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  1. JH-7A Flounder For SF2

    JH-7A Flounder For SF2
    These from Wiki:
    The Xian JH-7 (Jian Hong-7; NATO reporting name Flounder[1]), also known as the FBC-1 (Fighter/Bomber China-1) Flying Leopard, is a two-seater (tandem), twin-engine fighter-bomber in service with the People's Liberation Army Naval Air Force (PLANAF), and the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). The main contractors are Xian Aircraft Industry Corporation (XAC) and the 603nd Aircraft Design Institute,now named First Aircraft Institute of AVIC-1. The first batch of JH-7 aircraft were delivered to the PLANAF in the mid-1990s for evaluation, and the improved JH-7A variant entered service in 2004.
    Skins by YEYEYE
    3D Model by YEYEYE
    Flight Model by Erwin_hans
    INI work by YEYEYE and Erwin_hans
    Effects by YEYEYE and Erwin_hans
    PLAAFpilot by YEYEYE
    Zvezda K-36D Ejection Seat by AleDucat
    SF2 updates by NeverEnough
    1.Unzip the JH-7A.rar
    2.Simply extract the contents of the JH-7A folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 folder.
    3.Then............enjoy it
    This is a very nice model of a modern Chinese attack aircraft. The original BETA release has been tuned to fix a few small issues. The Weapon Station attachment positions have been adjusted, the landing gear rolling radius has been tweaked, the engine fans rotate correctly, and the drag parachute works. This bird is nice to look at and brutally efficient at attack and shipping strikes. For any air-to-air work, the PL-8 heaters get the job done!
    Shift 0 will open and close the canopy, and the drag parachute will deploy when the airbrakes are activated on the runway.
    ******** EVERYONE CAN USE THESE MODELS for all Third Wire projects, as you want.************************
    ----------------Inksy Group 2008


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