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WP GPNVG/AVS-10 shader in SF2 (Morden NOD style) 1.0.0

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About This File

【GPNVG-18 is a special NOD offering greater strength and durability during rough use in the field, as well as four high performance, MIL-SPEC Unfilmed White Phosphor image intensifier tubes that combine using specialized hybrid optics to provide the end user with an umatched 97° degree field of view, as opposed to the standard 40° field of view provided by traditional binocular night vision systems.】


Highly recommond you guys use it with Realsky Environment Mod.

This is a shader that can change the original color of the game to make it close to the color of White Phosphor Image Intensifier Tubes in reality. Of course, it will also really brighten the brightness of the picture.



Usage/ Read Me!!!!!:

1.put [TWPOSTPROCESS.FX] into your SF2's Flight folder【Back up recommonded】;

2.check your graphics option and make sure Effects Detail choosed for Unlimited;

3.make sure your Mission Start Time choosed for Night;

4.fly and control the night!


This is a shader ,so even in day time the night vision effect will trun on,delete [TWPOSTPROCESS.FX] to return default.

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