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F-84G Thunderjet, Imperial Iranian AF

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About This File

F-84G Thunderjet, Imperial Iranian Air Force

=For SF2, Any and All (Full-4 Merged Reccomended/Preferred,etc)=


A simple addition for the recently released F-84G Upgrade Pak.


This skin represent all aircraft as used by the IIAF during the 1950s and 60s, until they were replaced by F-5As sometime around 1965ish.


All new historical serial numbers for the 75 aircraft were created, depicting the 3 squadrons of the Wing that operated them from Mehrabad (like, how hard is it to do 3-01 thru 3-75???).

Decal radomization is set to TRUE, so be at whatever patch level is requried (post May/June/whatever!)


As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! The expected "Notes" section as well, for those interested.


Happy Landings!


kevin stein

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