About This File
Black Knight and the Wolfhounds: F-15C in the 57th FIS and 32d TFS during the 1980s
this mod represents the F-15C while in service with the 57th FIS at NAS Keflavik and the 32d TFS at Soesterberg AB. it is semi historical, as good images of all the aircraft were harder to come by especially for the later 80s
get original FastCargo aircraft pack from here
or the viper63a revamp here
the skin should work equally well in either. then....
select either just the F-15C and F-15C_85 aircraft (and associated decal folders if you wish, they arent needed for this mod)
unzip, drop "Objects" folder into mod folder. should not be any overwriting necessary
aircraft skin folders and decal folders for F-15C and F-15C_85 aircraft
viper63a: limited use of decals, skins, much inspiration on how to proceed
FastCargo: original model
daddyairplanes: minor skin tweeks, revamp of decal layout, tga work
TK: the whole original game
note: this started as an improvement to my own install on a new system. as i do not usually fly the two seaters, i have no intentions of doing the D models. if interested, i will gladly share the templates so you can create your own.
thank you for choosing this mod, i hope that you enjoy it
Kevin Unruh
aka daddyairplanes
Aug 2021
UPDATE 24 September 2022
there is a folder with corrected textures if you encounter your F-15C being blank. this issue was not reported with the
since i revisited this mod, i also change the filepaths for the decal folders, adjusted the decal inis, and added loading
screens based on the old TW style but specific to the mod.
big thanks to DEVIL11, who brought the texture issue to my attention.
What's New in Version 24Sep22
added alternate textures for F-15C in event of blank skin
redid decal folders and decal ini
added TW inspired loading screens specific to this mod