About This File
OMT v1.2
Included the updated terrain MOVEMENT.INI file which controls the frontline.
24 November 2008
Operation Mountain Twilight v 1.1
by baltika
Revision Date: 23 November 2008
This is an update of my original OMT campaign to work with Wrench's 4 seasons re-release of Majorlee's American North West Terrain. This has exactly the same planeset and installation requirements as the original campaign, so please see the v1.0 readme for all the aircraft and groundobjects you will require to install.
Obviously, you should use Wrench's updated ANW terrain build, not any previous ANW release. Here's the link:
Thanks to MajorLee for the original terrain, Wrench for his upgrades, and Deuces, Doghouse and Brain32 for the additional tilesets. If I have missed anyone out, please let me know and I will add them in.
What's new:
1. I have added 25+ new target areas to Wrench's original Target List. There are a number of new target areas based on Wrench's existing ones, but all of Wrench's updated targets are in there, so you do not lose anything from the updated terrain. I have also included Doghouse's SAM sites mod, with his permission, so thanks for that, Doghouse. You will find that flying down those canyons becomes a necessity, not a joyride, once the SAM sites go online!
2. I have substantially re-worked the strategic nodes based on the new Target List.
3. Due to changes introduced by the Oct 08 patches, I have had to split the campaign files into separate campaigns for Red and Blue side flyable. If you want to fly the campaign for the Global Sedition, select "OMT: Red" from the campaign selection menu. I have reduced the GS ground unit strength in the Red-Side campaign to make it less of a cakewalk for GS pilots. Blue Side campaign is still a tough nut to crack ;-)
4. There are a number of alternative Win/Lose screens included in the d/l pack. These used to be called out for individual squadrons, but that seems not to work under Oct 08 patch. So, the default Win/Lose screen is called out from the main campaign_DATA.ini file. You can change the settings to select alternative Win/Lose screens if you wish, just edit the name of the screenshot called out.
5. I have also included ext's RCAF Vampire skin, as I can't track down the d/l link. Thanks to ext for the nice skin, cheers mate ;-)
I have packaged the files up so it should be obvious where everything has to go.
Install the terrain and planeset first.
Unzip the d/l package to a temporary folder, then copy the unzipped files across. When asked to over-write, say yes.
You must use the included AmericaNW_targets.ini, AmericaNW_Movement.ini and AmericaNW_types.ini, or the campaign will not work properly.
You will have to copy the content of the "Add to SquadronList" folder to your existing SQUADRONLIST.INI, renumbering as the next in sequence.
There should be no problem with dropping the new campaign files into an existing OMT campaign install, just over-write when prompted.
As ever, back up any modded files before you overwrite them - it's easier to restore your originals that way ;-)
Most of the required planes are older mods, which may or may not work properly in the latest round of patches. Try flying in normal mode if you are having serious trouble with a particular plane. I haven't yet experienced any huge issues, but your mileage may vary.
Any problems, questions, comments, etc, drop me a line at combatace.
Happy Hunting to one and all,
Nov 08
What's New in Version See changelog
No changelog available for this version.