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Bf-109G6 Mod Pak

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About This File

Messerschmitt Bf-109G6 skin & ini tweeks for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 Installs:


-Modification of one of Wolf257's Messerschmitts....

This is a semi-complete package, creating another version of the famed Messerschmitt Bf-109. It contains just about everything needed.

I say semi-complete, because the aircraft LOD file is NOT included, as per his wishes, but everthing else is. You will also be adding 2 stand-in under-wing gun gondolas for the MK108 30mm and MK151 20mm cannons. I say stand-in, as the pod used is NOT the correct shape. So, you WILL be using the Weapons Editor to add the new gun pods. They use existing weapons, so there's no problems there. These are just here until a 3d modeler steps up and gives us the correct shapes for the 2 different pods.


The skin included represents JG53 in late 44/early 45, and has been enhanced with new panel, rivet lines, and new stenciling for the warning and info tags. My damged tgs and NEW 109G6 hangar and loadoing screens -ONLY available in this mod- are also included.


PLEASE read the enclosed reamde file for full detailed install instructions, as well as other notes and commentaries.


Good Hunting!


kevin stein

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