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Ju-87T (KM) North Atlantic 2-tone gray Splinter camo

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North Atlantic 2-Tone Gray Camo for KM Ju-87T Stuka


Another skin for my "What If..." carrier based Ju-87T, which is modded from Pasko's original Stuka. It represents a fictional North Atlantic 2-tone Gray.


Since there exists NO available templates to reskin ANY of Pasko's birds (or at least none I could find), I had to use his original splinter camo as a base for this (see the original readme for the Ju-87T). What I wound up doing is creating a multi-layer psd file for the needed skin bmps, and redrawing every single panel and rivet line.

So, all credit goes to the original skin creator, whoever that might be; but...

This is a NEW skin (albeit based off stock), from a NEW template, created by ME!!! And let me tell ya, re-drawing all those little buggers is a real PITA!!!


Please read the readme for install instructions and perhaps some notes of interest, in particular about the unit badge decals.


Happy Landings!


Kevin Stein

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