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SF 2 Essex camo 1.0

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You will need to have the Essex CV LOD. from Rising Sun over at the Yankee Air Pirates site. This skin and future skins I plan to release will not work with out it.





unzip to a temp folder or your desktop or somewhere else that's easy to find


In the Essex folder, located in the GroundObject folder, make a copy of the CV9 skin folder and rename it what you want such as Essex_Camo.


Then, simply, copy/paste the provided Essex_Camo folder into you new CV9 skin folder.


You'll probably be asked "OVERWRITE?", just say Yes.


That's it.


Go forth and rain fire on your enemies from the sea.





USS Essex was the only Essex class carrier to be painted in this cammo pattern. The pattern was known as MS-32v6/10D. it was used mainly for destroyers but was adapted to the USS Essex.


See enclosed read me for additional information.




Not sure who but thank you for this great ship.



Rising Sun from YAP.



If you have any problems, questions, comments, I can be reached thruogh combat ace forums or PM me at The Warrior.



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