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17 files

  1. F4U-1D Corsair

    New 3-D model of Mod-Mafia's F4U-1D by Sundowner.
    This package includes 6 new skins (3 Navy + 3 Marines), among them 2 basic
    skins for use in WW2 Pacific campaigns/mods.
    Skins included:
    Also included are a WW2 pilot and external fuel tanks.

    Thanks to Sundowner and the Mod-Mafia team for the 3-D model and templates.


       (1 review)



  2. SF2 KW Era (1950s) F4U-5 Corsair Pak by TMF/MM

    SF2 KW Era (1950s) F4U-5 Corsair Pak by TMF/MM 6/20/2014
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *** ***
    This package contains a modded version of the TMF/MM F4U-5 (built from the radar equipped nightfighter version, the -5NL), with various components removed. Almost all data ini edits (removals and such) were performed by CrazyhorseB34. Minor adjustments by me.
    This pak represents F4U-5 Corsair fighter-bombers in the early and mid 1950s.
    Skins/Decal sets are included for the following units:
    VF-14 "Tophatters" (CV-18 Med '51-52)
    VMA-212 "Devil Cats" (possibly in Korea?)
    The aircraft is fully carrier-capable, with all the SF2NA coding for deck 'parking'.
    Skins are in jpg format. Most markings are decals and Decal Randomization is TRUE.
    Weapons are not included; you should have them already. However, the pilot and engine sounds are.
    Standard Animations Keystrokes ™ are used for the canopy (Shift/0) and wing fold (shift/9).
    As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them before installing. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
    Good Hunting, and Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    with thanks to CrazyhorseB34!!


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  3. SF2 KAW F4U-4/F4U-4B Corsair Pak, Ver 2 by TMF/MM

    SF2 KAW F4U-4/F4U-4B Corsair Pak, Ver 2 by TMF/MM 6/18/2014
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    ***Note: This pack replaces in total the TMF F4U-4 & F4U-4B Corsairs for KAW that were released several years ago. If you have the original KAW versions in you KAW mods folder, you =MUST= delete the F4U-4 and F4U-4B aircraft & decal folders from your game -BEFORE- installing this version. There have been a NUMBER of changes, and having the original still around =will= cause conflicts. In particular, this mod makes use of the TMF F4U-7.lod, with various components removed. As this aircraft uses SF2NA coding for carrier operations, having a Full-5 Merged install is a reccomended requirement. Those that "disapprove" of using the -7 Lod are cordially invited, and encouraged, =NOT= to download this mod. You have been warned!! ***
    This package contains remods of the F4U-4/-4B Corsairs for use during the Korean War. There are 2 complete aircraft in this pak, with a ship-load of skins/decal sets.
    If you have the originals from the "KAW Corsairs Pak" issued in 2013, you are advised to either delete or otherwise remove =BOTH= the aircraft and decals subfolders. These are designed to REPLACE, in total, those older orignal versions.
    The AU-1 and F4U-5NL are NOT in this pak; only the -4s
    Several new skin sets by CrazyHorseB34 have been added to this package They are marked with a star (*) below. Skins/Decal sets are included for the following units:
    VF-24 "Renegades" (USS Boxer, 7/50-11/50)
    VF-32 "Swordsmen" (USS Leyte, 1950-51)*
    VF-63 "Fighting Redcocks" (USS Boxer 2/52-8/52)
    VF-64 "Freelancers" (same as above)
    VF-113 "Stingers"(USS Philippine Sea, 7/50-3/51)
    VF-114 "Excutioners" (same as above)
    VF-193 "Ghostriders" (USS Princeton, 1952)*
    VF-653 "Dragons" (USS Valley Forge, 51-52) *
    VF-871 (USS Essex, 51-52) *
    VF-884 "Bitter Birds" (USS Boxer, 1951 & USS Kearsarge 52-53) *
    VMF-312 "Checkboards" (Shore based, various fields in Korea)
    VF-53 "Iron Angels" (USS Essex 1/51-3/52)
    VF-192 "Golden Dragons" (USS Princeton, 11/51-5/52)
    VF-653 "Dragons" (USS Valley Forge, 51-52) *
    VF-791 "Fighting Rebels" (USS Boxer, 3/51-10/51)
    VMA-323 "Deathrattlers" (shore based, various fields in Korea)
    VMA-332 "Polka Dots" (USS Sicily ?? -flew off CVE)
    VMF-214 "Black Sheep" (shore based)
    *Please note, many Corsair squadrons flew both the -4 and -4B at the same time. There is one 'Easter Egg' squadron (totally fictious), as you all know how I hate wasting good skins/decal sets!!*
    The aircraft is fully carrier-capable, with all the SF2NA coding for deck 'parking'.
    Skins are in jpg format. All markings are decals and Decal Randomization is TRUE. BuNums are accurate for the aircraft variant(s) depicted, but not for the actual ones used by the squadrons; consider them 'generic' for that purpose.
    Like the original pak, all weapons, engine sound and pilot figure are included. The machine guns and cannons are not; these you should have already. A couple of new or updated weapons have been included (see Notes for more details), including new Mk.5 rocket rails by Raven.
    Standard Animations Keystrokes ™ are used for the canopy (Shift/0) and wingfold (shift/9). The aircraft will now appear on the boat, parked properly with folded wings.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them before installing. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
    Good Hunting, and Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (3 reviews)



  4. SF2 WW2 PTO F4U-4 Corsair Pak (TMF/MM) Ver.2

    SF2 WW2 PTO F4U-4 Corsair Pak (TMF/MM) Ver.2 6/18/2014
    = For SF2, (*FUll 5 Merged Reccomended*) =
    Designed for use =ONLY= in a stand-alone SF2NA-based WW2 PTO Mods Folder!!!
    ***Note: This pack replaces it total the TMF F4U-4 Corsair for WW2 that was released
    several years ago. If you have the original WW2 version in you PTO mods folder, you
    =MUST= delete the F4U-4's aircraft folder from your game -BEFORE- installing this
    version. There have been a NUMBER of changes, and having the original still around
    =will= cause conflicts. In particular, this mod makes use of the F4U-7.lod, with
    various components removed. You have been warned!! As this aircraft uses SF2NA coding
    for carrier operations, having a Full-5 Merged install is a reccomended requirement.
    Those that "disapprove" of using the -7 Lod are cordially invited, and encouraged, NOT
    to download this mod.***
    This package contains an updated version of the WW2 TMF/MM F4U-4 Corsair, as seen
    during the Okinawa Campaign through the war's end.
    Unit(s) represented are:
    VBF-6 (aboard USS Hancock)
    VMF-222 "Flying Deuces" (Awase Field, Okinawa)
    All skins are in Jpg format, and decal randomization is TRUE. See 'Notes' for more
    Pilots and the drop tank are included, other weapons (guns, bumbs, et) you should have
    already. However, a new 'rocket rail' by Raven is. Included are several remodded
    weapons (new HVARs), and an updated TinyTim.
    In the loadout ini, there's a special "Anti-Ship_HR" (for Heavy Rocket) loadout that
    replaces the bombs with the Tiny Tims. Of course, one can always swap them out on the
    Loadout Screen.
    The canopy opens/closes with the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0. Wingfold
    is controled by Shift/9. The aircraft is fully carrier capable, as per SF2NA, and now
    will appear on deck, properly parked with folded wings.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So,
    please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. It contains explinations
    and other items that might be interestering to know.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (2 reviews)



  5. Vought/Goodyear FG-1D, FAS (Wolf)

    Vought/Goodyear FG-1D Corsair (F4U-1D) Fuerza Aérea Salvadoreña (El Salvador Air Force) (wolf257)
    -- For SF2, Any and All Versions
    (Full-4 Merged reccomended, and/or SF2V due to the use of the destroyed A-1 Skyraider model*)
    Many modifications and a complete reskin of Wolf257s F4U Corsair into those as used by the El Salvadoran Air Force. This is a complete aircraft, ready to unzip and fly away. Weapons, sounds, skins, decals, etc (for the most part!) are all included. This is basically the version I released in 2009, now uprated for SF2 usage with a new flight model and other minor tweeks.
    This mod makes use of the latest patch level tweeks for randomization of aircraft serial/ID numbers. So, make sure you're at least at June 2011 or above level. Included are a new SF2-style hangar screen, some weapons, engine sound and a pilot figure. A Userlist is included, even though this is a "Nationalized" version. The WW2-era bombs are NOT included; you can find them in the GunnyPak, or edit the loadout ini to use stock 3rdWire ones, if you have SF2:Is Expansion Pak 1.
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install.
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein
    *=unless you download the 'WW2 Destroyed Planes Pak', and edit the data ini to point the wreck of your choice
    (and yes, the appropriate terrain IS still being worked on!!)


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  6. Vought F4U-5 Corsair, Fuerza Aérea Hondureña (Honduran Air Force) (TMF/MM)

    Vought F4U-5 Corsair, Fuerza Aérea Hondureña (Honduran Air Force) (TMF/MM)
    - For SF2, Any and All,
    This is a modification of The Mirage Factory's F4U-7 (French Navy version), into the earlier, and almost identical (albiet modified), F4U-5 version as used by the Honduran Air Force in the 1950s and 60s. TMF original -7 readme is included. This is an SF2 revamp of the version I uploaded a few years ago.
    This mod makes use of the latest patch level tweeks for randomization of aircraft serial/ID numbers. So, make sure you're at least at June 2011 or above level. Included are a new SF2-style hangar screen, some weapons, engine sound and a pilot figure. A Userlist is included, even though this is a "Nationalized" version. The WW2-era bombs are NOT included; you can find them in the GunnyPak, or edit the loadout ini to use stock 3rdWire ones, if you have SF2:Is Expansion Pak 1.
    This is a COMPLETE aircraft, with almost all the trimmings, ready to unzip and fly away. Many tweeks have been performed on this, mostly by Column5 to the FlightModel. Some data ini mods by me (duplicating the HVAR stations) alow for wingfold and the ordanance to "stay put" the pylons. Canopy & wingfold is activated by manual animation keys; use Shift/0 for the canopy, Shift/9 for wingfold. Obviously, the FAH dosen't have carriers, but research indicated that the wingfold was never disabled. As always, all the external lighting has been updated to be historically/mechanically correct.
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. Also, please review the Legal disclaimers at the bottom - some changes have been implimented.
    Special thanks to TMF, and Sony Tuckson in particular for permission to include all the bits and pieces. Many Thanks man!
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (0 reviews)



  7. F4U Corsair, WW2 Pak (Wolf257)

    F4U Corsair WW2 Pak (Wolf257)
    = For SF2, Any & All (Full 5 Merged Reccomended*) =
    Designed for use =ONLY= in a stand-alone SF2-based WW2 PTO Mods Folder!!!
    *Note: Full-5 Merged reccomended, due to the use of SF2NA style 'carrier based' statements in the
    aircraft's data inis. Working WW2-era aircraft carriers (and escorts) are required as well as
    Terrains with working SF2NA-style _water.bmps and NavalMap=TRUE). There is a 98.6% probability that
    this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the excessive modifications made to
    fit them into the SF2 environment.
    Please note, that in the case of NavalMap Terrains, USMC & RNZAF
    aircraft =WILL= be flying off carriers, regardless that said aircraft versions/squadrons did or did
    not in Real Life ™. It's a Game Engine "bug" that can only be fixed by have both a land-based and
    carrier-based version of the aircraft (ie: "Nationalized")*
    This is a compliation of all the work done to date on Wolf257's Corsairs, from 1stGen WW2 mods, converted, adjusted,tweeked, etc, for use in the SF2 environment. This package is designed (read: WILL) replace all other
    previously released versions/variants/mods of these aircraft.
    This package holds 6 complete aircraft, with all their skins and decals:
    Corsair MK.IV (RNFAA- BPF)
    F4U-1 (USMC Birdcage 'Stand In')
    F4U-2 (Radar Equiped Nightfighter; USN, USMC)
    F4U-4 (USN, USMC) *by TMF, specific for WW2*
    For squadrons represented, just look in each aircraft's folder.
    New cockpits, from the TMF -4/-7/AU-1 are being used on the Mk.IV, -1D. The -2 is using the radar-
    equiped cockpit from the -5N. While not fully hisorically correct, they have the proper "look and
    feel" for the era. The -1 & -1A still uses the original Wolf cockpit. With a small "enhancement"
    Data inis (FM), loadouts, userlists, etc meet (almost, FM-wise) the latest standard. All skins are in
    Jpg format, and decal randomization is TURE. See 'Notes' for more details.
    All weapons are included, in SF2 formatting, as are sounds and a pilot figure.
    Supplied, for Optional Use, is a slightly modified SquadronList.ini, with small name changes to some
    USN & USMC squadrons, that may (or may not!) show the correct squadron name on the Loadout Screen.
    Also supplied is a 'backdated' SCB-125_Data.ini for SF2NA users that will allow the anachronism of a
    1950s-era angled-deck Essex class CV to work in WW2 (that also has =NO= working guns!!).
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)



  8. Vought Corsair Mk.II, Royal Navy, ETO (Wolf257)

    Vought Corsair MK.2, RN Fleet Air Arm, ETO
    = For SF2, Any & All (FUll 5 Merged Reccomended*) =
    A little something for the ETO-centric WW2 players!
    Designed for use =ONLY= in a stand-alone SF2-based WW2 ETO Mods Folder!!!
    *Note: Full-5 Merged reccomended, due to the use of SF2NA style 'carrier based' statements in the aircraft's data inis. Working WW2-era aircraft carriers (and escorts) are required as well as Terrains with working SF2NA-style _water.bmps and NavalMap=TRUE). There is a 98.6% probability that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment.*
    **Note x2: this is Wolf's Corsair, NOT the TMF version, available elsewhere
    This pack represents aircraft from 1842 Naval Air Squadron, Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm, embarked on HMS FORMIDABLE during the time frame of the attacks against TIRPITZ.
    Data inis (FM), loadouts, userlist, etc meet (almost, FM-wise) the latest standard. All skins are in Jpg format, and decal randomization is TRUE. A new DDS damage texture is included.
    All weapons are included, in SF2 formatting.
    A new SF2-compliant verison of the original 'box art' Hangar screen is included.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too
    For historical purposes, my original readme from 2007 is included.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (4 reviews)



  9. SF2 WW2 F4U-1 Corsair (Birdcage) by Mod Mafia/TMF

    SF2 WW2 F4U-1 Corsair (Birdcage) by Mod Mafia/TMF
    = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *Note: There is a distinct possibility that this mod may not work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at any patch level, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. End Users ™ that attempt to do so, do so at their own risk. A Full 4/5 Merged install is reccomened; at very minimum, SF2:V is required, as this aricraft references the A-1H's destroyed model*
    *Note #2: this model will REPLACE, in it's entirety, the stand-in I built using Wolf's as a base. You may (well, should!) delete that mod completly*
    A brand "new" model that was never completed when Bpao passed away a few year back. I've been fortunate enough to be allowed to complete his work, as a member of the Mod Mafia.
    This is the eagerly awaited (and wanted!) F4U-1 "Birdcage" Corsair as issued to USMC, and later to USN squadrons.
    Skin/Decals set included are for:
    VMF-124 "Wild Aces", the 1st American unit to take the Corsair into combat in the Solomons. It is finished in the "Non-Specular Blue over NS-grey"
    VF-17 "Jolly Rogers", finished in the 3-tone blue camo
    All skins are in jpg format, Decal Randomization is TRUE. All get new SF2 versions of the original 'box art' hangar screens. Damage textures are the old tga versions. The 124 skin uses painted on National Markings, the "Jolly Rogers" use decals. Either skin version can easily be used to create other operational squadrons of the time period. A userlist is included with proper dates for BOTH USMC and USN operations.
    when 'in game', you'll see "F4U-1 Corsair "Birdcage" (TMF)" in the aircraft drop-down selection window.
    While the aircraft IS carrier capable, historically, the Birdcages saw very limited use aboard ship. The canopy operates via the Standard Animation Keystorke ™ of Shift/0. Breaking with Modder tradition, the wingfold operates via the "airbrakes" key. I didn't change to the standard Shift/9, as the last time I did it, I broke it!. So, it is as it was originally set by Bpao.
    All lighting is historically accurate. WW2 weapons (ie: bombs) are NOT included. You should have them already.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please READ them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein
    For Oli; you are sorely missed!


       (3 reviews)



  10. SF2 WW2 F4U-1A Corsair by Mod Mafia/TMF

    SF2 WW2 F4U-1A Corsair by Mod Mafia/TMF
    = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *Note: There is a distinct possibility that this mod may not work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at any patch level, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. End Users ™ that attempt to do so, do so at their own risk. A Full 4/5 Merged install is reccomened; at very minimum, SF2:V is required, as this aricraft references the A-1H's destroyed model*
    *Note #2: this model will REPLACE, in it's entirety, those using Wolf's as a base. You may (well, should!) delete that mod completly; both aircraft and decals folders. These, again, will replace them.*
    A brand "new" model that was never completed when Bpao passed away a few year back. I've been fortunate enough to be allowed to complete his work, as a member of the Mod Mafia.
    This is the F4U-1A Corsair, as seen from 1944 unitl the end of the War.
    Skin/Decals set included are for:
    VF-17 "Jolly Rogers", USN (now with "tail art" decals)
    VMF-111 "Devil Dogs", USMC
    No. 20 Squadron, RNZAF
    All skins are in jpg format, Decal Randomization is TRUE. A "new" SF2 version of the original 'box art' hangar screen and loading screens are included. Damage textures are the old tga versions.
    All markings are decals; making is supremly easy to recreate other squadrons (unless Modex Numbers are different -you can do your own research and decal creation! :) )
    A user list is included; operational service dates have been rounded to the closest whole Year (ie: 1944).
    The aircraft is fully carrier capable. The canopy operates via the Standard Animation Keystorke ™ of Shift/0. Breaking with Modder Tradition, the wingfold operates via the "airbrakes" key. I didn't change to the standard Shift/9, as the last time I did it, I broke it!. So, it is as it was originally set by Bpao.
    All lighting is historically accurate. WW2 weapons (ie: bombs) are NOT included. You should have them already. The drop tank is, as is the pilot figure and engine sounds (which you may also have already!).
    when 'in game', you'll see "F4U-1A Corsair (TMF)" in the aircraft selection drop-down window. This will diferentiate it from any other -1As you may have.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please READ them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein
    For Oli; you are sorely missed!


       (2 reviews)

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  11. SF2 WW2 F4U-1D Corsair by Mod Mafia/TMF

    SF2 WW2 F4U-1D Corsair by Mod Mafia/TMF
    = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *Note: There is a distinct possibility that this mod =MAY= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. End Users ™ that attempt to do so, do so at their own risk. A Full 4/5 Merged install is reccomened; at very minimum, SF2:V is required, as this aricraft references the A-1H's destroyed model. Also, some of the SF2 only "switches" will NOT work in 1stGens.*
    *Note #2: this model will REPLACE, in it's entirety, those using Wolf's as a base. You may (well, should!) delete that mod completly; both the aircraft and decals folders. These, again, will replace them.*
    A brand "new" model that was never completed when Bpao passed away a few year back. I've been fortunate enough to be allowed to complete his work, as a member of the Mod Mafia.
    This is the F4U-1D Corsair, as seen from 1944 unitl the end of the War.
    Skin/Decals set included are for:
    VF-84, aboard USS BUNKER HILL
    VBF-10, aboard USS INTREPID
    VBF-83, aboard USS ESSEX
    VMF-112, aboard USS BENNINGTON
    VMF-323, land based on Okinawa
    20 Squadron (?), land based SoWesPac. (note: markings may be for No.1 or No.2 Service Unit, the "parent unit" of the squadrons.)
    All skins are in jpg format, Decal Randomization is TRUE. A "new" SF2 version of the original 'box art' hangar screen and loading screens are included. Damage textures are the old tga versions. AND...when selecting the RNZAF Corsair, expect a surprise!!!
    The "prop fix" from the Birdcage and -1A variants has already been applied to the mod.
    USN Air Group markings are the "G" system, and are painted on the skins. This system was used from Jan 1945 to July 1945, when Air Group marking began changing the now in-use "Letter" style. My resarech has shown that many squadron still were using G-symbols on VJ-Day. Decals are used for most other markings, and Randomization is set to TRUE.
    A user list is included; operational service dates have been rounded to the closest whole Year (ie: 1944).
    The aircraft is fully carrier capable. The canopy operates via the Standard Animation Keystorke ™ of Shift/0. Breaking with Modder Tradition, the wingfold operates via the "airbrakes" key. I didn't change to the standard Shift/9, as the last time I did it, I broke it!. So, it is as it was originally set by Bpao.
    All lighting is historically accurate. WW2 weapons (ie: bombs, rockets) are NOT included. You should have them already. The drop tank is, as is the pilot figure and engine sounds (which you may also have already!).
    when 'in game', you'll see "F4U-1D Corsair (TMF)" in the aircraft selection drop-down window. This will diferentiate it from any other -1Ds you may (or may not) have.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please READ them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth.
    Good Hunting!
    For Oli


       (5 reviews)



  12. SF2 WW2 Royal Navy Corsair Mk.1 by Mod Mafia/TMF

    SF2 WW2 Royal Navy Corsair Mk.1 by Mod Mafia/TMF
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    -- Something for the ETO --
    *Note: There is a distinct possibility that this mod =MAY= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. End Users ™ that attempt to do so, do so at their own risk. A Full 4/5 Merged install is reccomened; at very minimum, SF2:V is required, as this aricraft references the A-1H's destroyed model. Also, some of the SF2 only "switches" will NOT work in 1stGens.*
    A brand "new" model that was never completed when Bpao passed away a few year back. I've been fortunate enough to be allowed to complete his work, as a member of the Mod Mafia.
    This is the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm Corsair Mk.1 as seen 1943-ish, when first issued to RN squadron. It should be noted, that almost NONE of the Mk.1s were used in combat, but mostly for training as the Mk.II followed right on it's heels. Essentially, this is the "Birdcage" Corsair. Unlike the Mk.II and Mk.IV, these never got the "clipped wings", and had very limited use aboard RN Carriers. Like the USMC/USN Birdcage, it is fully combat-capable, but in Real Life ™ was rarely used so.
    Skin/Decals are included are for:
    1830 Squadron, as seen at New Brusnwick, Maine (USA) before transport to the UK.
    All skins are in jpg format. Decals are used for all markings, and Randomization is TRUE. A "new" SF2 style hangar screen was created for this aircraft. Damage textures are the old tga versions.
    A user list is included; operational service dates have been rounded to the closest whole Year (ie: 1943), even though its a "Nationalized" version.
    The aircraft is fully carrier capable. The canopy operates via the Standard Animation Keystorke ™ of Shift/0. Breaking with Modder Tradition, the wingfold operates via the "airbrakes" key. I didn't change to the standard Shift/9, as the last time I did it, I broke it!. So, it is as it was originally set by Bpao.
    All lighting is historically accurate. WW2 weapons (ie: bombs, rockets) are NOT included. You should have them already. The drop tank is, as is the pilot figure and engine sounds (which you may also have already!).
    when 'in game', you'll see "Corsair Mk.I "Birdcage" (TMF)" in the aircraft selection drop-down window. This will diferentiate it from any other RN Corsairs you may (or may not) have. (or that are still to come!)
    As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please READ them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein
    For Oli


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  13. SF2 WW2 F4U-2 Corsair Nightfighter (Birdcage) by Mod Mafia/TMF

    SF2 WW2 F4U-2 Corsair Nightfighter (Birdcage) by Mod Mafia/TMF (Ver 2.0)
    *Version 2.0, for post 7/13 patch. This Version Replaces the earlier one in its Entirety. Although, for the most part, the changes only relate to the wing mounted radar pod. (data and loadout ini edits*
    = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *Note: There is a distinct possibility that this mod may not work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at any patch level, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. End Users ™ that attempt to do so, do so at their own risk. A Full 4/5 Merged install is reccomened; at very minimum, SF2:V is required, as this aricraft references the A-1H's destroyed model*
    *Note #2: this mod will REPLACE, in it's entirety, the F4U-2 I built using Wolf's as a base. You may (well, should!) delete that mod completly*
    This represents the F4U-2 Corsair Nightfighter, as used by the USMC and USN. This is a mod of the TMF Birdcage Corsair, and uses the -5N cockpit (which I know ain't correct), which has the radar scope.
    New for Ver 2.0: The AN/APS-4 wing-mounted radar pod has been added as a "fake pilot seat", and will NOT move when the wings are folded. It was done like this, simply because in the post 5/13 and 7/13 patch world, the right wing would disappear. Completely.
    Units depicted are:
    VF(N)-101 US Navy
    VMFN-532 USMC
    All skins are in jpg format, Decal Randomization is TRUE (these decals are reused from the Wolf Corsair mod). Damage textures are the old tga versions. The Hangar screen is the same one resued, and is SF2 compliant.
    When 'in game', you'll see
    "F4U-2 Corsair (TMF)"
    on the aircraft drop-down selection window.
    The aircraft is fully carrier capable. The canopy operates via the Standard Animation Keystorke ™ of Shift/0. Breaking with Modder tradition, the wingfold operates via the "airbrakes" key. I didn't change to the standard Shift/9, as the last time I did it, I broke it!. So, it is as it was originally set by Bpao. However, commented out ARE the sections that do allow for Standard Keystroke ™ animation wingfold. It is suggested you do NOT change it from how it's done now. Doing so creates "visual oddities" on carrier parked aircraft (the right wing is missing!)
    All lighting is historically accurate. WW2 weapons (ie: bombs), pilot figres, etc, are NOT included. You should have them already from the other Corsairs.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please READ them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    For Oli; you are sorely missed!
    Version 2.0:
    Fixed mounting for radar pod


       (1 review)



  14. SF2 WW2 F4U-1C Corsair by Mod Mafia/TMF

    SF2 WW2 F4U-1C Corsair by Mod Mafia/TMF
    = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *Note: There is a distinct probability that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo*
    1stGen game installs at any patch level. Due to the excessive modifications made to
    fit them into the SF2 environment. End Users ™ that attempt to do so, do so at
    their own risk. A Full 4/5 Merged install is reccomened at the LATEST patch level;
    at very minimum, SF2:V is required, as this aricraft references the A-1H's
    destroyed model. Also, due to some bmp mapping in dds format, there are some things
    that just make it impossilbe for 1stGen to generate. At all.*
    *Note #2: this model will REPLACE, in it's entirety, those using Wolf's as a base.
    You may (well, should!) delete that mod completly; both the aircraft and decals
    folders. These, again, will replace them.*
    A brand new model, based on Bpao's F4U-1D, converted to the F4U-1C by RussoUK2004.
    With Extra Expecial Thanks to Russ for MAX work on the model; he truely made this
    variant possible! He went 'above and beyond' to fix some issues I was having.
    This is the F4U-1C Corsair, as seen from early 1945 unitl the end of the War.
    Skin/Decals set included are for:
    VBF-85, aboard USS SHANGRI LA
    VMF-311, aboard USS BRETON (CVE-23)
    VMF-331, land based on Okinawa
    All skins are in jpg format, Decal Randomization is TRUE. New SF2-style hangar
    screens are included (watch the switch when flying Marine squadrons). Damage
    textures are the old tga versions.
    The "prop fix" from the Birdcage and -1A/-1D variants has already been applied to
    the mod.
    USN Air Group markings are the "G" system, and are painted on the skins. This
    system was used from Jan 1945 to July 1945, when Air Group marking began changing
    the now in-use "Letter" style. My research has shown that many squadron still were
    using G-symbols on VJ-Day (although, in truth, Shangri La DID start using it's "Z"
    code in July. Photos prove this!!). Decals are used for most other markings, and
    Randomization is set to TRUE.
    A user list is included; operational service dates have been rounded to the closest
    whole Year (ie: 1944).
    The aircraft is fully carrier capable. The canopy operates via the Standard
    Animation Keystorke ™ of Shift/0. Breaking with Modder Tradition, the wingfold
    operates via the "airbrakes" key. I didn't change to the standard Shift/9, as the
    last time I did it, I broke it!. So, it is as it was originally set by Bpao.
    All lighting is historically accurate. WW2 weapons (ie: bombs, rockets) are NOT
    included. You should have them already. The drop tank is, as is the pilot figure
    and engine sounds (which you may also have already!).
    A new 20mm gun, created by Russo, is included as well. (thanks again!)
    Also, I've preformed a slight "Cheat" on the VMF-311 skin; it's Nation tagged as
    "USN", because for some reason, nowadays, USMC Air Units are relegated to Land-
    based Ops only. By doing so, I've allowed the Game Engine ™ to generate them
    aboard ship.
    when 'in game', you'll see "F4U-1C Corsair (TMF)" in the aircraft selection drop-
    down window. This will diferentiate it from any other -1Cs you may (or may not)
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So,
    please READ them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher
    explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth.
    Good Hunting!
    For Oli


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  15. SF2 KAW Era F4U/AU-1 Corsair Pak by TMF

    SF2 Korean War Era F4U/AU-1 Corsair Pak by TMF
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    This package contains theTMF Corsairs for use during the Korean War. There are 4 complete aircraft in this pak, with a ship-load of skins/decal sets.
    Skins/Decal sets are included for the following units:
    VF-24 "Renegades" (USS Boxer, 7/50-11/50)
    VF-63 "Fighting Redcocks" (same as above)
    VF-64 "Freelancers" (same as above)
    VF-113 "Stingers"(USS Philippine Sea, 7/50-3/51)
    VF-114 "Excutioners" (same as above)
    VMF-312 "Checkboards" (Shore based, various fields in Korea)
    VF-53 (USS Essex 1/51-3/52)
    VF-54 (same as above)
    VF-192 (USS Princeton, 11/51-5/52)
    VF-791 "Fighting Rebels" (USS Boxer, 3/51-10/51)
    VMA-323 "Deathrattlers" (shore based, various fields in Korea)
    VMA-332 "Polka Dots" (USS ??? -flew off CVE)
    VMF-214 "Black Sheep" (shore based)
    VC-3 (various Dets aboard ship)
    VMF-513 "Flying Nightmares" (shore based, various fields)
    VMA-212 "Devil Cats" (land based until 1951, transfered to USS Bataan)
    VMA-323 (used F4U from USS Badoeng Strait, 1950; shore based after?)
    *Please note, many Corsair squadrons flew both the -4 and -4B at the same time. As the aircraft are mapped identically, it's an easy job to swap out skins/decal sets, for those so inclined. There is also one 'Easter Egg' squadron, as you all know how I hate wasting good skins/decal sets!! *
    The aircraft is fully carrier-capable, with all the SF2NA coding for deck 'parking'.
    Skins are in jpg format, so you MUST be at (minimum) Nov 2011, or the Latest July 2012 patch level (HIGHLY suggested!!!). All markings are decals and are Randomized. BuNums are accurate for the aircraft variant depicted, but not for the actual ones used by the squadrons; consider them 'generic' for that purpose.
    Standard Animations keystrokes are used for the canopy (Shift/0) and wingfold (shift/9) *Note the -4/-4B wingfold no longer works for some inexplicable reason*.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein
    -with special thanks to my brothers in the Mod Mafia-
    For Oli ...


       (4 reviews)



  16. Vought Corsair MK.2, RN Fleet Air Arm, by Mod Mafia/TMF

    Vought Corsair MK.2, RN Fleet Air Arm, by Mod Mafia/TMF
    = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *Note: There is a distinct possibility that this mod =MAY= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs.
    However, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. End
    Users ™ that attempt to do so, do so at their own risk. A Full 4/5 Merged install is
    reccomened; at very minimum, SF2:V is required, as this aricraft references the A-1H's
    destroyed model. Also, some of the SF2 only "switches" will NOT work in 1stGens.*
    *Note #2: this model will REPLACE, in it's entirety, those using Wolf's as a base. You may
    (well, should!) delete that mod completly; both the aircraft and decals folders. These, again,
    will replace them.*
    A brand "new" model that was never completed when Bpao passed away a few year back. I've been
    fortunate enough to be allowed to complete his work, as a member of the Mod Mafia.
    This is the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm Corsair Mk.2 (with clipped wingtips) as seen 1943 and
    later aboard RN carriers in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans.
    Skin/Decals are included are for:
    1842 NAS, HMS FORMIDABLE (during the time of the TIRPIZ raids; tagged as "Home Fleet")
    1830 NAS, HMS ILLUSTRIOUS (tagged as East Indes Fleet or "EIF", with SEA style markings)
    Both skins are in 'standard' Fleet Air Arm 2-tone camo.
    All skins are in jpg format, Decal Randomization is TRUE. A new-ish SF2 'box art' style hangar
    screen was (re)created for this aircraft. Damage textures are the old tga versions.
    Decals are used for all markings, and Randomization is set to TRUE.
    A user list is included; operational service dates have been rounded to the closest whole
    month, even though this is a "Nationalized" , no-exported Royal Navy version.
    The aircraft is fully carrier capable. The canopy operates via the Standard Animation Keystorke
    ™ of Shift/0. Like the other MM/TMF Corsairs, the wingfold operates via the "airbrakes" key.
    All lighting is historically accurate. WW2 weapons (ie: bombs, rockets) are NOT included. You
    should have them already. The drop tank is (as there were some slight adjustments to the F4U
    Early 150 gallon tank, and this WILL replace the original from the USN versions), as is the
    pilot figure and engine sounds (which you may also have already!).
    When 'in game', you'll see
    "Corsair Mk.II FAA (TMF)"
    in the aircraft selection drop-down window. This will diferentiate it from any other Mk.IIs you
    may (or may not) have.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)

    1 comment


  17. Vought Corsair MK.4, RN Fleet Air Arm, by Mod Mafia/TMF

    Vought Corsair MK.4, RN Fleet Air Arm, by Mod Mafia/TMF 7/17/2013
    = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *Note: There is a distinct possibility that this mod =MAY= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. End Users ™ that attempt to do so, do so at their own risk. A Full 4/5 Merged install is reccomened. At very minimum, SF2:V is required, as this aricraft references the A-1H's destroyed model. Also, some of the SF2 only "switches" will NOT work in 1stGens.*
    *Note #2: this model will REPLACE, in it's entirety, those using Wolf's as a base. You may (well, should!) delete that mod completly; both the aircraft and decals folders. These, again, will replace them.*
    A brand "new" model that was never completed when Bpao passed away a few year back. I've been fortunate enough to be allowed to complete his work, as a member of the Mod Mafia.
    This will complete the set of TMF/MM WW2 Corsairs.
    This is the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm Corsair Mk.4 (with clipped wingtips) as seen 1944 and later aboard RN carriers in the Pacific Ocean (ie: BPF).
    Skin/Decals are included are for:
    1830 NAS, BPF, HMS Illustirous
    1841 NAS, BPF, HMS Formidible
    Both skins are in 'standard' Fleet Air Arm (ie: USN) Dark Blue Overall.
    All skins are in jpg format.
    A new-ish SF2 'box art' style hangar screen was (re)created for this aircraft. Damage textures are the old tga versions.
    Decals are used for all markings, and Randomization is set to TRUE. This will make it easier for other skinners to recreate other Air Groups by simple making a new "TLet" decal.
    The aircraft is fully carrier capable. The canopy operates via the Standard Animation Keystorke ™ of Shift/0. Like the other MM/TMF Corsairs, the wingfold operates via the "airbrakes" key. This is why they do not show folded when parked on deck.
    All lighting is historically accurate. WW2 weapons (ie: bombs, rockets) are included. Even though you may have them already. The pilot figure and engine sounds are included(which you may also have already!).
    When 'in game', you'll see
    "Corsair Mk.IV FAA (TMF)"
    in the aircraft selection drop-down window. This will diferentiate it from any other Mk.IVs you may (or may not) have.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


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