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7 files

  1. MiG-15bis R1/3 "Photobis" & SB "Fagot-B"

    The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 (NATO reporting name: "Fagot") is a jet fighter developed for the Soviet Union by Mikoyan-Gurevich OKB. The MiG-15 was one of the first successful swept-wing jet fighters, and it achieved fame in the skies over Korea, where early in the war, it outclassed all straight-winged enemy fighters in most applications. The MiG-15 also served as the starting point for development of the more advanced MiG-17. The MiG-15 is believed to have been one of the most widely produced jet aircraft ever made, with over 12,000 built. Licensed foreign production perhaps raised the total to over 18,000.The MiG-15 is often mentioned along with the North American F-86 Sabre as among the best fighter aircraft of the Korean War and in comparisons with fighters of other eras.
    Inside this 3rd and last pack (special versions):
    - MiG-15bisR-F1 "Photobis" recon base version with 2 guns and camera;
    - MiG-15bisR-F3 "Photobis" Czech recon version with 1 guns, bigger fuel tanks and camera;
    - MiG-15bisSB "Fagot-B" Czech jabo/fighter bomber conversion with two extra pylons added;
    - 10 all around the world users skins;
    - a lot of historical decals;
    - all data tweaked;
    - pilots, sounds, weapons;
    - screens;
    - Openable canopy (key 10) closing at take off;
    - N-37 gun flagged as secondary gun (except for F3) for better ammunitions sparing;
    - working cameras for R1/3 (key pagdown twice)
    - Tk (aka Tw) for Exp. 1;
    - Stary for the long awaited great pit;
    - Spillone104 for pylons, sounds, edits, help, testings ......
    - Y.Gordon for his Aerofax "bible" book;
    - paulopanz (me) for skins, decals and edits
    - Exp. 1 needed
    - My MiG-15bis pack needed
    - Copy all in your mod folder and overwrite
    - remember to configure from control options panel the secondary guns key
    @ paulopanz


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  2. MiG-15bis "Fagot-B"

    The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 (NATO reporting name: "Fagot") is a jet fighter developed for the Soviet Union by Mikoyan-Gurevich OKB. The MiG-15 was one of the first successful swept-wing jet fighters, and it achieved fame in the skies over Korea, where early in the war, it outclassed all straight-winged enemy fighters in most applications. The MiG-15 also served as the starting point for development of the more advanced MiG-17. The MiG-15 is believed to have been one of the most widely produced jet aircraft ever made, with over 12,000 built. Licensed foreign production perhaps raised the total to over 18,000.The MiG-15 is often mentioned along with the North American F-86 Sabre as among the best fighter aircraft of the Korean War and in comparisons with fighters of other eras.
    Inside this 2nd pack:
    - MiG-15bis "Fagot B" (S-103/Lim-2) main production version flyable using Stary's magnificent pit;
    - 43 all around the world users skins;
    - a tonn of historical decals;
    - all data tweaked;
    - pilots, sounds, weapons;
    - screens;
    - Openable canopy (key 10) closing at take off;
    - N-37 gun flagged as secondary gun for better ammunitions sparing;
    - MiG-15.ini file is locked to add new skins right click and allow editing;
    - Restore settings for post patch flyable recovery provided;
    - Tk (aka Tw) for Exp. 1;
    - Stary for the long awaited great pit;
    - Spillone104 for sounds, edits, help, testings ......
    - Pasko for 300 tanks;
    - Gaunt for Hungarian refereces;
    - Y.Gordon for his Aerofax "bible" book;
    - paulopanz (me) for skins, decals and edits
    - Exp. 1 needed
    - Copy all in your mod folder and overwrite
    - remember to configure from control options panel the secondary guns key
    @ paulopanz
    PS: Check the previous MiG-15 UTI pack too ...
    (2. to be continued ......)


       (10 reviews)



  3. MiG-15 UTI Midget Collector Edition

    A variety of MiG-15 variants were built, but the most common was the MiG-15UTI (NATO reporting name "Midget") two-seat trainer.
    Because Mikoyan-Gurevich never mass-produced the transition training versions of the later MiG-17 or MiG-19, the MiG-15UTI remained the sole Warsaw Pact advanced jet trainer well into the 1970s.
    A whole new SF-2 edition for an old plane:
    - New / Remade Skins: Albania, Algeria, Indonesia (3), Bulgaria (2),
    Cambodia, Congo, Cuba (2), Czechoslovakia (2), Egypt (3),
    Romania, Finlandia (2), Guinea, Iraq (2), East Germany (2),
    Hungary, Mozambique, Nigeria, China (2),Pakistan, Poland (6), Syria,
    Somalia, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Vietnam
    - Fixed some data entries
    - Great Stary's Pit fitted
    - Hangar & SCreens jpg
    - Pilot, Gun, Weapons & Sound included
    - All in any SF-2 Mod folder NA included
    - Pasko: Model
    - Stary: Cockpit
    - Suhsjake: Temps
    - Spillone104: Sounds
    - Wrench: First SF-2 edition
    Inside skin folders You will find pics, history references and single original skin remade credits.


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  4. MiG-15/15SB "Fagot-A"

    The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 (NATO reporting name: "Fagot") is a jet fighter developed for the Soviet Union by Mikoyan-Gurevich OKB.
    The MiG-15 was one of the first successful swept-wing jet fighters, and it achieved fame in the skies over Korea, where early in the war, it outclassed all straight-winged enemy fighters in most applications.
    The MiG-15 also served as the starting point for development of the more advanced MiG-17.
    The MiG-15 is believed to have been one of the most widely produced jet aircraft ever made, with over 12,000 built.
    Licensed foreign production perhaps raised the total to over 18,000.
    The MiG-15 is often mentioned along with the North American F-86 Sabre as among the best fighter aircraft of the Korean War and in comparisons with fighters of other eras.
    Inside this 1st pack:
    - MiG-15 "Fagot A" (S-102/Lim-1/J-2) first production version flyable using Stary's magnificent pit;
    - MiG-15SB "Fagot A" czech single-seat fighter bomber version using Spillone's perfect pylons;
    - 28 all around the world users skins;
    - a tonn of historical decals;
    - all data tweaked;
    - pilots, sounds, weapons;
    - screens;
    - Openable canopy (key 10) closing at take off;
    - N-37 gun flagged as secondary gun for better ammunitions sparing;
    - MiG-15.ini file is locked to add new skins right click and allow editing;
    - Restore settings for post patch flyable recovery provided;
    - Tk (aka Tw) for the underated Exp. 2;
    - Stary for the long awaited great pit;
    - Spillone104 for pylons, sounds, edits, help, testings ......
    - Pasko for 150 tanks;
    - Gaunt for Hungarian refereces;
    - Y.Gordon for his Aerofax "bible" book;
    - paulopanz (me) for skins, decals and edits
    - Exp. 2 needed
    - Copy all in your mod folder and overwrite
    - remember to configure from control options panel the secondary guns key
    This mod is dedicated to Kevin who made a fantastic work here to upgrade and improve day by day this little great sim and often made my wishes come true .....
    @ paulopanz
    (1. to be continued ......)


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  5. SF2 MiG-15bis Fagot-B, KAW

    SF2 Korean War Era MiG-15bis Pak
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged =WITH= SF2I ExpansionPak 1 (Required!!!) =
    *Note: you must have SF2I Expansion Pak 1 to gain access to the MiG-15bis lod!! Without it, this mod will do you no good!!*
    This is a reskin/nationalization of the stock 3W MiG-15bis Fagot-B for use in a KAW envrionment.
    The data ini (FM) is exceedingly close to RealLife. The 'nation name' and userlist have been limited to China and NKorea. Not only will this 'fix' the aircraft to KAW, but it will also NOT be overwritten by patching or the game-generated random re-rwrites that kill all AI-only aircraft made User-Flyable.
    There are 2 skins supplied, all in jpg format:
    NK2- a generic silver with red nose and fin top
    NKSilver- which is my "The Hunters" MiG skin (aka "Casey Jones" 7-11 skin)
    Decal radomization is set to TRUE
    When in-game, you'll see
    MiG-15bis "Fagot-B" (NK)
    on the aircraft selection drop-down menu.
    The window opens with the standard animaion keystroke, shift/0.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (7 reviews)



  6. Mig-15UTI Midget by Pakso, SF2 Updated Pak

    MiG-15UTI "Midget" Jet Trainer by Pasko, for SF2
    =For SF2, Any and All (but Full-4 Merged Prefered/Reccomended)
    Modification, tweeks, compilations and other adjustments to Pasko's MiG-15UTI trainer, to bring in more in line with SF2 requirements.
    Data ini tweeks include an all new FM, based off the stock 15bis; please note that as that is usually an AI-only aircraft, there may be some small issues. Fly accordingly.
    Several skin/decal sets have been compiled from the Archives, to try and present as complete a set as possible. Included skins are:
    Soviet Silver
    EAF Silver
    LSK Silver
    Mozambique (a pale blue)
    Desert camo (Iraqi)
    Also included are the weapons (ok, the slipper-style drop tank), 'Early MiG' pilot figures and M15 seat, and the VK-1 sound. New Post-Oct patch SF2 hangar screens are included, rebuilt from the original 2004 release version. As expected, the canopy still operates via the standard or garden variety manual animation keystroke -shift/0.
    Is should be noted, that most of the original work was done by suhjake, and is taken from his MiG-15bis & 15UTI pack from 2009 (available here at CA). I just did a little fine tuning and compiling. THIS pak replaces the UTI from that one.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! As always, the usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff.
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (1 review)



  7. MiG-15bis and UTI for SF2 v1.3

    MiG-15bis and UTI brought close to SF2 standards. Only has Silver Skins.
    v1.1 (29 March, 2009)
    -Updated Engine Data based on the IL-28
    -New Canopy System (animation key 10)
    -Disabled Second and Third LOD on bis due to errors
    -Added MiG-15Engine.WAV by Tazkiller
    v1.2 (30 March, 2009)
    -Added Ordway's MiG-15bis Cockpit
    -Updated Cockpit Seat Position
    -Ejection Seat fuctional
    -All Units changed to Metric System
    v1.3 (21 November, 2009)
    -Updated damageholes to dds format
    -Added Tank (ops)
    -Added 12.7 UBK for UTI
    -Added Early VVS Pilot
    -Ground Destroyed model added
    -FM Updted
    -Bis Wing Textures updated
    -UserLists Added
    -Short Name Added
    Template can be found HERE.
    Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms. Visit the URL below for more info.


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