About This File
This is actually a HH-60G Pave Hawk. It's the actual bird (for a change!).
She has a pair of miniguns for your destructive pleasure.
As with all the Hawks, she is relatively easy to fly on "normal" mode, which SF helicopters are tuned for. You can hover, fly backwards and sideways, ascend verticaly etc. It takes some practice and skill but is definately doable. .
Place the HH-60G folder into your Aircraft folder.
Place the 160HeloGunnerR and 160MiniGun into your Weapons folder.
Place the 160HeloPilot1 & 2 folders into your Pilots folder.
Place the MH60LDAP wav file into your Sounds folder.
Place the two TADS files and the Loading wav file in your Flight folder.
You will need to copy over the MH-60G LOD's from the MH-60G Pave Hawk mod. If you do not already have it, get it from the A-Team Skunkworks site.
A-Team for MH-60G Pave Hawk Mod. Note my skin is best possible with current model limitations. It is a generic Pave Hawk from the 129th Rescue Squadron.
Kesselbrut for MH-60G Cockpit.
Wrench for Hangar/Loading Screens I used as a base.
Kesselbrut (? - they're the same model as in the pit, so I assume they're his)) for Helo Pilots and Helo Gunner on which I based the 160th pilots and gunner.
331KillerBee for the M134 Minigun.
Anyone else I have missed, apologies.
Thanks to all.
What's New in Version 1.1 See changelog
V1.1 - Uploaded screenshots to download file.