About This File
Westland Wessex Hu 5
Royal Navy skin
A re work of the skin for the Wessex HU5 , the aircraft is originally from the A-Team site, so you will ( if you want to fly this aircraft ) have to obtain the files and lods from there,
This is a complete re do of the whole thing, as I was never happy with the colour, so I have corrected that, I have re drawn all the panels relatively accurately, I haven't bothered with rivet detail as to be honest it doesn't actually show up too well, I have corrected and updated ALL the stencilling, as the original effort was a dogs breakfast to be honest. I have also re done the decals and markings.
So what is included.........2 skins, one for aircraft from 848 NAS who were the squadron in action during the Falklands operation, and one skin for 845 NAS flying off HMS Bulwark in 1966 during the Brunei and Indonesia debacle. I have included the decals for both Squadrons, and also the pilots that I personally use, although green helmets were more the flavour of the day during the Falklands, so feel free to swap out the pilots if that is your taste.
A quick note about the shortfalls of these skins, the aircraft I believe was originally done for SF 1 so it is a little aged, therefore there are some clipping issues you may encounter, I am unable to do anything about this, in reality, we could do with a completely new model of this important aircraft, and hopefully one day it will happen !! So pretty much I have made a silk purse from a sows ear here, the aircraft itself. looks a little "off" I am sure there are some dimension errors, it doesn#'t seem tall enough, and it looks a little bit odd from the front view.....but I could of course be wrong, and the thing is perfect, but I doubt it. The stuff we all are getting used to like working lights and hatches......yeah ok.......not happening on this model, and I forgot to make lights work at least....oh well, such is life !!
Hopefully I shall do some skins for RAF HC3's next so watch this space for those.
As always, ENJOY !!