About This File
48-56: Add-on to SF2I Expansion Pack 1
with 1948 War for Independence & 1956 Suez Crisis
This package contains an overhauled version of the "48-56" mod for "Strike Fighters 2: Israel" (SF2I) with "Expansion Pack 1" (Exp1) that was originally released in June 2010. This overhauled version includes completely revamped versions of the three original campaigns, a new "navalized" version of the Suez campaign for those with "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" (SF2NA), a good number of new aircraft and ground objects, as well as plenty of bug fixes and updates.
To use this mod, you must have SF2I Expansion Pack 1 installed, ideally with a merged install of "Strike Fighters 2: Europe" (SF2E) and "Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam" (SF2V). Your install should be at the Mar2012 or later patch level. "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" (SF2NA) is supported, but not required. If your target installation does not include SF2E and SF2V, your campaigns will use alternate versions of some aircraft (see below for more information).
Note that this is a COMPLETE mod package. There is no need to install any previous version of "48-56." Nor should you attempt to install it over the top of any previous version, as you could end up with a non-working install.
Minimum Requirements
To install and play this mod, you must have the following installed as part of your target installation base:
REQUIRED: Strike Fighters 2 Israel (SF2I), plus
Expansion Pack 1 (SF2I Exp1)
RECOMMENDED: Strike Fighters 2 Europe (SF2E), plus
Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam (SF2V)
PATCH LEVEL: Mar2012 or higher
This mod does support installations that include "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" (SF2NA), however, SF2NA is not required.
Before installing, please ensure that Expansion Pack 1 is applied to your SF2I installation along with the latest patches from 3rdWire.
This mod requires a separate Mod Folder. Please do not attempt to install this mod over or combine it with any other mods package such as "NATO Fighters," "Operation Desert Storm," or the SF2V Expansion Pack.
- Open your SF2 Installation directory and make a copy of StrikeFighters2 Israel.exe or StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic.exe (if your target install base includes SF2NA). Rename the copied .EXE file to StrikeFighters2_48-56.exe (or whatever unique name you prefer).
- Run the newly copied and renamed .EXE file, then exit back out to the Windows desktop after navigating through a few menus. A custom Mod Folder for your "48-56" install will have been created in one of these locations:
Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
...where [YourModFolder] matches the name of the copied .EXE file that you created. You will install the "48-56" mod files to your Mod Folder.
- Open your Mod Folder and delete the \Objects sub-directory (including everything in it).
Now you're ready to install the "48-56" mod proper.
This is the easiest step.
- Unpack the two "48-56" archive packages that you downloaded to a temporary location on your hard drive.
- Move the contents of the \1_To_Mod_Folder directory to your Mod Folder (created in Step 1 above). (Note: do not simply drag and drop the folder named "To_Mod_Folder" or you will end up with a non-working install.)
If you've moved everything correctly, you should have a new \Objects sub-directory in your Mod Folder, along with a few new other sub-directories.
This last step involves a bit of text editing, so please pay attention.
Open the Options.INI file in your Mod Folder. Locate the "Single Mission" section. I recommend setting the StartYear= and EndYear= as follows:
Finally, a little further down you should find the "Campaign" section. Replace it with the following:
CampaignName=Suez Crisis - 1956
PlayerUnit=No. 101 First Fighter Squadron
Save your changes and close the Options.INI file.
* * * * *
If your installation abse does not include SF2NA, then your install of "48-56" for SF2I should now be ready to use. Please read the section below on "Optional Installs" for more information on how to install the optional aircraft included with this mod.
If your installation base does include SF2NA, then please proceed to the next step.
* STEP 4: Extra Step for SF2NA Users *
This last step is for those whose install base include "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" (SF2NA). Included with this mod are a number of custom files that allow SF2NA users to enjoy some of the new functionality included with SF2NA, including:
- Carrier battle groups in campaigns
- Carrier take-off for naval aircraft in Single Missions
- New mission types in campaigns
TO INSTALL: drag and drop the contents of the \2_For_SF2NA folder into your Mod Folder, allowing Windows to merge and overwrite any folders and files it prompts to.
* * * * *
THAT'S IT. Your "48-56" mod for SF2I mod should now be ready to use. You may consider installing some of the "optional" items as described in the next section.
What's Included
This mod will add the following to your SF2I w/ Exp. Pack 1 installation:
- An additional campaign called "Suez Crisis" that is an expanded version
of the default Suez campaign included in the Expansion Pack.
If you wish to fly for the Arab side during the '56 conflict, another
alternate version, named "Tripartite Aggression - 1956," is included.
- A new "War For Independence 1948" campaign. This campaign represents the
2nd to 3rd phase of the Israel's War for Independence.
If you wish to fly for the Arab side during the '48 conflict, another
alternate version, named "War For Palestine - 1948," is included.
- Real life pilots, included in the 1948 campaign for you to use as your
- New aircraft, ground objects, and weapons to fill out the countries and
units missing from Exp. Pack 1. Air bases on Cyprus have also been added
for use during the '56 conflict.
This mod has been updated several times since it's original release in June 2010. See the accompanying change log for details on what's been fixed, updated, and added.
Known Issues
If you are not flying as a carrier-based unit in the standard "non-navalized" version of '56 Suez campaign, the carriers themselves will fail to show for AI aircraft, and they will flounder in the water. To fix this, use the dreaded Alt_N once you are airborne, and the units on the carriers magically seem to be fine.
The campaigns are not 100% historically accurate. The '56 Suez campaign does not attempt to cover the ground campaign launched by the British and French on 5 November, 1956 with paratroop insertions and amphibious landings. The front line for the campaign would have become too complex and problematic for the game engine to handle. Also, the Egyptian air force in the 1956 campaigns puts up much more of a fight than it did historically (Nasser was more concerned with preserving his air force rather than expending it in a fight with two declining colonial powers).
By turns the 1948 campaigns inflate the sizes of the air forces involved for the sake of game play. In reality both the Israeli and Egyptian air forces were quite small and utterly dependent on unreliable second (and even third) hand equipment serviced with scavenged pare parts and inexperienced ground crews. The clashes between the two air forces were comparatively minor and insignificant, with the ground war playing the overwhelming role in determining the outcome of the conflict. (Of note: many discussions of the early days of the Israeli Air Force devote more space to discussing the several clashes between the IAF and British RAF units still in Palestine, Egypt, and Jordan.)
Moreover, the ground forces themselves were primarily comprised of infanty units, many of which were arguably of "irregular" or "reserve" status, and the battles waged between the various factions involved rendered the front line(s) rather fluid. By contrast, the '48 campaigns in this mod are centered around set piece desert battles between tanks and APCs. Although the Israeli and Arab armies did have some tanks and APCs, they were quite scarce -- nothing like the well-equipped units you see in these campaigns.
SF2NA Support
If your install base includes SF2NA, you should have performed the fourth installation step, as detailed above. SF2NA features are supported in "48-56" primarily through a "navalized" version of the standard IsraelME terrain named "Israel, Mediterranean" (IsraelMED).
- If you wish to fly Single Missions in carrier-based aircraft off aircraft carriers (British or French), be sure to select the "Israel, Mediterranean" terrain in the Single Missions screen.
- The navalized version of the '56 Suez campaign is named "Suez Crisis - 1956 (N)." This campaign allows you to fly Fleet Air Arm or Aeronavale aircraft off one of five different aircraft aircraft carriers, each with an accompanying group of escorts and support ships. (RAF and AdA aircraft still fly from Cyprus or Israel, depending on the unit.)
There are no "navalized" versions of the other campaigns included in this mod.
Substitute SF2E/SF2V Aircraft
This mod uses three ThirdWire aircraft that are not included in SF2I or Expansion Pack 1. As we recognize that not all users will have SF2E and SF2V (which contain the models for these other aircraft), we have set up the campaigns to use equivalent substitutes, which are installed by default, if the "standard" ThirdWire aircraft are not present. The following table summarizes these aircraft.
----------- ------------- -------- -----
Standard AC AlternateType Requires Notes
----------- ------------- -------- -----
Hunter5 HunterF5 SF2E Hunter9 converted to Hunter5
F-84F F-84F_MF SF2E Mirage Factory F-84F
SkyraiderMk1 Skyraider1 SF2V MontyCZ's A-1 Skyraider
If SF2E or SF2V are not part of your base SF2 installation, you should remove the associated "standard aircraft" listed above from your "46-56" install so that the game does not attempt to use them. Thus, if SF2E is not part of your base install, remove the Hunter5 and F-84F. If Sf2V is not part of your base install, remove the Skyraider Mk1. As noted, the "alternate" substitutes will be automatically used.
Optional Installs
The "48-56" mod includes support for a number of aircraft that are available only from the A-Team's web site at:
These aircraft can be found in the \3_OptionalAircraft folder. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to include the models (LOD files) for these aircraft in this mod package. That means you MUST download the original aircraft from the above site (which requires you to apply for access) and install the LODs separately in order to use these aircraft.
To add any one of the optional aircraft to your "48-56" mod, you will need to do the following:
1. Download the appropriate package (see table below) containing the necessary LODs from the A-Team's site (link included above).
2. Unzip the package to a temporary directory.
3. Copy the .LOD files from the package you downloaded to the appropriate aircraft folder in the \3_OptionalAircraft directory.
4. Once you've added the LOD files to the aircraft's folder, you may install the aircraft and accompanying decals from the \3_OptionalAircraft directory to your "48-56" Mod Folder.
The table below is designed to point you to the correct package to download for each aircraft at the A-Team's site. Note that in some cases the A-Team's site may include multiple versions of the same aicraft -- usually an older version and an updated version. In most cases you want the older version, as that's the version supported (and the version tested with). Again, see the "Section" and "Notes" columns for guidance. When in doubt, check the LOD file names in the aircraft's main .INI file to ensure that you have obtained the right version with the correct LOD files.
--------------- ------------- ------- -----
A-Team Optional AlternateType Section Notes
--------------- ------------- ------- -----
B-17G_IDF SStirling_IDF WWII section
BeauTFX_IDF Mosquito_FBVI WWII section
Lancaster Halifax WWII section
Macchi205_EAF HurricaneIIb WWII section
Meteor_F4 Meteor4_Arab Beta section
Meteor_NF14 Meteor8 Beta section - original version (not Veltro2K's in 3rd Party)
Meteor_NF14_Arab Meteor8_Arab Beta section - original version (not Veltro2K's in 3rd Party)
SeaVenom SeaVixen or SeaHawkFGA_6 Beta section - older LOD (updated LOD should work)
Spitfire5B_EAF Spitfire9c WWII section - older original release (not updated Release 2)
Spitfire22_EAF Spitfire9c WWII section
TBM-3E F6F-5_FN & SeaFury WWII section - older TBF/TBM release (not updated versions/models)
ValiantB1 CanberraB6 Modern section - older LOD (not newer LOD)
Wessex n/a Helicopters - also available in Falklands '82 mod at CombatAce
We recognize that not everyone has access to A-Team downloads, so the campaigns have been configured to use alternate, substitute aircraft if the A-Team "optional" aircraft are not present in your Mod folder. Those alternate/substitute aircraft, which are installed by default, are listed in the AlternateType column above.
A few notes about some of these optional aircraft and their alternates/substitutes:
- The MeteorNF14 and the MeteorNF14_Arab use the same LODs. Thus, you need only download ONE package from the A-Team's site for those aircraft.
- The Spitfire5B_EAF uses the LODs for the Spitfire Mk VB Trop, not the standard VB (also available in the same section).
- The SeaVenom files included in this package were tested with the original LOD released for that aircraft. There is an updated LOD currently on the A-Team's site that should work, but I can't absolutely guarantee that it will work. If you use the updated LOD, youmay need to edit the SeaVenom.INI file to point to the correct LOD file.
- The Sea Vixen used as an alternate/substitute for the Sea Venom is a semi-fictional, guns-only version of that aircraft -- a "what-if" Sea Vixen that might have gone into production several years earlier than the gunless version that eventually made it to the fleet.
- If you dont have access to the Sea Venom and would prefer not to use the Sea Vixen, you can edit the campaign to use the SeaHawk FGA.6. All the necessary lines are included, so the switch merely involves changing these two lines...
...to the following:
There are three squadrons affected: 809Sq, 892Sq, and 893Sq. You should make these changes in both campaign .INI files.
- If you have the newer LOD for Valiant B.1, you can swap decal files in the RAFSilver1 folder so that the decals show up properly on the aircraft. If you use the updated LOD, youmay need to edit the ValiantB1.INI file to point to the correct LOD file.
- The LODs for the Wessex are available in the Falklands '82 mod package at CombatAce.com:
Optional DLC Installs
The "48-56" mod includes support for two ThirdWire aircraft that were released in DLCs:
- S-199_IDF (DLC 28)
- Spitfire22_EAF (DLC 29)
If these DLC aircraft are part of your base install, you may add these aircraft to your "48-56" install by copying the aircraft folders from \4_DLC Aircraft to the \Objects\Aircraft folder of your "48-56" mod folder. The campaigns will automatically use these aircraft, if present.
If you elect to install the DLC S-199_IDF you should remove the S-199_IDF that is installed by default. The DLC version replaces the version from the default install.
Please note that you cannot install both the DLC-based Spitfire22_EAF and the optional A-Team Spitfire22_EAF discussed in the previous section. Only one version can be installed at a time.
Terrain Notes
The IsraelME and IsraelMED terrains included in this mod package use a number of new airbases, which are summarized below. These new airbases fall into two groups:
1. New airbases on Cyprus & Malta for the 1956 campaigns
2. New airbases for the 1948 campaigns
The new 1948 airbases replace a handful of default airbases in Israel, which are now configured to start at a later date (usually 1952). The table below summarizes ALL of the friendly airbases now present at one time or another in the IsraelME(D) terrain:
------------------------ ------------------------
1948 Airfield Default Airfield
------------------------ ------------------------
--- Etzion AB (Runway6, 10/1/1973 - 10/31/1974)
--- Hatzerim AB (Runway4, from 10/3/1966)
Shmuel AF (Runway3) Hatzor AB (Runway4)
Lydda AB (Runway6) Lod AB (Runway4)
Shachar AAF (Runway3) Meggido AB (Runway6)
--- Ovda AB (Runway1, from 1/1/1981)
Ramat David AF (Runway6) Ramat David AB (Runway4)
--- Ramon AB (Runway6, from 1/1/1981)
Sde Tov AF (Runway3) Sde Dov AB (Runway6)
Ekron AB (Runway6) Tel Nof AB (Runway4)
Beersheba AF (Runway3) Teyman AB (Runway6)
--- Akrotiri AB (Runway4, Cyprus)
--- Paphos AB (Runway6, Cyprus)
--- Luqa AB (off map, Malta)
Unless otherwise noted, default airbases have ActiveDate=6/1/1952; 1948 airbases have ActiveDate=6/1/1940 & InactiveDate=5/31/1952.
Recommended Reading
The 1948 War for Independence and the 1956 Suez Crisis are two conflicts that are not as well known or understood as the 1967 and 1973 wars that followed between Israel and its Arab neighbors. The Suez Crisis in particular seems to have almost completely disappeared from popular memory -- even more so than the Korean War. Historically obscure, largely forgotten (at least in the West), but still hugely important in shaping the history the modern Middle East and the relations between the world's major powers (Great Britain, France, the United States, Soviet Union/Russia).
Those interested in these conflicts could do worse than track down and read the following:
- Efraim Karsh. The Arab-Israeli Conflict: The Palestine War 1948. Oxford: Osprey, 2002.
- Benny Morris. 1948: The First Arab-Israeli War. New Haven: Yale UP, 2008.
- Derek Varble. The Suez Crisis 1956. Oxford: Osprey, 2002.
- Brian Cull, et al. Wings Over Suez. London: Grub Street, 1996.
- Steven Z. Freiburger. Dawn Over Suez: The Rise of American Power in the Middle East 1953-1957. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1992.
- Barry Turner. Suez 1956: The Inside Story of the First Oil War. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2006.
- Keith Kyle. Suez: Britain's End of Empire in the Middle East. London: I.B. Tauris, 2003.
These web sites will also be of interest:
Britain's Small Wars: The Suez Index
Suez Crisis, 1956
Suez Crisis, 1956: The War of Stripes
The Wikipedia articles on both conflicts are quite good:
1948 Arab-Israeli War
Suez Crisis
My favorite comment from a British reservist who, in an article on the "Britain's Small Wars" web site, recounts being called up for duty during the Suez crisis:
"The entire Suez incident was a complete fiasco as far as we could tell. At the time one fell into the trap of thinking 'those in charge must know what they are doing', but hindsight and history tells that the powers that be really were utterly, completely incompetent, and that our private impressions on the ground of utter chaos and incompetence on a huge scale, were absolutely justified ... I have had no faith in the public image of leadership, or in the mostly ludicrous coverage of anything by the media, ever since."
This mod package draws on the work on dozens of modders who have uploaded the fruits of their labor to CombatAce.com and elsewhere over the years.
Starfighter,Diego,& Pasko .................. An-2
The Mirage Factory ......................... Au-1 & F4u-7
Column5, Crusader, & Wrench ................ Au-1 & F4u-7 fixes/upgrades
Wrench ..................................... Beaufighter tweaks & updates
Paulopanz .................................. C-47A skins
Ahmed Junaid Raza .......................... Canberras
Kessselbrut ................................ Canberra bombadier's cockpit
Geo & Razor ................................ F6F-5
Wrench ..................................... F6F-5 upgrades
The Mirage Factory ......................... F-84F_MF
Veltro2K ................................... Halifax & Short Stirling
Bunyap,Ravenclaw, & Soulfreak .............. Harvard/T-6/SNJ-6
LloydNB & Wrench ........................... Harvard/T-6/SNJ-6 skins
Paulopanz & Syrinx ......................... Halifax & Short Stirling skins
Raven ...................................... HurricaneIIb
Paulopanz .................................. Il-28 skins
LloydNB .................................... B-17 & Lancaster skins
Paulopanz .................................. Li-2 Cab
Wrench ..................................... Macchi205_EAF upgrades
Paulopanz .................................. MiG-15bis & MiG-15UTI skins
Stary ...................................... MiG-15/17 cockpit
Pasko ...................................... MiG-15bis_EAF & MiG-15UTI
Paulopanz .................................. MiG-17 & MiG-17F skins
Pasko ...................................... Mosquito FB.VI
LloydNB & Wrench ........................... Mosquito skins/upgrades
Ahmed Junaid Raza .......................... MystereIVA_AdA
MontyCZ .................................... NordAtlas (C-119)
Pasko ...................................... Ouragan
Paulopanz .................................. Ouragan skins
Ordway ..................................... Ouragan/MD-450 cockpit
Baffmeister ................................ new Ouragan flight model
Wolf257 .................................... P-40B
Wrench ..................................... P-40B skins/upgrades
Wilco ...................................... custom P-51B & Spitfire9 skins
Florian .................................... RF-84F
Gunrunner .................................. RF-84F skins
MontyCZ .................................... S-199
Wrench ..................................... S-199_IDF (DLC) tweaks & updates
Simon Porter ............................... Sea Fury
Paulopanz .................................. Sea Fury skins
Bunyap ..................................... Sea Hawks
Paulopanz .................................. Sea Hawk skins
Tomb ....................................... Sea Hawk fixes/upgrades
Skippybing ................................. Sea Vixen
Sundowner & Wrench ......................... Sea Vixen skins/upgrades
MontzCZ .................................... Skyraider1
Wrench ..................................... Skyraider skins/upgrades
MontyCZ, 76IAPBlackbird, & Wrench .......... Skyraider AEW
Paulopanz .................................. Spitfire22_EAF (DLC) skins
Kulbit80 ................................... TBM Avenger skins
Paulopanz .................................. Valiant B.1 skins
Paulopanz .................................. Vampire skins
Paulopanz .................................. Vampire cockpit
Pasko ...................................... Venom
Paulopanz .................................. Venom skins
Skippybing ................................. Wyvern
Zurawski ................................... F-86F cockpit (used on several aircraft)
Stary ...................................... Late Spitfire cockpit
A-Team ..................................... several optional aircraft (models
not included) -- see above for
more information
Jimbeamer5 & Kulbit80 ...................... various skins
Ground Objects
Hinchinbrooke .............................. all carriers, except La Fayette
YEYEYE ..................................... La Fayette
Wrench & Paulopanz ......................... previous mods to carriers
Hinchinbrooke .............................. all ships, except as noted below
Adrian Benetti ............................. Flower class
GrinchWSLG ................................. Weapon & Z-Class (Fletcher)
Julhelm .................................... Tide class
ThirdWire .................................. RN Supply Ship
Kesselbrut ................................. NavyTug, TroopShip, & Mark8_LCT
Pasko ...................................... "SAMs and Vehicles Pack: Euro & Desert"
Nicholas Bell .............................. "WOE 1950's AAA Mod"
Gerald14 ................................... "Russian Defence/ZSU-23-4 Pack"
Monty CZ ................................... "SF2 WWII Flak Pack"
Geo......................................... "WWII Ground Object Pack"
Kesselbrut .................................."US Armor Pack"
SFP1Ace ....................................."Alternative ArmorPack"
Gepard ......................................"Tiran Pack"
Gepard ......................................"WOI Panzer Pack"
Geo.........................................."WWII Ground Object Pack"
Kesselbrut ................................. "Zil Transport Pack"
Pasko & Nicholas Bell ...................... S-60, KS-30, KS-19P, ZPU-4, M-42
Nicholas Bell .............................. Bofors L60/L70
rebel ryder & Nicholas Bell................. M1939 flak guns
Kesselbrut ................................. ZPU-1, IDF_Cal50
Geo ........................................ 20mmAAA & M16_Quad
Monty CZ ................................... HS-820 & HS-831
ODS Team ................................... Firecan radar
EricJ ...................................... Arab_DShK
Unknown author ............................. 37InchAA, 37InchEmplaced, TommyFlak37, TommyFlak37Emplaced
Fubar512 ................................... ZSU-23 AAA tweaks
ThirdWire .................................. BTR-ZPU, BTR-ZU-23, KS-12, KS-19, M113-ZPU, M113-ZU-23,
ZPU-2, ZSU-23, ZSU-57, ZU-23, M35_Quad, M55_Quad, M-163
Geo ........................................ Sherman_E8, M3, M3GMC
rebel ryder ................................ Sherman-M4A2_76mm, T-34-85, IDF Super Shermans
rebel ryder ................................ ZIS Canvas, ZIS_Quad, Bedford Canvas, BedfordOpen, Squads
Pasko ...................................... AMX-13, Su-85, Su-100, T-34
Gabilon .................................... Merkava
Pasko & Kesselbrut ......................... M60A3, M60A1AOS
SFP1Ace .................................... Chieftains (based on TW Centurions)
russouk2004 ................................ CrusaderII
Unknown Author ............................. Daimler, Humber, PZKW_IVA
ThirdWire .................................. Centurions, Leopards, M48A2/3, M60A1, M113, BRDM,
BTR-50PK, BTR-152, PT-76, T-54/55, T-62A, T-72A,
T-34-85, M50_Sherman, M51_Sherman
SUICIDAL ................................... New Destroyed Tank LODs
Pasko ...................................... Hawk launcher & radars, Spoonrest radars
Fubar512 & Wrench .......................... Hawk INI tweaks
Other Mods
Paulopanz .................................. custom ranks/medals pack
Paulopanz .................................. custom kill marks
OldDiego, Pappy, Wrench, Pasko, ............ Pilots
Florian/AmokFloo, & PureBlue
Wrench ..................................... IsraelME terrain upgrades
Credit for the original "48-56" add-on released in June 2010 at CombatAce.com goes to Dave (USAFMTL) and the rest of the "48-56" mod team.
If we have neglected to credit anyone here, please let us know. We will get it fixed ASAP.
eburger68 & USAFMTL (Dave)
14 December 2014