About This File
AT-6B Texan COIN, Iraqi AF
=For SF2, Any and All (but Full-4 Merged Prefered/Reccomended)
A new skin and decals, some data, loadout and weapons mods for Dels and FastCargo's AT-6B Texan COIN version. The aircraft is available here:
This mod is designed to be applied =OVER= the existing AT-6B in your game(s) install.
This is NOT the full aircraft; just a package of inis, the new skin and decals.
The new skin is for the reformed Iraqi Air Force, circa 2010 and later, with some Real Life and extrapolated serial numbers in the new style, along with the new fin flash/national insignia (locations are educated guesswork based upon other aircraft's placement). Data ini edits are very small; mostly to reset the cockpit position to remove the 'double cockpit'. Everything else is pretty much the same.
A new weapon, the FIM-92 Stinger for self-defense has been created, so as not to conflict with those used on the MANPADS versions (this had been an issue). The avionics ini has been updated to use the generic "RWR.lst" by dtmdragon.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!!
Important: it should be noted here, that the userlist supplied covers operators of =BOTH= the T-6 trainer and AT-6 COIN. It should also be noted, that I've made the assumption (oh! that word!!) of the T-6 and the AT-6 being interchangable for Iraqi use for training and 'internal security'.
Happy Landings!
kevin stein