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Libya - Version 3.0 Ulitmate Final -

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Libya Terrain Upgrade, Version 3.0 -- For SF/WoV/WoE and probably WoI/FE/SF2


Ok, I know, I know...I said I'd NEVER go back to this terrain, but since the 2.0 FINAL was released I've learned a bit more on how to use the Terrain Editor...to wit:


There has been extensive retiling of many of the major areas on the map, replacing LOTS of mismatched or ill-fitting tiles. The entire coast of North Africa, from Tunisa to the Libyan/Egyptian border and been completely retiled with matching units. Sicily and Greece, and the 'boot' of the toe of Italy have also been extensively retiled. Approximately 75% of the map tiles have been replaced -BY HAND!!!!-, making a much smoother and better looking map. Unfortunately, a couple of the target areas required small location adjusments, so that had to be corrected as well.


Included in the package are new HFD, TFD, data and targets inis. The data ini has been fully updated to make use of the terrrain effects as per the 9/08 & 10/08 patches. Adjustments to sea level and uping the Alpha Object count have also been implemented in the data ini. Some trees are around, but not as many as I'd like.


You =MUST= have the orginal Libya 2.0 terrain to make use of the Update Pak. It's available in the CombatAce download section at the following url:




The targets ini in this pak includes the "Targets Hot Fix", and the new planning maps from that package. So, don't worry if you don't have the Hot Fix pack.

So, really...consider this the Ultimate Final Version....I'm NOT going back to it again. Promise!!


= This has been tested in WoE (my main Laboratory of choice..) As it was originally built for SF, no worries there. WoV should also be no problem. It -should- work in WoI and First Eagles, but you'll still need one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ for the terrain cat reachback. This, however, has =NOT= been tested. You use it in these games (WoI & FE) at your own risk.

For SF2 users ... don't know what you to tell ya...you're on your own! =


As usual, there's more relatively simple install instructions in the enclosed readme. So, give it a once over...


Happy Landings!


Kevin Stein

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