About This File
SF2 A-1H/J Skyraider (mcz) Remod Pack by MontyCZ 1/8/2024
-For SF2, Any and All-
Another 1stGen Salvage Project...
This is an SF2 Remod of MontyCZ's A-1H Skyraider. Historically this was the VERY first aircraft mod released for SF1 in 2005. While the model still has some issues (see "Notes"), it's fully functional, with some limitations, in the SF2 environment.
This mod is supplied with just about all the original (many rebuilt) skin sets I could find from the 1stGen SF mods section and from Marcfighters. These skin sets cover US Navy, US Air Force and South Vietnam Air Force units.
You have ...
VA-35 "Black Panthers" USS Saratoga, 1959 Med cruise, (Beirut crisis?)
VA-52 "Kinghtriders" USS Ticonderoga, 1966-67 VN cruise
VA-65 "Tigers" USS Intrepid, 1960-61 Med Cruise
VA-75 "Sunday Punchers" USS Independence, mid-1962 SEA-VN cruise
VA-145 "Swordsman" USS Ranger 1958-59 WesPac (tagged "VA145E")
VA-176 "Thunderbolts" USS Intrepid, VN cruise 1966-ish (bumblebee art)
1st FS, Bien Hoa, 1961 (VNAF1 - overall very light grey, blue/red devil fues band )
514th FS, Dan Nang ~1963 (VNAF2 - overall medium grey, tiger stripe fues band)
518th FS, Bien Hoa AB ~1970 (VNAF3 - 3 tone SEA camo, yellow/black checks fues band)
602nd SOS, 56th SOW (various RVN & Thai bases 1962-1970)
2nd SOS, 56th SOW (nite black unders, ~1968)
There is also an extra blank USN skin called, oddly enough, "USNGrey1" This can be used to create any other units as one desires in the Gull Gray/White scheme.
The texture set ini for each skin has a small notation at the bottom with historical notes.
While many skins had to be remade, some are still 'as issued' (un-retouched). All are in bmp format. As is usual, serial/BuNums are as historically accurate as possible. Those 100% are marked with the star (*), those correct, but unable to match to a modex are marked with the plus/cross (+), those with no mark are generic. All skins have been updated to use the last known LOD (5/2009), and have been updated to use the latest decal style. Decal randomization is TRUE. For those units listed in the game's SquadronList ini, my (patent pending) 'fake SqTail' decal is used to activate their name displayed on the Loadout screen. The SF2 'date switch is used for all services on their respective skin sets. Sounds and drop tanks are included. All weapons used are stock in-game 3rd Wire items. The data ini has been brought up, as much as possible, to current standards.
When in-game, you'll see
A-1H/J Skyraider (MCZ)
on the Aircraft Selection dropdown. This will differenize this one (MontyCZ) from the 3rd Wire or Razbam Skyraiders. This mod DOES (sorta) cover both the H & J variants, as there's very little (actual) difference between them. The wing fold is active, it uses the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/9. The canopy CANNOT manually be controled; it's linked to the flaps.
As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Also, give the "Notes" a browse, as it explains certain issues this model has, and the change logs.
Good Hunting and Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein