About This File
Q-5 Fantan Series Pak
= For SF2, Any and All* =
*Note: Full-4 Merged reccomended, but can be used in any game with access to the F-4F Phantom from SF2:E*
A new skin/decal pak for the Q/A-5 Fantan series, upgraded for SF2. This package is based off lindr2's work for 1stGen, which in turn is/was based off the Insky release, with some modifications/tweeks/fiddling around and general 'messing with'
to bring it more in line with SF2
This is a complete package, of 3 aircraft containing various and sundry cockpits -
Remember!!! you must have a Full-4 Merged, or at least acess to SF2:Es BLW F-4F Phantom, as the Q-5II references that cockpit. All other pits are included. Rebuilt data inis use the latest (Nov 2011) MiG-19 FM; while not perfect, work much better than before. A new userlist ini is included, for all models, regardless of A or Q
naming. They're still Fantans, no matter what.
Some name changes have been implemented by me; what was called the D is more closer to the A, so you have the following aircraft, keeping their PLAAF designation, regardles of export status
Q-5E (called Q-5D/E/F in the displayed name -they're nearly identical)
The original skins, of course, are included, as is a NEW Sudan AF for the Q-5E. New serial numbers for the SuAf are 'best guess' based upon the 2 photos I could find (SuAF shown in the screenie above)
of them.
New DDS damage textures are included, but they don't work as advertised. It's your choice to use them or not (turns the aircraft black for some reason -probably a mapping issue)
A 'home grown' template for A/D/E/F series is included for skinner.
PLAFF weapons, for the most part, are included, as are the pilots & ejection seats.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! As well as the "Notes" section
Any/All faults, mistakes, etc are mine & mine alone.
Happy Landings!
kevin stein