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SF2 TMF K'fir C2 & C7 (IDF) Upgrade/Remod Pack 1.0.0

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SF2 TMF K'fir C2 & C7 (IDF) Upgrade/Remod Pack       4/15/2024

-For SF2, Any and All-(SF2:I and/or Full 5 Merged Suggested)

This is a full upgrade/remod pack for The Mirage Factory's IAI K'firs as used by the Israeli Defense Force Air Force. Included in this package are 2 full aircraft, with several skins:

Kfir C2:
101 Squadron
109 Squadron
149 Squadron (all in 2-tone greys)

Kfir C7:
144 Squadron (3-tone camo)

They are set up and labeled to cause NO conflicts with the Kfir available as stock within the game or any others that may exist.  Skins remain in their original bmp format. National markings are painted on, and my (Patent Pending) fake insignia and SqTail decals are active, allowing the squadron's name & Nation Name to be displayed on the Loadout screen. Serial number Decal Randomization is TRUE.  All necessary items are provided, serial number decals, weapons (drop tanks), pilots, seats, sounds, effects, and so forth. Some, you've probably got already!!! If I missed any, PLEASE let me know and I'll get it fixed.

When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection Drop down you'll see:

Kfir C2 (TMF)
Kfir C7 (TMF)

So you can't mistake them for anything other than TMF Birds (tm).

As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. All original readmes, when discoverable, are included. The 'Change Log' is, as always, in the Notes section below.

Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein

For Oli and The Mirage Factory

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