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Fi156 "LUQLUQ" SF2 Merged

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Fi156 "LUQLUQ"




Paran acquired a lot of Fi-156 Storch aircraft, over the years, and embarked on a programme of refurbishment and restoration, the result was the Fi156 LUQLUQ ( Stork ) this ubiquitous aircraft is in use with all 3 air arms of the Imperial Parani Military, its versatility, excellent STOL capability, and ease of maintenance, ensure its continuing service for the foreseeable future.




Installation and blah blah


This is just a basic re paint of the Storch , for all the Parani air power enthusiasts out there, there are 3 skins one for each service. I have included ( I hope) everything needed in one package, ie. the aircraft decals, weapons, pilots, and sounds. I have also included a SQADRONLIST.INI, and a NATIONS.INI to allow these birds to show up as a nation and with the correct markings. I have dropped all the respective files into their correct folders so, all you will need to do is unRAR/ZIP/7Z to your saved game folder, and allow overwrites ( if any) I have tested this on a full merged all bells and whistles SF2 so I assume it will work on unmerged too.as I said everything is there to get her up and running, just drop it all as is into your saved game folder and off you fly.


Credit for the original model and workings to whomsoever was involved in the original aircraft. These include Raven, and Wrench who have done all the "real work" on this aeroplane, I hope you like it, please enjoy. As with all my uploads, everything you need is in the one package, unzip, install, and fly, and enjoy !!
keep your mk 1's peeled, for more Parani lovliness................ENJOY !! :airplane:

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