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SF2 CAC CA-28 Sabre "What If" Skin & Ini Tweeks Pack 1.0.0

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SF2 CAC CA-28 Sabre "What If" Skin & Ini Tweeks Pack       12/14/2024

-For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Recommended)

Herein you'll find 2 new skins for Yakarov's CA-28 'Sabre Dingo' What If aircraft. If you don't already have it, you can find the aircrft at the following URL:


Historically, the Real World (tm) CA-27 Sabres were exported to the Indonesia Air Force (TNIAU) and the Royal Malasian Air Force (AURI). Following that logic, this is what this package does.

On the skin selection menu, on the Loadout Page, you'll see:

No.14 Sqdn TNIAU
Royal Malaysian Air Force

(unlike the CA-27 "Avon" Sabre, the RMAF units here are NOT repainted from NMF to OD camo. Both aircraft remain in Natural Metal Finish. No squadron was assigned for the RMAF aircraft)

The SF2 'date switch' is active, even though these skins have a 1978 (Indonesia) and 1968 (RMAF) start dates. These are also defined in the new userlist ini.
The skins are in jpg format, all markings are decals. Decal Randomization is "TRUE". Both aircraft's serial number presentation follows historic Real World (tm) style. TNIAU gets 16 aircraft, and RMAF gets only 8. The number sequence is extrapolated from the existing Real World (tm) serials. Several other small changes have been made to various other items, and they're listed in the Change Log.

As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. The Change Log List is also in the Notes section.

Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein


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