About This File
TU_160 Blackjack - Cold War version for SF2 series project by UllyB
The Tupolev Tu-160, NATO reporting name: Blackjack) is a supersonic, variable-sweep wing heavy strategic bomber designed by the Tupolev Design Bureau in the Soviet Union in the 1970s. It is the largest and heaviest Mach 2+ supersonic military aircraft ever built and second only to the XB-70 Valkyrie in overall length.It is the largest and heaviest combat aircraft, the fastest bomber now in use and the largest and heaviest variable-sweep wing airplane ever flown.
Entering service in 1987, the Tu-160 was the last strategic bomber designed for the Soviet Union. As of 2016, the Russian Air Force's Long Range Aviation branch has at least 16 aircraft in service.The Tu-160 active fleet has been undergoing upgrades to electronics systems since the early 2000s. The Tu-160M modernization programme has begun with the first updated aircraft delivered in December 2014.
TU-160[ColdWar] test package readme (Baffmeister observations & conclusions)
This test package requires the addition of the Cockpit folder, Skin folder, and Aircraft Lods to work properly.
No model animation ID for the leading edge flaps. They are presently set up on a rotation axis but they don't look very good so it is probably better to just disable them for the release version.
The real TU-160 probably used a combination of ailerons, spoilers and differential H-stab deflections for roll control but only ailerons are available at present. The H-stab is built as one piece so no way to get the differential H-stab deflections functioning.
Slightly modified KH-15 nuclear tipped missle included. The base quantity was increased from 4 to 6 to match the present capacity of AGM missle bay. The maximum capacity is 12 on the real Tu-160 but considering the effect on frame rates with so many nukes going off 6 might even be to many. Maybe 2 per plane would be enough. The maximum of 12 would be a good option for later versions with conventional warheads.
When carrying conventional bombs the accuracy is very poor which is typical for Bombers in game. Maybe someone could put together a "semi smart" bomb that the AI can use that would improve accuracy.
The original was set up with both manual doors and automatic doors to operate the rotary launcher. I don't think that can be made to work so just using manual doors.
For testing the start date is set to 1986 so you can fly F-14 intercepts on the TW Iceland NA terrain. The actual service entry date for the first TU-160 version was April, 1987.
Probably should be RARE or VERY_RARE for a release version but set to VERY_COMMON for test version. Should only take a few trys to get an F-14 intercept against the TU-160 on the Iceland NA terrain.
When doing player flown ANTI-SHIP missions I haven't been able to get the AI to successfully "Attack My Target". They can't seem to get within the firing parameters for the KH-15 Missile and end up flying around in circles. It's possible to get them to do an attack if you lead them around first and line them up outside 10KM before giving the "Attack My Target" command.
The flight model still needs work as do the min/max extents, damage modeling and collision points.
*The model has Triple dragchute as in the real aircraft and has one historical skin made . Also the model has proper crew windows and proper crew positions inside the plane.
- unzip all in main mod folder
project manager - UllyB
design, 3D modelling, skin, swing wing & other animations, decals, hangar & loadout pics - AngelP
FM tweaking & other corrections- Baffmeister
cockpit - B-1B bomber cockpit - Dels
weapons tweaking & tester - Baffmeister
project supervising - Baffmeister & Yakarov79
Special thanks to Stratos, 76IAP-Blackbird and Logan4 for support, help and ideas
Special thanks to this wonderful community who gave me ...wings and courage in all these long years.
I pledge that I will continue the work to this plane bringing, from time to time, upgrades but it will take a while so please be patient.