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Out of Africa '77 & Red Africa '77 v1.1

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About This File

// Out of Africa '77


// Red Africa '77


// Campaign Mods by Baltika


// For SFP1/WoV/WoE Oct 08 patch


// Version 1.1


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// Entirely based on an original idea by USAFMTL


// Thanks Dave!


// Thanks to Deuces for Madagascar Terrain


// And Thanks to Stary for Madagascar Tree Mod


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Out of Africa '77


The 1st Marine Expeditionary Force is assigned to protect the lawfully elected government of Madagascar from a Soviet-backed Communist insurgency. The self-styled "Malagasy People's Liberation Army" is carrying out a campaign of terror against the populace and openly confronting government forces. The MPLA is a known terrorist organisation which is secretly supplied with arms, equipment and training by the USSR.


Meanwhile, North Korea is massing troops on the DMZ. The bulk of USMC forces are urgently required to stabilise the situation in Korea, and the main elements of the CVBG are ordered to make all speed to South Korea.


The US Government knows that it is essential to maintain a military presence in Madagascar or the MPLA will seize control. Honoring its commitment to defend Madagascar, VMA-542 'Tigers' and VA-153 'Blue Tail Flies' are ordered to provide Combat Air Support to the remaining ground troops of 1 MEF. 1 MEF is ordered to hold the line against the Communist advance.


The supply situation is critical. There is no ETA for relief of the USMC forces on station. Make every shot count.


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Red Africa '77


The Malagasy People's Liberation Army is heavily engaged in a patriotic war to free the people from the autocratic rule of the current President. The worker's army is opposed not only by the corrupt government troops, but by Imperialist American forces who oppose the liberation of the Malagasy People.


The MPLA have two Tank Brigades and a squadron of aging MiG-17 fighters. They are supported by neighbouring Mozambique, whose government is sympathetic to the MPLA cause.


Soviet foreign policy dictates that the revolutionaries be given military aid to preserve Soviet interests in the region.


The Imperialists must be crushed!


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I recently re-discovered the utter gorgeousness of this terrain by Deuces and USAFMTL (Dave), with Treemod by Stary, and wanted to do something to say thanks to the guys who made it possible.


So, I have completely re-vamped the original "Out of Africa" Campaign included with the terrain d/l to include a fully-fledged "USMC vs Communist Insurgents backed up by the Soviets" backs-to-the-wall defence of democracy on Madagascar.


The main reason for the upgrade was to bring the Madagascar terrain.ini files up to speed to support all the various mission types, and to create a full ground war for the 1977 campaign.


I have tried to stay as true as possible to the original intentions, I hope this will meet with the author's approval. This is one tough campaign to beat.


Full credit to Dave (USAFMTL) for the original campaign concept and core files on which this mod is completely based.






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Madagascar Terrain by Deuces and USAFMTL (Dave)



Madagascar TreeMod by Stary (formerly known as CA_Stary)



AV-8C by Team Harrier - S! to all concerned



A-7B Corsair II by TMF and Bpao



Mystere IVA by ajunaidr



Su-17 by Armourdave



Stock Tanks Required:-

T-54, T-55, T-62A, M60A1, M48A2





MiG-21SM by Erwin_Hans






Wrench's rebuild of Ordway's early MiG pits

Required for MiG-17F



MiG-21PFM Cockpit by Paladrian



MiG-21MF Cockpit by Paladrian







1. Install Madagascar Terrain, and the MiG-17 "mad" skin from the terrain d/l package. Please note, it is not necessary nowadays to copy and re-name the terrain catfile, just set the catpointer in the terrain.INI file to the correct catfile.


2. Install Madagascar Treemod


3. Fly around a bit if you like, and wonder at the beauty of it all. Cheers to Deuces and Przemek, thanks guys ;-)


4. Install the listed aircraft. You will need to check the Mystere's weapons are in your wep pack. Likewise with the MiG-21SM's missiles.


5. If you wish to fly Red Africa campaign, you will need to make the stock TW MiGs flyable by adding cockpits. But, you've already done that, right? ;-)


6. Depending on which game(s) you have, you may have to copy out some of the tanks. The required tanks are all in WoE, but do not all come stock in SFP1/SFG/WOV


7. Then, and only then, install the various files included in this d/l pack. Overwrite when prompted. I have packaged it up so it should be obvious where it all has to go. You must use the included terrain .ini files or the campaign ground war won't work.


8. Select "770114 Out of Africa '77" from the Campaign selection screen, and go fight the Commies.


9. Alternatively, select "770114 Red Africa '77" from the Campaign selection screen, and go fight the capitalist Imperialists.


10. Drop me a PM if you find any bugs or glitches, or to say hello, or to say thanks for the Red Flyable campaign, if you were one of the 2 people who asked for one ;-)


11. The included files are completely compatible with Canadair's Out of Africa 3 v1.5 campaign, so don't worry if you already have that installed.


12. And if I may make a personal request of Deuces, or Dave, or even Stary. If any of you guys still have the original TextureList which was used to build the released version of the Madagascar terrain, could you shoot it over to me please? The VN Texturelist included with the terrain d/l is missing many of the required tiles, and I can't create a texturelist from scratch without messing up all the detailed tiling that has already been done. I would really like to add a few airbases, cities, settlements and so forth, and populate the islands, etc, etc, with a view to building a modern-day campaign for this terrain, and expanding the targetlist; but it can't be done without the original texturelist. Thanks again for all the hard work which has obviously gone into this terrain.


13. For those with WOE, I have included an alternative campaign DATA.INI file which will use the stock AV-8A as a flyable in place of the AV-8C. Just re-name this file to replace OUTOFAFRICA77_DATA.INI file if you wish to use it. I have noticed, while test-flying Red Africa campaign, that the 08 patch level AI has some trouble flying the AV-8C. It may be that the FM for that bird needs an upgrade to the latest game build level. That is beyond the scope of this mod.



Happy Hunting!


Cheers to one and all!




21 December 2009



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-Added Red Africa '77 Soviet Campaign

-Fixed "M11" bug in campaign DATA.INI

-Revised Soviet Air Unit Experience Levels

-Revised Air Unit 10 Aircraft/Mission profile

-Added MiG-21SM by Erwin_Hans to Soviet OOB

-Revised Various Air Unit Mission Chance Percentages

-Fixed JG-7 Campaign supply entries

-Changed Soviet BaseNode assignation for groundwar


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