About This File
SF2 F-102A (v2k) Skin & Decal Remod Pack 6/19/2021
-For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
This package contains all new, corrected decals for Veltro2k's F-102A Delta Dagger. This mod package is designed to be applied to MigBuster's Upgraded Version available at the following URL:
Several of the skins have also recieved replacement skin maps, and the changes are documented in the "Notes" below. These adjusted skins remain in bmp format. Repeat: this is upgrading =ONLY= the skins & replacing decals that came in that package. The units are:
57th FIS (62-73)
317th FIS, AkAC (56-69)
176th FIS WI ANG (66-74)
196th FIS CA ANG (65-74)
431st FIS USAFE (58-64)
460th FIS ADC (58-66)
509th FIS SEA Camo (68<)
and a NEW skin
509th FIS (>1968) in ADC grey, as used in PACAF & SEA before the application of the 3 tone camo.
The years presented in the above, will also be seen in the game's Loading Screen, on the Skin Selection Drop-Down Menu.
Most national insignia are still painted on. All serials & buzz numbers are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Each skin has 26 serial numbers. With few exceptions, =ALL= serials are historically correct for EACH squadron. If all could not be found, 'generic' serials and buzz numbers are used. These are identified by the star (*) symbol. If it does NOT have star, it is 100% correct. Any squadrons that are listed in the game's SquadronList.ini have had their displayed name activated via my (patent pending) fake "SqTail.tga", and will be visible on the Loadout Screen. Also, due to many having painted on insignia, a hidden "Insignia" decal is used to activate the displayed Nation Name.
The SF2 "date switch" is only used on 2 skins; the oldest (317th) with a '1' start date, and the later (509th camo) with a 1968 start date. Any others, which most of them DO fall in-between these two, End Users (tm) will have to select for themselves.
As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
Director of Advertising, Coyote Aerospace
"We Aim Higher"