About This File
This Campaign use high resolution assets by the best and brightest on CombatAce and may be too much for some computers. There is no low res version.
You have been warned.
Year: 1980
Flyable Services: Royal Air Force, Royal Navy
Carrier Operations: Yes
Naval Combat: Yes
Ground War Scale: Almost None
What to expect: Air Combat Missions versus bombers and Long Range Fighters as well as a few naval support missions. The missions will be harder as time progresses due to attrition and supply.
Story: http://combatace.com/topic/80769-battle-of-britain-1980-mission-briefing/
This mod requires Strike Fighters 2 Europe, Strike Figthers 2 North Atlantic and Expansion Pack 2.
Install into the Strike Fighters 2 Mod Folder of your choice, usually found at
C:\Users\YOURNAME\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFigthers2
While this Campaign and assets are made to work together with other minor campaigns and mods, I cannot guarantee
compatibility. Allow overwrites or use a separate folder.
For credits, please read (and actually do it too!) the file named "Credits". I could not do what I do
without all these talented people!
This campaign is dedicated to Paulopanz.