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5 files

  1. Grumman F9F-2 Panther Aviación Naval

    The only foreign buyer of the Panther was the Argentine Naval Aviation, which bought 28 ex-USN F9F-2B aircraft in 1957;
    the first 10 arrived in 1958. Only 24 aircraft were put in service, the rest were used as spares.
    The first flight of an Argentine Panther was in December 1958, and the last aircraft was put in service in January 1961.
    The catapults on the then only Argentine carrier, ARA Independencia, were considered not powerful enough to launch the F9F,
    so the aircraft were land-based. However, in July 1963 a Panther (serial 0453/3-A-119) landed on Independencia as part of trials;
    becoming the first jet to land on an Argentine aircraft carrier.
    Argentine Navy F9F-2 Panthers saw combat in the 1963 Argentine Navy Revolt, bombing and strafing a column of the Army 8th Tank Regiment
    which was advancing on the rebelling Punta Indio Naval Air Base. The attack destroyed several M4 Sherman tanks, at the cost of one F9F Panther shot down.
    The Argentine Panthers were involved in the general mobilization during the 1965 border clash between Argentina and Chile but no combat occurred.
    They were taken out of service in 1969 due to the lack of spare parts and replaced with Douglas A-4Q Skyhawks.
    The Argentine Navy also operated the F-9 Cougar.
    WHAT'S IN:
    - a new, dedicated Armada plane [needed to be used from carriers]; 3 Skins
    - decals, screens
    - BobRock: Panther
    - Paulopanz: ARA mod
    - put all in your mod folder
    To land the Panthers from carriers (even if I made Independencia to use with):
    Carrierbased=FALSE <------
    or simply use the skis editing data and userlist inis USN Panther mod




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  2. SF2 Korean War Era F9F-2 Panther Pak by bobrock

    SF2 Korean War Era F9F-2 Panther Pak by bobrock
    *Updated 10/6/2012: re-added missing decals folder*
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *Note: as this aircraft was built with the latest TW Exporter, it most likely will NOT work in SF/Wo* 1stGen Game Installs*
    This is the Grumman F9F-2 Panther, by Bobrock, as seen during the early 1950s; in partucular during the Korean War.
    Skins/Decal sets are included for the following units:
    VF-31 "Tomcatters" (USS Leyte, 1950/51)
    VF-51 "Screaming Eagles" (USS Valley Forge, 1950*)
    VF-52 "Knight Riders" (USs Valley Forge, 1950*)
    VF-93 "Blue Blazers" (USS Philippine Sea, 1953)
    VF-111 "Sundowners" (USS Philippine Sea, 1950)
    VF-112 "Fighting 12" (USS Philippine Sea, 1950)
    VF-192 "Golden Dragons" (USS Oriskany, 1/1953)
    VF-721 ??? (USS Boxer, 1951)
    VMF-311 "Tomcats" (land based, various airfieldz in Korea)
    The aircraft is fully carrier-capable, with all the SF2NA coding for deck 'parking'.
    Skins are in jpg format, so you MUST be at (minimum) Nov 2011, or the Latest July 2012 patch level. All markings are decals and are Randomized. BuNums are accurate for the aircraft variant depicted, but not for the actual ones used by the squadrons; consider them 'generic' for that purpose.
    2 Hangar Screens are supplied (the full color verison being used now), along with a Loading Screen. A new engine sound is also included. Weapons use those from the GunnyPak, or from some of the other recently released KAW aircraft.
    For those that don't have it, my (patentpending) back-dated, modified SCB-125_data.ini that will allow those bird farms to operate in the 1950s (until when/if we get a straight-decked Essex).
    Standard Animations keystrokes are used for the canopy (Shift/0) and wingfold (shift/9). Be advised, there is a slight positioning issue with bombs/rockets when the wings are folded - I can't fix this with ini edits (must be done in MAX). So, don't fold the wings when the hardpoints are loaded, eh?
    As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein
    and the whole KAW Team
    *see notes for further information, and the enclosed 'korean panther units.jpg'
    Updated: adding missing (ok, I forgot it!) /Decals folder!! My apologies to all!!


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  3. SF2 Korean War Era F9F-5P Photo Panther Pak by Pasko

    SF2 Korean War Era F9F-5P Photo Panther Pak by Pasko
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *Note: There is a distinct probability that this mod =MAY= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at their latest patch level. However, due to the modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment, some features will not be implemented/work/show up. End Users ™ that attempt it, do so at their own risk. A Full 5 Merged install of SF2 is reccomened at the LATEST patch level. This is how it was (re)built & tested for KAW.*
    Slight upgrades to Pasko's F9F-5P "Photo Panther" bring it more in line with SF2, in specific regards to the KAW mod.
    This is the complete aircraft, with 2 skin/decal sets for:
    VC-61, USN
    VMJ-3, USMC
    Skins remain in bmp format due to their small size (512x); decal randomization (for the 4 Level 2 decals used on them) is set to TRUE. This should pose no in-game issues, as Recon flights only generate 2 aircraft. AND...the aircraft only has the one mission tasking statement.
    Included are sounds (from the KAW F9F-2), the pilot figure, and the cockpit FROM the -2 Panther (although the -5 pit IS different -would you rather be stuck with the A-4B?? Again!!??). The aircraft is fully carrier capable, and was tested in the KAW mod. The FM remains relatively untouched. A userlist is also included, as is a NEW SF-2 "Box Art" style hangar screen.
    Wingfold operates via the Standard Animation Keystroke, Shift/9. However, due to animation linking, the canopy ONLY opens when the arrestor hook is deployed (H key).
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. There are "Operational Notations" and other data you should know.
    Get Good Pictures!
    kevin stein


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  4. F9F-5 Panther for SF2.RAR

    PASKO's, Column5's and Marcello's Grumman F9F-5 Panther.
    All I did was modifying it for use in SF2.
    Changes made:
    1) Changed the pit to the standard A-4B pit.
    2) changed the loadout to weapons available in version of juni SF2 (no EXP or anything added).
    3) Replaced the original skin of VMF-331 by one made by Wrench. This skin fits the plane best. The other skins show gaps along the back of the plane and on the nose. Hope he doesn't mind. I did not ask specific permission to use his skin.
    3) There is an error with LOD3. It shows the nose cone perpendicular to the plane. I solved this by removing lod3.
    4) Animation. Wingfold is active use shift 1.
    That's it. All other credits go to the orignal builders of this beautifull plane.
    The original readme is attached below.
    To install, just drop the files in the '[Drive]:\Users\[name]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2'.
    6 januari 2011


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  5. F-9J (F9F-8) Cougar for SF2

    F-9J (F9F-8) Cougar
    for SF2
    ver 1.1 2008-03-21
    by Column5-FM, Volks-skins and Pasko-the rest
    Model work by Pasko
    FM by Column5
    Skins by Volks and USAFMTL
    Kor_USN Pilot Skin by Diego
    Martin Baker Mk GW5B Ejection Seat by Ravenclaw_007
    SF2 updates by NeverEnough
    Simply extract the contents of the F-9J folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 folder.
    Known issues:
    I can not take any responsibility whatsoever regarding using of this add-on.
    This is freeware addon package.
    Have fun :)!


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