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VNAF A-1 Skyraiders
Also known as "The Crazy Water Buffalo"
Hi Rez skins
To be used on the stock 3W SF2 A-1H Skyraiders
My next set and final set for the A-1H/J Skyraiders, is the one I just KNOW you have been waiting for in breathles anticipation !! Oh you giddy young things !! Yes these are the VNAF versions of the Skyraider.
The contents are as follows :-
83 SOG
514 FS
516 FS
518 FS
The 514 skins are just a rework of KULBIT80's skin and decal set, I have just updated the skins , the other 3 Squadrons are all new decal sets, and reworked skins, 514's skins are overall grey, 516 & 518 are pretty much standard USAF 3 tone over grey schemes with the usual over the top Vietnamese markings, SOOOOO TACTICAL !! The lack of tail markings on the 516th airframes is correct they just didnt 'ave 'em so there !! I have done the 518th skins as slightly earlier ones so I could do the snazzy white super tactical and camo friendly cowling bands, I have put anti glare panels on these skins even though in reality they didnt have them, but I thought the looked a bit odd like that so anti glare are us deal with it !! harharharhar finally the 83 SOG scheme.....I mean WOW...Really !! hyper tactical or what !! they do look we snazzy though eh chaps !! these aircraft carried no national markings except for the fin flashes, I know the reasons elude me too .
Anyhow as with the previous skins I have done everything is all inclusive AT NO EXTRA CHARGE mind you !!
All the usual shout outs to all and sundry, youre all groovy froods and you rock !!
Now what are you waiting for, get into your Spad and go kick some Commie bottom !!! and of course, as always ENJOY !!!