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1 file

  1. Ka-29 Helix-B

    This model represents the Ka-29 Helix-B assault helicopter in service with the Russian armed forces. It is a development of the Ka-27 naval helicopter and primarily designed for amphibious assault.
    I created this mod as "practice" using a free model I downloaded long ago. The skin is rather low-res and I have not made any attempt at improving it. However, I did create slow/fast rotors, animated doors and shock absorbers, as well as lights and weapons. The flight model is a work in progress. See the readme for full details.
    No cockpit is included by default; use whatever you have available. Please feel free to post improvements to the skin and/or flight model.
    Cockpit doors: Shift+0
    Cabin doors: Shift+9


       (7 reviews)



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