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First Eagles - WWI and Early Years 1914 - 1920

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    1. Balloon Gunner Bailout

      This is a mod of Starys excellent Ejecting Pilots Beta mod.
      This mod was made by my brother(ezmonee),who is a huge FE2 fan.
      Make sure to read the Readme for install instructions.


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    2. BETA FRTown tiles -- summer season

      See the post on the FE forum for more detail...
      To install these BETA summer season town tiles into Jan Tuma's existing install:
      Unzip and back up your ...\terrain\seasonal\early summer folder
      (the tiles may work in the spring season and others, I have not tried yet...)
      Drag these .bmp and .tga files into the active sim folder and replace old tiles.
      Fly in July!
      If 1024 x 1024 size is too intensive for your system,
      resize in a photoediting program to 512 x 512 such as Gimp (shareware that mimicks Photoshop).
      As mentioned on forum, I plan to tweak colours for each season as time permits,
      but am willing to share the Photoshop files should someone be willing to help.


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    3. Bristol Scouts C, C1, D, D1 skin pack

      This is a skin pack for the Bristol Scout models C1, C, D1, D.
      Thanks to Capun1950 for permission to use the skin template. And thanks to the entire SFP1 A-Team for providing the Bristol Scout models models.
      These skins and decals were created by quack74. Not for profit nor intent to sell. Only as a download for those who are registered at SFP1 A-Teams Skunkworks site,(http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/) and have downloaded the Bristol Scout models.
      These Bristol Scouts are from early 1916 to early 1917.
      The folder names pretty much explain the squadron names. I dont know any other info on Scout squadrons and their markings.


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    4. Lt Wolff Jasta 5 Dva

      I did these a long time ago and then forgot about them after an illness.
      Lt Wolf Jasta 5
      This is perhaps the most colorful skin applied to a Jasta 5 Albatross. Obviously a Bavarian, Ltn.d.R. Wolf(f) served with Jasta 5 from 25Jun17 to 8Aug17 when he was sent to the hospital when some sources do report that he died..
      The spelling of his last name is 'iffy', could be one or two "f's".
      Wolff was credited with a victory on July 27th but first victory might have been obtained when he was a pilot with FFA 45 in Sept 1916.
      In which case his first name might be Walter and he might have two victories.
      Notes for update June 12, 2010 - I just re-discovered these files, which are a bit later than those previously posted. I have not examined them to determine why they were revised, but I obviously regarded these as improvements back in January 2009. This was a very challenging project that ran on over two years;many of the revisions were minor. So update your previous DL if you wish.


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    5. Walter Boning Jasta 76B

      This skin depicts the camo and markings on Albatros D.Va flown by Leutnant Walter Böning commanding Royal Bavarian Jasta 76b in October 1917. After scoring a total of 17 victories, while flying an Albatross with different markings on 31 May 1918, he collided with another member of his squadron and was then attacked and wounded by 70 Sq RAF. He managed to land safely but never flew in combat again.
      There is some uncertainty regarding the details. The result you see is entirely my own, and my time machine is no longer operational. This is an interpretation, a well-grounded interpretation, but certainly a mix of accuracy and flaws.
      There are no decals for this skin set.


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    6. Alb DVa Leutnant Walter Böning Jasta 19

      This skin depicts the camo and markings on Albatros D.Va flown by Leutnant Walter Böning with Royal Prussian Jasta 19, his first assignment, where he downed 6 enemy aircraft between April and October 1917. It has often been misidentified as a plane he flew with Jata 76 later in his career. More than one source incorrectly suggests blue and white Jasta 76 markings (and I did a draft in those colors). Greg VanWyngarden and Bob Pearson both hold what I believe is the better view, rendered here, with the yellow and black horizontal stabilizer of Jasta 19 and red trim for the fuselage markings.


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    7. Pfalz markings and Staaken formations

      This is a bit much I know. But if you like the Pfalz D.III types then this will be good for you. I've created a way to utilize the game generated National marking system (with marking changes for the Germans in March 1918) while using new "Pfalz" markings without the white boarders (for some Jasta's anyway).
      I had to create new "Nations" for each Pfalz Jasta that uses different markings. Ex: Plain Silver Grey will use the "Germany_Pfalz" nation which will create black iron crosses (no white boarders). And for instance Jasta 77b will use the "Gemany_Pfalz_Lozenge_White" nation which will have white boarders on the wings but not on the fuselage and tail. All in all I think I made 4 new "Nations" for the Pfalz. You have to use the new decals that are in my "Decals" folder for this to work. Drop them into your "Decals" folder.
      It just sounds complicated.... because it was :)
      Anyway I've included folders with all the files you'll need. Really all it is is a copy and paste task for you. Just follow the folder structure thats in my download and follow the readme files. Ex: Create the new "Nations" folder. And put the new "Nations.ini" into it. Thats all.
      *** Staaken & HP400 Formation ***
      I've also created a "WWI_AIRFIELD1.ini" for the Staakens and HP400.
      Their wingspan is too big to use the GothaGIV formations that I posted at CombatAce. I've created a new "Nation" for the Staaken called "Germany_Bombers" for the Staaken only. And I also created a new "RAF_Bombers" nation for the HP400. In the HP 400 and Staaken's DATA.ini and each of their skins' "TextureSet" the nation name should be changed from "Germany" to "Germany_Bombers" or "RAF" to "RAF_Bombers". This way the game will find the new formation setup (thats included in this download), for these particular bombers.
      Enjoy, quack74
      Edit: 9/11/10:
      I added an "Italy2" to the Nations.ini and the Decals folder. It will make Italian markings with a green outer and red inner roundel. Any aircraft you want to use for ITALY just change the texture folder's TextureSet.ini to Nation=ITALY2. Now you have two Italian markings.


         (1 review)



    8. Seasonal Town & Water Tiles (Spring, Summer, Fall)

      Read Me for First Eagles Spring, Summer, and Fall modded town and water tiles by Bandy.
      These tiles only go with Jan Tuma's seasonal terrain tiles mod.
      As the title says, these are only for Spring, Summer, and Fall;
      winter is a work in progress.
      Many thanks go to Jan Tuma for creating his FE seasonal town tiles that,
      to me at least, have made a huge difference in the feel of the sim.
      Thanks to TK and friends, and all 3rd party modders who make this a great community.
      The town tiles are 1024 x 1024 in order to improve certain textures.
      All other non-town tiles in this mod are 512 x 512. Resize as you require.
      The water tiles replace the "turquoise" shaded water with a darker blue-gray.
      If you like turquoise, then let me know and I will render a version with that colour.
      I noticed a long time ago that one of the Flanders Town.tod files was mislabelled; a
      replacement is provided.
      To Install:
      1) Back up your terrain folder.
      2) Unzip this download and drag the corresponding folders into the
      /Terrain/seasonal_tiles folder, and the /Terrain/Flanders folder
      overwriting the files when prompted.
      3) Fly!
      I could not extensively test these tiles in all seasons and all terrains, I simply do
      not have that much free time, so please post any errors or tweaks you think are required.
      Some trees and buildings do funky things at the tile margins; short story, this is unavoidable.
      I would like to have shifted the "statues" or monuments in some of the town squares,
      but did not. If you can do this, that would be sincerely appreciated.
      Dog fighting over towns is really enjoyable!


         (4 reviews)



    9. No.60 Sqn 6-Pack

      This is a pack of No.60 Squadron S.E.5 and S.E.5a skins.
      The "Early" skins are from mid July to the 26th of August, 1917. Red=A flight, Yellow= B flight, and Blue=C flight. Markings were on the nose, wheels, and fuselage.
      The "Mid" skins are from the 26th of August, 1917 to the 22nd of March, 1918. A white disc just aft of the fuselage roundel and on the upper fuselage
      decking just behind the cockpit. The wheels displayed the flight colors. A=Red, B=White, and C=Blue


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    10. "Battle of Caporetto" Ver 1.0 Part 2

      This is Part2 of the "Battle of Caporetto" campaign, Version 1.0, done by quack74
      Part2 contains all the ENEMY (Austrian and German) aircraft files. Except for the Decal folders. They are all in Part1 download.
      These files could not be included with Part1 only because of size.
      After dowloading both Part1 and Part2 you should merge the two together to keep it all organized before installing. It could be confusing if you dont. Just copy all the aircraft files in the /Objects/ Aircraft/ folder from Part2 and paste them into the / Objects/ Aircraft/ folder in Part1. It's that easy.
      Enjoy, quack74


         (1 review)



    11. August Hartmann Jasta 30

      Here's a little bit of fun for Halloween.
      I first saw this D.VII marking in a German magazine published in the late 1930s. Later I found it had also been included in a Windsock Datafile Anthology vol III.
      August Hartmann served late in the war with Jasta 30, after that unit had moved on from the Pfalz D.IIIa and the orange diamond markings that are probably better known than the yellow fuselage and tail seen here. Some believe the nose and tail colors were orange because the previous markings featured that color, but a British intelligence officer reported that the fuselage was brown and the nose and tail were yellow.
      After only a few weeks service, Hartman was wounded and never had any confirmed victories, so, you can conclude that the witch either helped or saved him!
      There are two files sets, one for FE and the other for FE2. Just drop the appropriate file set in the Objects folder and you should be good to go. Both the FE and FE2 file sets include Halloween Fokker D7 Loading screens. All you need to do to get rid of them is delete those files. If you have special loading screens for the D7, back those up before installing. If you rely on the stock loading screens, those will reappear as soon as you delete the special Halloween screens.


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    12. Nieuport 17/23 for FE2 updated

      Nieuport N 17/23 Familly for ThirdWires First Eagles The Great Air War 1918
      File version 2.0 release date 15.11.2010
      This package contains flyable 5 Nieuport 17 and 3 Nieuport 23 plane with cockpit
      about authors:
      Flight model peter01, member of CombatAce.com
      3D Model and textures Monty CZ, member of CombatAce.com
      any sugestions can be posted at combatace forum.
      any changes of this file must be authorized by authors
      contact us at combatace.
      thanks to :
      MontyCZ and Texmurphy for the original Nieuport 17
      Whiteknight06604 for the N17 with uper gun
      Aligator devil for is cockpit works and upgrade and hangar
      peter01 for is flight model
      please direct any questions about this mod to me at the below places.
      just drop in the C:\Users\username\Saved Games\ThirdWire\FirstEagles2
      Technical data of the real plane:
      Nieuport 17
      Type single-seated fighter
      Power plant one air-cooled Le Rhone 9J (9-cylinder radial engine)
      with 110 HP (80.9 kW) alternatively
      a Le-Clerget engine with 130 PS (95.6 kW)
      Year of construction 1916
      Maximum speed 177 km/h from ground proximity to an altitude of 2,000 m
      Rate of climb climbs to 2,000 m altitude in 5.30 min
      Ceiling 5,300 m
      Operational range 250 km
      Endurance 2 hrs
      Empty weight 374 kg
      Take-off weight 565 kg
      Length 5.77 m
      Height 2.44 m
      Wing area 14,75 qm
      Span 8.17 m
      Crew 1 person
      Useful load/armament
      one or two Lewis machine guns or one Vickers
      machine gun. Fixedly mounted on the fuselage and
      firing in synchronization through the propeller arc.


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    13. New formation for Attack aircraft

      This will show you how to create a new formation for all of your attack aircraft. It will create three Squads with six elements per flight. They will appear to be in somewhat of a Vee formation with slight differences in altitude from one another. This works for FEG and FE2.
      Enjoy, Quack74


         (2 reviews)



    14. WW1 Palestine Terrain

      WW1 Palestine Terrain For First Eagles 2

      This is a modification of my WW2 modificaton of Gepard's modern "Suez" terrain, backdated (once again!) for use in WW1 with the approximate timeframe of 1914-1918. It is designed ONLY for FE2, as it takes advantage of the DX10 shaders and such. It may be possible to use in FE/FEG, but this has NOT been tested, and is NOT reccomended. Without some editing to the terrain's data ini (as it's been updated to NextGen standards), it will most likely 'have issues'. Those VERY familiar with terrain ini editing are welcomed to try; you can, however, expect NO support from me. You're on your own...
      This terrain REQUIRES the Desert terrain cat (or equlivant) to be present in your FE2 core install's /Terrains folder. -IT WILL NOT WORK WITHOUT IT!!- It has been tested with both the 1stGen SF Desert and extensivelly with SF2's Desert cat. You MUST have either SF or SF2 to copy the Desert terrain cat to you FE2 install. More details are in the "To Install" and "Selecting the Proper Terrain Cat" sections.
      The targets and types inis have been extensively edited for to (hopefully) remove most of the 1940s-era items, and all the airfields have been replaced with stock WW1 types. The game-generated parking slots have also been edited to increase the number of parked aircraft (Unlimited Ground Objects setting only). While not a perfectly historical map some 'suspension of disbelief' will be required for play. As is true with all games...
      There are several Ground_Attack routes for Army Co-Operation missions, as well as plenty for truck routes for Armed Recons. If shipping ever gets turned back on in First Eagles, there are shipping routes as well. However, there ARE several docked ships, and some 'convoy stations' for Strike missions (again, with these ittybitty bombs, don't expect to sink Naval vessels). Campaign builders, feel free to make whatever changes necessary to fix any an all errors I've created <grin>. Unlike my WW2 mods, I didn't research this one as intensely.
      New planning maps have been generated, but these are 'plain', with no cities or aerodromes shown; just the land and sea.
      Several new(ish) GroundObjects are included (ships for the most part), and several new guns for said ships, as well as 2 modified data inis for Geo's French 75 and German 77 mm artillery guns. Yes, they DO work! Weither they hit anything or not.....<grin>. It is also HIGHLY suggested you wander over to Geo's site and get the original WW1 objects, as they'll be needed here. Link is below
      Geo's WW1 Ground Object Paks available at his site:
      You might also want any other ground objects that are available, such as infantry or whathaveyous.
      As always, it's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder somewhere's thats easy to find. This will give you access to the rest of the readme for full, detailed install instructions.
      Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It's HIGHLY reccomended you READ this document completly through before installing this mod. As always, there's the usual "Notes" section for notes, explinations, clarifications and demystificatons.
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein


         (1 review)



    15. WW1 Palestine Ini HotFix

      It seems that I inadvertently removed the QHuts from the types ini.
      Also, the Ashqelon fuel dump was too far inland.
      This pak will fix that...it's the
      A couple of destroyed effects, in the types ini, have also been 'repaired' (ie: spelling eroor)
      Just unzip to a temp folder, your desktop or directly to the /Palestine terrain folder. Allow for the overwrite.
      My sincere apologies for this mistake!!!
      (no screenie included)
      kevin stein


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    16. Jasta Boelcke - Summer/Autum 1918 Skin Pack

      This is a 12-Pack of Jasta Boelcke Fokker D.VII's in the Summer/Autum of 1918.
      Sadly the pilots and serials are unknown
      Only two can be identified AFAIK.
      Oblt. Carl Bolle - Black fuselage with yellow band
      Ltn. Alfred Lindenberg - Yellow and black striped fuselage
      I fixed the rudder cross. It's now a little bigger and extends onto the tail fin


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    17. Jasta 26 Fokker D.VII Skin Pack

      Fokker D.VII's of Jasta 26 in the summer/Autum of 1918
      Most are unidentified. Only five are known AFAIK
      One generic Jasta 26 skin included.
      Oblt. Bruno Loerzer - Black and white horizontal stripped upper wings and lower underside wings
      Ltn. Otto Esswein - Large "E" on fuselage sides and center section of upper wings
      Ltn. d R Franz Brandt - Thin black stripe
      Ltn. Theodor Dahlmann - Winged helmut
      Ltn Otto Fruhner - 4-F cross ( made to look like his Alb D.V)
      I fixed the tail crosses on all the skins and added three more ace skins.


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    18. Gibraltar Buildings & Trees

      Gibraltar Buildings & Trees.
      Bien, creo que el titulo expresa lo que contiene este paquete... :)
      Estos son mis primeros "tod" files completamente nuevos y originales. Poco a poco
      estoy ganando la batalla al "terrain editor"!
      Cualquier comentario o sugerencia es agradecida y bienvenida. Animo!
      Well, I think the title expresses what is inside this package ... :)
      These are my first completely new and original ".tod files". Slowly I'm winning the
      "terrain editor" battle !
      Any comments or suggestions are appreciated and welcome. Courage!


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    19. MFJ.I, II, III D.VII skin pack

      Fokker D.VII 6-Pack
      Marine-FeldJagdstaffeln I, II, III (September 1918)
      a) Ltn.z.S Gothard Sachsenberg - Yellow and Black checkered fuselage
      Commander of all Marine-FeldJadgstaffeln
      b) One generic MFJ.I D.VII with single black stripe on both elevators
      a) One generic MFJ.II D.VII with two black stripes on each elevator
      a) Oblt. Franz Mayer - White fuselage with black diagonal bars along fuselage and three black stripes on elevators.
      b) Ltn. Hans Goerth - White fuselage band with large black heart. Three black bands on elevators.
      c) One generic MFJ.III D.VII with three black stripes on elevators.
      MFJ.I - One black stripe on each elevator.
      MFJ.II - Two Black stripes on each elevator.
      MFJ.III - Three black Stripes on each elevator.
      Enjoy, quack74


         (1 review)



    20. Jasta36 D.III Black-Yellow checkers

      This Albatros D.III is said to be from Jasta 36 in the Spring of 1917.
      The pilot, sadly, is unknown as is the serial number. The colors are believed to be a black and yellow checkered pattern.


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    21. SE5 SE5a FM

      here are
      SE5 with 150 Hp Hispano-Suiza
      SE5a early
      SE5a VIPER
      from peter01's FM


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    22. Schuckert DIII Jasta 12 repaint

      Hi folks,
      this is a repaint of the Siemens Schuckert D.III in Jasta 12 colours. The fuselage shows the default personal insignias and the tail fin is numbered consecutively from 1 up to 32. I hope you will enjoy it, happy hunting.
      Hermann the Hun


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    23. Nieuport 17 Belgian Skin Pack

      Hi Folks,
      this is the first belgian skin pack, other are under construction. For the lovely modelled Hanriot HD1 is the only belgian plane, i decided to change this circumstance.
      Hereby you can fly your Nieuport 17 under belgian colours. There are the following 4 skins included:
      - Camo Skin with the insignia of the 1st Escadrille, the scotish thistle, choosen by André de Meulemeester for the 1ére Escadrille de Chasse in 1917. The 9th Escadrille used the thistle as well.
      - Camo Skin of the 1st Escadrille with the logo "Vampire" flown by Abel de Neef.
      - 1st Escadrille Skin flown by André de Meulemeester.
      - 5th Escadrille Skin flown by Edmond Thieffry.
      Installation instructions are included, hope you will enjoy the skins.
      Look out, for there are outher skins available, the Morane Type H and the Nieuport 16 skins will follow. A Nieuport 11 Skin Pack is under construction. A medal pack will be either made by Capitaine Vengeur or by me, and will be released as soon as possible.
      Herman the Hun


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    24. Morane Saulnier Type H in belgian colours

      Hi Folks,
      this is the Morane Saulnier Type H in belgian colours.
      A hangar and a loading screen is attached as well.
      Hope you enjoy it.
      Hermann the Hun


         (1 review)



    25. Belgian Nieuport 16 Skin

      Hi Folks,
      this is a Nieuport 16 skin of the 1st belgian Escadrille flown by Willy Coopens.
      Hope you enjoy it.
      A Morane Type H and a Nieuprt 17 skin pack under belgian colours is available as well, a Nieuport 11 skin pack is under constuction.
      Hermann the Hun


         (2 reviews)




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