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MiG-25 cockpit fixes (actual MiG-25 cockpit by Centurion-1) 1.0.0

   (1 review)

3 Screenshots

About This File

MiG-25PD cockpit by Centurion-1 with fixes 

Notable fixes include: 

- removed gunsight. 25 doesn't really need it, most of the footage shows 25s without gunsight

- fixed G-meter: added negative Gs and redid the layout to be more in line with the real thing 

- original model actually had airspeed indicator and altimeter confused - this was corrected. Altimeter is above (shorter needle shows thousands, longer hundreds, plus analogue counter), airspeed indicator is below (likewise - shorter needle shows thousands, longer hundreds)

- fixed vertical velocity indicator. It wasn't working due to "values" being put in the wrong order (could be that it was working on older patches)

- fixed compass and course arrow. They were calling non-existing nodes

- added over-G and too much AoA lights above G-meter: not sure if realistic, but will do

- added afterburner light near nozzle indicator

- removed some lights and switch animations: they are cute, but very incorrect 

- MiG-25PD version gets new radar layout taken from MiG-23 radar: it makes sense as PD radar "Sapphire-25" was developed from "Sapphire-23" on MiG-23

- can't do anything about warning lights and gear/flaps indicators not working - cockpit model just lacks any light nodes 

- added some labels on instruments 


Install: remove old cockpit folder, *cockpit and *avionics files, drop in new ones, rename accordingly. 

Cockpit versions:
25P - for MiG-25P
25PD - for MiG-25PD/PDS

25PD uses avionics70 dll! Make sure to address it in the init file:


25PD is tuned for MiG-25PD from Coyote Airspace. It is easily adaptable for older versions of PD/PDS, just change position values in *cockpit file. 

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

It's a beautiful ccockpit! The MiG-25 is my favorite Cold War fighter, I've long dreamed of seeing it in some flight simulator and finally my dream has come true. Thanks to you we have an opportunity to fly a MiG-25 with a proper cockpit. I haven't checked the correctness of Russian grammar in the inscriptions, I'll look later (but it won't change my positive review). Bottom line: the review is rambling, on emotions, but what can you do - happiness from the realization that now I can fly my favorite aircraft. On the textures, sounds in the cockpit, the work of the instruments no complaints - looks nice and neat. The color scheme of the trim and instrument layout is similar to the real airplane. A solid 5 stars. Thank you for a dream come true!


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