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    • Erik

      26 September - Maintenance Notification   09/21/2024

      CombatACE.com will be offline this upcoming Thursday morning, September 26, 2024. The duration of this event will be 4-5 hours. Our website will be unavailable and return an error during that time. Maintenance of our equipment is unavoidable, and this downtime will allow the opportunity to replace worn and damaged fans, power supply units, and thermal paste throughout all our equipment. Thank you for reading our maintenance advisory.

About This File

After having released several sound packs and effects separately over the last two years, I've decided to combine everything into one, large package, allowing the user to pick and choose which sounds and which effects they wish to use, and to have the ability to integrate it with sounds and effects released by other modders. I've also provided a few ground objects to shoot at, which can also defend themselves to the fullest extant of their (sometimes limited) capabilities. I will provide instructions so that you can install all effects, sounds, and models.



Chaparral, M-42 Duster, KS-19, and the KS-30 models are courtesy of Pasko. Chaparral camo skin is by Badger343rd. The M1939 is an adaptation of Kesselbrut's 40mm Bofors model. The KS-12 85MM AAA is an adaptation of the original SF/WoV KS-19 100MM AAA model by Third Wire. The SAM airburst effect is courtesy of PistolPete, as are the Ship and Tanker Explosion effects. The original idea for the Uber AI mod came from Galanti, over two years ago. I've simply updated it to utilize parameters that have been added since then.

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