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Armored Cars

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About This File

Tanks did not appear on the battlefield until mid 1917 and were used mostly on the Western Front. But cars and trucks with steel plating and machine guns were used from the beginning of the war and were used in large numbers on all fronts.


I have made a set of five armored cars which can be used to replace the tanks in Army Co-operation missions. The tanks in First Eagles have a start date of 5/1917, these armored cars have a start date of 5/1914, so they will automatically replace the tanks in missions dated 1916 or before.


This download includes:

A British Rolls Royce, built on a Silver Ghost car chassis and armed with a Vickers Machine Gun in the turret. If you've seen the movie "Lawrence of Arabia," this is the car they used in some of the battle sequences.


A German Ehrhardt, with two Maxim Machine Guns in the turret. These were used mostly on the Eastern Front.


A French Peugeot, with a Hotchkiss Machine Gun in the Turret. Peugeots didn't have turrets until very late in the war, but I thought this looked better than an open truck, and it was easier to build.


An Italian Lancia, with two Fiat-Revelli Machine Guns in the turret. The rails on the front were for ripping up barbed wire.


A Russian Putilov, built on a British Austin truck chassis, with Vickers Machine Guns in two turrets. The steel trough around the gun and the multiple turrets are fairly typical of Russian armored vehicles.


I have included destroyed versions of all the trucks. They explode and burn quite nicely.



Installation Instructions

Unzip the file and drag the five armored car folders and the file named "DestroyedArmoredCar.bmp" into your FirstEagles/Objects/GroundObject folder. All the destroyed vehicles use the same skin and the BMP file must be in root level of the GroundObject folder.

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