About This File
Original Skin by Bazillius
for the Spectre8750 submission Su-33.
They did all the real work. I did a quick tweak of a skin.jpg and a Su-33_Data.ini type file. Hope it goes thru the '33 is awesome!
11-01-2019: I made a reference to modifying the flight_data file above. I actually spent way more time trying to make the flight characteristics actually flyable on my system. If you try the plane and have difficulty, I enclose a Su33_data file. I also, explain what i did to the file.
Ever since starting on combat flight sims have tweakeed flight characteristics. I'm embarrassed to say how long ago. Let's just say I more than could legally drink when DCS World's predecessor Flanker 1 or 2 launched. The point is, even so I am far from an expert. Perhaps someone could make it better.
What's New in Version 1.2.1
I worked on the 'Data' file again. I had tried to make the plane more flyable and to turn better on my system at least previously. Worked on it a few times and now it has a decent roll rate, but a more manageable one.
With this data file, it will turn now. Don't give full back pressure on the stick when entering a turn. Apply more stick with added power as you go around.
Full stick to the left or right will snap roll it over. A fast aileron roll (using maximum left or right stick) may continue around the axis quite a bit after centering your joystick, so you will need to give opposite stick to slow the beast down and stop the roll where you want to. I do not believe in a fly-by-wire aircraft this would not be an issue. A half way way over stick produces a crisp roll rate that will fizzle out quickly after centering the control column.
Another change I made was to the amount of power available. I copied the settings for the Su-37 available here on CA. I may have added to much. It'll bust the SB with a load of missiles on it. I don't know, the real one might be able to. On the Su-27 documentary available on YouTube they had to chain the prototype to two tractors to run up the engines before the time to altitude flight record attempt.
Worked on it some more. Made it 'looser' You might like the old one though.