About This File
Mirage F1EH (1984-2007)
In December 1975, Morocco ordered 25 Mirage F1CH interceptors. In March 1977, an additional contract was signed, stipulating the delivery of five additional Mirage F1CHs, as well as 20 Mirage F1EHs (including six aircraft equipped with in-flight refuelling probes).
F1EH_Late specifics:
same as EH_Early +
- S530F (1990+)
- AN/ALE-40 Chaffs/Flares dispenser (control panel on left bench)
- ALR-66 RWR instead of BF
- ELT-### ECM Pod capability
- AAQ-8 IRCM Infra-Red CounterMeasure pod capability
- HARES pod capability
Covered unit :
Escadron ATLAS
This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware.
Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms.
The Mirage F.1 Team