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30 files

  1. SF2 Korean War Era USAF ANG F-84E Skin Pak

    SF2 Korean War Era USAF ANG F-84E Skin Pak
    = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    The pak contains 2 new skins for the RussoUK's F-84E, and is designed to be used with my Thunderjet pak found at CA at the following URL:
    Skins/decal sets included are for the:
    154th FBS, 136th FBW (Arkansas ANG)
    159th FBS, 116th FBW (Florida ANG)
    All new, 100% historically correct serial and BuzzNumber decals have been created for all skins.Those skins have stars (*) in their number lists next to the ID number, denoting those with 100% positive identification. Those without stars (*) served in the KTO, but I was unable to run down exactly which wing/squadron.
    There are only 18 serial/buzz numbers for each aircraft. All decals are Randomized.
    Also included is a small update for the 7/8/9th FBS skins; the addition of the squadron patch for the 'paint chip' seen on the Loadout Screen.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, fairly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)



  2. F-84F BAF Camo

    This is a Belgian F-84F true camouflage, with the correct tail markings!
    Mine was just an idea, all credit goes Paulopanz.


       (2 reviews)



  3. RF-84F Thunderflash AMI

    Il Republic F-84F Thunderstreak è stato un turbogetto statunitense con ala a frecccia e compiti di caccia-bombardiere. Nonostante fosse un'evoluzione del F-84 Thunderjet con ala dritta, l'F-84F fu un nuovo progetto. Il RF-84F Thunderflash era una versione da ricognizione fotografica. L'A.M.I. ricevette 78 macchine e le usò operativamente dal 1955 al 1973.
    Cosa abbiamo:
    - 3 nuove livree;
    - Decals storici;
    - Apertura tettuccio animazione 10, chiusura automatica al decollo, aperto se parcheggiato;
    - loadout.tga;
    - AMI Service & Mod Notes
    - Stefano Steve "S" - livrea Originale 18° Gruppo per SF-1;
    - Wrench/Eburger68 - precedenti modifiche ai files.ini;
    - Luigino caliaro - Thunder Tricolori;
    - http://www.millionmonkeytheater.com/ForgottenJets.html - Seriali;
    - Paulopanz - livree & Decals;
    - mettere tutto il contenuto della cartella "mod" nell'installazione prescelta;
    - sovrascrivere;
    E' tutto.
    @ paulopanz
    The Republic F-84F Thunderstreak was an American-built swept-wing turbojet fighter-bomber. While an evolutionary development of the straight-wing F-84 Thunderjet, the F-84F was a new design.The RF-84F Thunderflash was a photo reconnaissance version N. 78 planes delivered to A.M.I. and served from 1955 to 1973.
    What's in:
    - 3 new skins;
    - Historical decalsets;
    - open canopy 10 key, automatic closing at take off, paking open.
    - loadout.tga;
    - AMI Service & Mod Notes;
    - Stefano Steve "S" - Original SF-1 18° Gruppo Skin;
    - Wrench/Eburger68 - previous ini edits and tweak;
    - Luigino caliaro - Thunder Tricolori book;
    - http://www.millionmonkeytheater.com/ForgottenJets.html - Serials;
    - Paulopanz - Skins & Decals;
    - all mod folder content in your mod install
    - overwrite
    That's all
    @ paulopanz


       (3 reviews)



  4. RF-84F Thunderflash RDAF

    The Republic F-84F Thunderstreak was an American-built swept-wing turbojet fighter-bomber. While an evolutionary development of the straight-wing F-84 Thunderjet, the F-84F was a new design. N. 23 planes were delivered to RDAF and served from 1957 to 1971
    What's in:
    - 3 new skins (1 silver; 2 camo);
    - Historical decalsets;
    - Soulfreak - Templates;
    - Ole Nikolajsen - History & Album of RDAF;
    - Paulopanz - Skins & Decals;
    - all mod folder content in your mod install
    - overwrite
    That's all
    @ paulopanz


       (0 reviews)



  5. SF2 3W F-84F "Thunderstreak" USAF & ANG Skin Pak

    SF2 3W F-84F "Thunderstreak" USAF & ANG Skin Pak 5/17/15
    -- For FULL-5 Merged SF2 WITH SF2E Expansion Pak 2!!! --
    *Note: MUST have (whichever!) Expansion Pack gave use the F-84F Thunderstreak. IIRC, it was SF2E Expansion Pack 2*
    Here are several new skins for the stock 3rd Wire F-84F Thunderstreak (this is the swept wing one, not the slab-winged C/D/E/G). These represent USAF and Air National Guard units in the 1950s through the A/Cs retirment in 1971 (ish). This packge ONLY contains skins and decals. I've not supplied any parts for you to make it Player Flyable ™. There are other mods that do that.
    You have:
    55th TFS, 20th FBW (1950s, based in the UK, in NM)
    182nd TFS, Texas Air Guard (post-68 in SEA Camo)
    119th TFS, New Jersey Air Guard (circa 1961-ish, in NM)
    Most markings are decals, excepting the 55ths color bands. Decal randomization is TRUE. For the 55th, those numbers displaying a star (*) on the loadout screen (individual aircraft dropdown) are 100% historically correct for the unit. Those withOUT the star, while having served with the 20th FBW, could not be traced to a specific squadron.
    The other two units use "generic" sets, either created by me, or in the case of the 119th, using stock 3W number decals.
    The SF2 "date switch" is used for the 182nd, activating it automatically in 1969. By that time, all remaining American units HAD been swtiched to SEA camo.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them! And have fun!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (4 reviews)



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