8 files
SF2 WW2 F8F-1 Bearcat (PTO)
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 F8F-1 Bearcat 7/22/2016
"A Somewhat What If aircraft for WW2 PTO '46"
***Note: Due to massive changes in the skins, decals, and inis, if you have created a WW2 Version of the Bearcat, you ARE advised to move, remove, rename or otherwise hide it from the Game Engine. THIS mod will cause conflicts, due to aforementioned changes, with many of the original parts.***
This full aircraft package includes mods to Geo's F8F Bearcat, (re)creating the original 600-odd F8F-1 versions as deployed from August, 1945, just as the War ended. I've made the assumption, for PTO '46 users, that the A-Bombs, for whatever reason, were not used and the aircraft entered full squadron service for Operations Olympic and Coronet.
See the 'Changes' section in the "Notes" below.
The package includes 2 skin & decal sets:
VF-19 (USS Langley, CVL-27) as seen in 8/45, enroute to the War Zone, as the war ended)
VF-3 (USS Coral Sea, if the CVB class carriers had entered the war in the later parts of 1945)
With the exception of the nation marking, which remain painted on, all other markings are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. Many are by Geo from the original release. Other (modex) are by me. The ship code letters ARE correct for the late 45 thru late 46 time frame. The skins have been partly repained to remove the incorrect "G" system marking used on the orignal VF-19 skin. Skins remain in bmp format. As they carry no markings, this will allow other skinners the freedom to create other carrier air group codes, although new modex numbers will probably be required as well.
The hangar screen is an SF2 version of my 1st Gen "Box Art" one.
All weapons (drop tanks), sounds and a pilot figure are included. Other weapons used (rocket, bombs, etc) use those you should already have in the WW2 Weapons Pack.
The canopy opens with the standard keystroke, Shift/0 (zero). Wingfold is =NOT= active, as it never was when originally released in 2006. The aircraft is NOT exported, having only the single user, the US Navy.
The aircraft has been given a Service Start Date of of July, 1945. The data ini contains a new (if somewhat experimental FM, but MUCH closer to stated performances). It may require further fine tuning by experts; to that end I've included the USN BuAer's "Standard Performance" chart PDF within the main aircraft folder. This is for those remaining FM gurus to use, if they wish, to further refine the FM.
As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. PLEASE read it before installing, ok?
As always, read the "Notes" section for notes and other ramblings
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2 WW2 PTO F6F Hellcat Pak
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 F6F-3, F6F-5, F6F-5N Hellcats by Geo (and wrench)
-- Something for the PTO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*There is a distinct possibility that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. Also, the destroyed model references the SF2V Skyraider; hence the Full-5 Merged Prefered. Quite useful due to SF2NA carrier-coding, which is used herein*
This is a compilation of all my work for Geo's F6F-3 Hellcat, and includes the 2 'new aircraft' built from the original -3, as previously seen for 1stGens some years back. This pak is desinged to COMPLETLY replace any/all the 1stGen Mods I've released in the past.
F6F-3 - mid war TriColor (Geo's original skin) with 2 skins
F6F-5 - late war overall Dark Gloss Blue with 3 skins
F6f-5N* - (Radar Equipped Nightfighter) with 2 skins (USN & USMC)
*the cockpit has been swapped out for TMF's F4U-5N's pit -- even though slightly 'off' in insturment placment, everything works on it much better than the original. Radar ranges ARE correct.
All have semi-compliant SF2 Flight Models, but may need further fine tuning by experts. I feel it actually flys TOO well/easy; having spoken to real Hellcat pilots (one of my High School shop teachers flew them at the war's end -didn't get into combat, though).
Skins are still in their original TGA format (oddly, withOUT an Alpha, and apparently NOT convertable to jpg without LOD work - I'm NOT doing any Hex Editing to find out) and decal randomization is set to TRUE.
SF2NA 'carrier based' statment have been added to the data ini; unfortunately, the wings do NOT fold. However, the canopy opens via the Usual Suspect animiation keystroke, Shift/0
Many NEW decals have been created, as the Navy expanded it's number of fighters on the boat in 44-45 to around 70 per ship, displacing Dive and Torpedo bombers. (ie: 35-36 per squadron)
Userlists are included for those aircraft, being 'exported' which means USN & USMC for the -5N; no references have been found citing USMC usage for any other version (I guess they liked their Corsairs better!)
SF2 versions of the old 'box art' Hangars are included for those that had them.
Sounds, weapons are included; included a 'new build' F6F-3 tank in NonSpec gray for early useage.
As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
All readmes from the original releases, and re-releases, are included where discoverable from the archives.
Happy Hunting!
kevin stein
with thanks to Geo for creating this bird!
SF2 WW2 PTO - F4F Wildcats and SBD Dauntless
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 F4F-3/4 Wildcat, SBD-3/5 Dauntless
-- Something for the PTO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*There is a possibility that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the
excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment.*
This is a compilation of all my work for Wolf's SBD Dauntless and Pasko's F4F Wildcat. It is
designed to replace ALL the previously released versions. So, be advised.
There are 5 aircraft in this pak:
F4F-3 (pre- and early war)
F4F-4 (early war to mid-43
FM-2 (mid to late war -this is a stand in aircraft, based on the -4)
SBD-3 (pre and early war, to mid-43 -includes RNZAF skin)
SBD-5 (mid war, tri-color)
and ???? a surprise!
All have semi-compliant SF2 Flight Models, but they REALLLLLLY do need further fine tuning by
experts. All lighting on all aircraft is 100% historically correct. All are carrier capable, with
the SF2NA statments for those (ok, 2) aircraft with folding wings
Use Shift/0 to open the window, and Shift/9 to fold the wings -Wilcat ONLY!
All skins are in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. I've tried, as best as
possible, to use the 'StartDefaultDate' on all skins to limit the availability for pre-War markings
from those that came into being post-January, 1942. The -4 'cats have skins that start 1/42, and
the Dauntless has the same pre and post 1/42 starts. Hopefully, they will work as they should.
Userlists are included for all aircraft, as being 'exported' means USN, USMC, and in the SBD-3's
case, RNZAF.SF2 versions of the old 'box art' Hangars are included for those that had them.
Sounds, weapons are included. Also, for you enjoyment, a never-before-released-to-the-public
"Surprise" aircraft. Yes, its a total stand-in, and dosen't really even look like what it
represents, but ... you can have to fun with it (flying for the Red Side, that is, attacking it.)
As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please
read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
All readmes from the original releases, and re-releases, are included where discoverable from the
Happy Hunting!
kevin stein
SF2 WW2 FAA Grumman Martlet I, III and IV
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 FAA Grumman Martlet I, III and IV
-- Something for the WW2 ETO/MTO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*There is a possibility that this mod may work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, but due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment, it may not without serious editing.*
*Full-5 Perfered, as these aircraft make use of the SF2NA Carrier-basing statements*
Further mods and rebuilds to Pasko's Wildcat, recreate Royal Navy Martlets. This is a compilation, in some respects, of all the RN Wildcat mods. However, most of the skins and decals ARE new builds.
Aircraft and Skins in the Pak are...
Martlet I/III
804 Squadron (originally land based in the Orkneys)
805 Squadron (semi-fictional "what-if" based aboard HMS Eagle in the Eastern Med)
805 Squadron (Land based, Western Desert -standard RAF Desert Camo)
Martlet IV
819 Squadron (? or was it 891?) based aboard HMS Activity (??, well, escort carriers in the North Atlantic)
It should be noted the 'standard FAA camo scheme' used (except on 805DAF) is usable anywhere in the ETO or MTO for the timeframe these aircraft were in operation.
Like the USN Wildcats, the Standard Animation Keystorkes are used for the Canopy (Shfit/0), and Wingfold (Martlet IV -ONLY!-), is Shift/9.
Sounds, pilot figure and weapons are included, as are new SF2 versions of the Hangar screen. A new cockpit by Stary is used for both; his 'generic' Early WW2 pit.
AND!!! by acting now and downloading this mod, you get an extra expecial BONUS!!!
Attacker Class CVEs
Modded (once again), from the USN CVE, which is in fact a mod of Hinchbrook's MAC. All set up, SF2NA-wise for use by the Royal Navy!!
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
Both Pasko's original Wildcat, and my original Martlet release readmes are included. Give them a perusal; there's some (semi) historical notes and stuff that might be of interest. As always, I hope I got everyone in the Credits.
Happy Hunting!
kevin stein
SF2 French Navy F6F-5 Hellcat and F4U-7 Corsair
By Wrench
SF2 French Navy F6F-5 Hellcat and F4U-7 Corsair
= For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
This pak could also be called "Post-War French Naval Aviation".
*Note: There is a distinct probability that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However, some data ini and other statements will =NOT= be in effect in 1stGen SF/Wo* at any patch level (with the possible exception of WoI plus it's ExpansionPak -this has not been tested, as I ONLY mod for SF2). It is designed for use in SF2/SF2NA, at the most CURRENT patch level. Your milage will vary!*
*Note x2: built/tested in the SF2NA Environment; Again, your milage will vary*
The pack contains the following aircraft, skin/decal sets:
F6F-5 Hellcat:
Flotille 1, aboard Arromanches, early 1950s in Indochina
F4U-7 Corsair:
Flotille 14, aboard Arromanches 1950s, Indochina
Flotille 15, circa 1956, with Suez yellow/black 'Invasion Stripes'
FMs have been adjusted as per the KAW Corsairs, and the WW2 USN Hellcat. Skins on the Corsair have been conveted to jpg format; the skin for the Hellcat remains in tga format. Decal randomization is TRUE for all.
Both aircraft are "stand alone versions", nationalized for French Navy usage.
All sounds, weapons, pilot figures, etc are included. New SF2-style hangar screens were created for both aircraft.
The canopy for both works via Standard Animation Keystroke; Shift/0. The wingfold on the Hellcat does NOT work; however, the Corsair's does (I didn't break this one!). Use it's Standard Animation Keystroke; Shift/9.
Both aircraft are fully carrier capable in the SF2/SF2NA environment.
When in-game, you'll see
F6F-5 Hellcat (FN)
F4U-7 Corsair (FN)
in the Aircraft Selection Drop-down window.
As a bonus, included are also Optional modifications to the following terrains:
These have modified _water.bmps that have the 'green CV Zones' added. V-SEA has them approximatly for Yankee & Dixie stations. IME has them approximately for Operation Musketeer (56 Suez Crisis). Both terrain's main and nations' ini have been expanded to include 'FrenchNavy'.
Also, you'll be needing to extract the Game's Nations.ini, and make one small adjustment to it. Instructions are below, in the "To Install" section.
And.. by downloading now, an extra added bonus!!! a couple of FN ships:
R95 Arromanches aircraft carrier, from PauloPanz's "9 Carriers" mod pak (with minor changes by me)
Le Brix class destroyers, based on Hinchbrooks' C-Class DD. A pure stand-in; but something was needed for the CVBG. This will have to suffice for now.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth.
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat (*) Indochina
By paulopanz
Post war use in Indochina by Aéronavale (CV Arromanches, La Fayette, Bois Belleau) and Armée de l'Air
of this Hellcat version was the last war duty for this plane.
(*) This is not a complete plane You need these lods files from A-TEAM site
- F6F5-R1a.LOD
- F6F-Dest.LOD
What's in:
- a dedicated post war French Hellcat SF-2
- 7 Aéronavale skins
- 2 Armée de l'Air skins
- pilot/weapons/sounds included
- screens
- wingfold (Key=9) opens at take off
- A-TEAM & Capun for model & temps
- put the F6F5-R1a.LOD & F6F-Dest.LOD in F6F-5 folder
- transfer all in main mod folder
@ paulopanz
Grumman F8F Bearcat
By paulopanz
The Bercat was the swansong of USN piston-engine planes.
Geo made a fantastic plane and I asked him to upgrade and fix,
but he's out of modding and not aswered my request to share
source files to allow someonelse to do it.
At last I decided to upload the skins I made and the old ones
I upgraded.
The plane tunded for SF-2 has shadows turned off due the ropes I'ld like to cut.
But the pilot and the included weapons naven't shadow too, so
maybe it's not so bad to look at.
Anyway take it as is, if you like.
It's old but quite gold.
What's in:
8 - French Indochina Skins
1 - NVPAF Skins
3 - USN skins
4 - RTAF skins
- SF-2 last patch upgrade
- Geo
- All in main mod folder
@ paulopanz
F7F-1 Tigercat SF-2 Update
By baffmeister
An SF-2 update for Geo's F7F-1 Tigercat with original Lods, skin and decals.
Also includes a choice of two cockpits, Geo's WW2 navy pilot, an aircraft specific Tiny Tim rocket, a new FM and a few other odds and ends.
1.] Geo, for the Tigercat model, skin and decals as well as the 300gal drop tank and the WW2 Navy pilot.
2.] Zurawski, for the original Sabre pit.
3.] TMF, for the F4U pit and probably for the F4U-7 engine sound.
4.] Cliff11 for some new gauges and ini edits used in the modified Sabre pit. Also for putting together the 150gal drop tanks.
5.] Baffmeister, Cliff11, Charles and ThirdWire for the FM.
Install instructions included in the readme.
WAIVERS: For freeware use only, commercial use not permitted!
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