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F-47D-25 Thunderbolt, Generic Metal Skin & Ini Pak

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About This File

P-47D-25, Generic Post-WW2 Skin for SF, WoV & WoE


A "simple garden variety" natural metal skin for Wolf's P-47D-25 'Bubbletop' Thunderbolt.


This is a 'representative' skin for the F-47D Thunderbolt, in the post-1947 era, right after the formation of the US Air Force. As they were still a few around for a few years, mostly in the Air National Guard, I thought I'd throw together a little something. Now, mind you, these are NOT ANG aircraft, but should be considered as 'front line', as I didn't create ANG style decals.

The tail serial numbers are actual P-47D serials, just so's your tail fin don't look and feel so neeked.

I've also created the "buzz numbers" so prevelant in the post-war period, and into the Korea War, so this skin set will fit nicely into a "Cold War Gone Hot: 1948" scenario.


There are a few changes in the cockpit ini, adding a new sight tga (USAAF Mk.8). Instructions are below, in the "To Install" section.

And, once again, all the lights have correct positions, colors, including a landing light.

A new, WoE style Hangar Screen is also provided.

Information of 'fixing' the loadout problem with the Triple-Bazooka launchers is also supplied


== You MUST also have the latest weapons pak to make use of the WW2 weapons.==


PLEASE read the enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions, along with other notes of interest.


Happy Hunting!


Kevin Stein

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