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Spitfire MkIa, No.610 Sqn RAF, August 1940

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Spitfire MkIa, No.610 (County of Chester) Sqn, Auxiliary Air Force, Biggin Hill, August 1940


No.610 Squadron received its Spitfires during late September and early October 1939, and moved to Biggin Hill on 8th July 1940 in time for the Battle of Britain. The Squadron stayed at Biggin until the very end of August, and bore the full brunt of the German offensive. By the end of August, it was utterly played out, and moved up to Acklington in Northumberland on 31st August.


Serial numbers in this pack correspond to aircraft used by 610 Squadron during September 1940, although many of these aircraft were on strength only for some days, for obvious reasons. The individual letters and serial numbers of each aircraft correspond. Equally, where a pilot has been identified as having flown a particular aircraft (The Royal Air Force did not attribute aircraft to particular pilots, although many did tend to have their favourites) that pilot has been listed in the menu.


The list is eloquent. Only two of the pilots listed survived unharmed. They majority of these men were under 25 years of age at the time of their deaths, and they made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure our freedom and independence today.


This assumes that you have already installed the AvHistory Guns for SF2 and my 19 Squadron Spitfire MkI.



Model by Third Wire

Flight Dynamics by ShrikeHawk based on TW Spitfire MkIXc

Cockpit by Kesselbrut

Skin, decals, data.ini modifications, formations, sounds and assembly by ndicki

Guns by AvHistory


For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.

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