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RF-101A & C VooDoo. SF.2 2020 Redux. 1.0.0

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About This File

Reworked pack of RF-101A and C VooDoo.
Generally old good VooDoo in new dresses.
There are big changes in FM model thanks to baffmeister  in data.ini files - so Backup your original file. You might not like it.

In game you will find new aircrafts under names

*RF-101A VooDoo

*RF-101C VooDoo '58

*RF-101C VooDoo '66

note that RF-101C '58 uses non-RWR - VooDoo A cockpit.


All new skins in 3072x3072 resolution. New bump maps and specular maps. also in 3072.. plus decals to cover A and C models serial numbers.
Pack contains several skin sets for both models. With all research, I was trying to be correct as much as possible.

RF-101A have also one skin/decal set which contains few decal skin sets to cover experimental camo trials conducted in mid 60s. 

Regarding colorful aircraft serial numbers: 

54-1513 some say it was dark green some that really black. more info goes towards black so I painted it black (like Rolling Stones in 1966)

54-1514 first was painted similar as represented in this pack, then it was repainted with adding some brown colors.

54-1512 green/black camo with added brown during tests. 

All this skin set with experimental camo trial is quite complicated and hard to put correctly in-game but I hope it will work fine for you.

I did not include skin sets for VooDoo operated over Vietnam. This will come in a separate package. Eventually. One day.

All new decals consisting of serial numbers for block 20-35 of A version and block  45-75 for C version. 

Backup your original RF-101 Folders. Also Decals!


Original models ErikGen
yakarov - skins / decals / some small ini tweak 

baffmeister -new flight model.

Soulfreak - original skin for an extra thing. 


Have Fun.

May the VooDoo be with you.

Jarek Hereda

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Another great add! :good:

Thank you Jarek!

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