About This File
18 Water maps for enabling ships on your seas!
How to Install.
Copy the BMP file for the terrain you want into the terrain map.
e.g. DBS_Water.bmp into the DBS folder.
Make sure that in the DBS.INI the line "WaterMap=DBS_Water.bmp"
is there under the [Terrain] section!
Also under the [Terrain] section make sure you have:
If all that is done, and that's all to it, then you should be able to take off
in your F-14 from the carrier on the sea on that map.
(I hope this is clear)
My best regards, Kodiak.
What's New in Version 1.02
- Better layouts for the ship areas!
- Also NO enemy ship area's anymore in IsraelME and VietnamSEA, you can still launch from a carrier on those maps and attack ground targets but no enemy fleet on those maps. ( I think that is more realistic) If you still want enemy ships on those maps please keep the old watermaps for those terrains.