About This File
Scimitar F1, F1 (60) Tweeks Pak
=For SF2
A small 'tweeks' pak for Paulopanz's recently released upgrade kit for the DAT Scimitar. Be advised, you'll still NEED Paulo's Pak and the aircraft LOD from the DAT as outlined in his readme. Otherwise, this just plane won't work.
Things changes/adjusted/modified:
- Loadout/Data ini tweeks re-adds the rocket pods for both,
- Year-specific loadout for F.1(60) adds the the AGM-12 Bullpup missile in 1964 (included UK version) for Anti-Shipping missions,
- New DDS damage textures for both,
- Revamped SF2 version of my artwork Hangar Screen for both
- Other small data ini tweeks adjust rolling radi, statments added that allow wing position lights to move with wings when folding, slight armor adjustments,
- All weapons switched to UK versions (bombs, rocket pods, etc)
All weapons used, excepting the included Bullpup, are stock in-game 3W versions.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! With many thanks to Paulo for his work!!
Happy Landings!!
kevin stein
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