VF-111 in 1959)
    Skins are by various artists, hopefully listed (correctly!) in the Credits below. Several of the skins were repainted, from a partial template I created, to remove the painted on Modex numbers. These are now all decals.
    Weapons included are just the 150 gallon drop tank; all others use stock in-game items.
    I've added several Mission profiles that I'm sure the actual aircraft did NOT perform (Strike, CAS, Armed Recon, and Anti-Ship). They're there for the playability factor. If you don't want to perform them, just edit them out of the data ini.
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. Also, as usual, the expected 'Notes and Other Nonesense' comments by me.
    A full credits listing of those that worked on it, or contributed parts are below, and in the original release readme included.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


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  2. F-11A Tiger (F11F-1)

    Grumman F-11A (F11F-1) for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
    by Fleet-Defender and Team
    F11F-1 Team:
    3D Model: Fleet-Defender
    Texture Mapping: BPAO
    Additional 3D: Crab_02
    Skins: Marcello
    Decals: Crab_02
    Drop Tanks: Crab_02
    Flight Model: Column5
    Special thanks to: Sony Tuckson
    VF-21 skin by Julhelm
    VA-156 skin by Paul Nortess
    Optional Hangar screen by Wrench & MiGBuster (2009)
    SF2 updates, and other changes MiGBuster (July 2009)
    The Grumman Tiger was procured in the late 1950s as a hedge against any failure or delay in the F-8 Crusader program. When the Crusader proved a great success, the Tiger became redundant and was quickly phased out of service. It was an agile aircraft and considered to be easy to fly, a factor which led to its adoption by the Blue Angels.
    Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


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