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In Memory of LCDR Dennis Pike - MIA March 23, 1972 (WOV)

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About This File


This mission pack replicates the final mission of Lt. Cmdr. Dennis Stanley Pike (USN), that took place over the Vietnam/Laos border on March 23, 1972. In that mission Lt. Cmdr. Pike and his wingman, Cmdr. Robert Taylor (USN) – commanding officer of Attack Squadron 192 – were flying A-7E aircraft assisting ground-based government forces being overrun by Viet Cong guerrillas, and also a downed T-28 with American pilot and Vietnamese observer in the same area. After forty minutes over the target area both aircraft were heading homeward, when Cmdr. Taylor received a call from Lt. Cmdr. Pike related to “oil pressure problems”. Moments later – and still 20 miles inside the Laotian border - Pike’s A-7E engine failed. Cmdr Taylor saw Lt. Cmdr. Pike eject from the aircraft. No trace of Lt. Cmdr. Dennis Pike has ever been found since. Loss coordinates were 152200N 1073400E (YC755030), and in 1973 his status was recorded as Missing In Action.



This mission pack has been tested with the October 2008 patch for Wings Over Vietnam (WOV).


Acknowledgements, Disclaimer and Terms

Thank you to all those modders that have provided the prerequisites I have used in my mission packs. If there are any problems with these missions and my own modifications, then please contact me directly, not the authors of the prerequisites.


Released under Fair-Use terms, as defined at CombatAce


Missions Included in this Pack

This pack contains the following combat missions:

1.[720323]DSP Profile A – follow a flight profile similar to that of Lt. Cmdr. Pike, including the simulation of engine problems in the target area

2.[720323]DSP Profile B – similar to flight profile A above, but without the engine problems so that you may complete the mission and return to base

3.[720323]DSP Profile A(D) – similar to flight profile A above, but set during daylight hours

4.[720323]DSP Profile B(D) – similar to flight profile B above, but set during daylight hours


And the following training missions:


5.[720322]Carrier Qualify(D) – take off and circuit the fleet, and carry out a daylight carrier landing

6.[720322]Carrier Qualify(N) – take off and circuit the fleet, and carry out a night carrier landing

7.[720322]Carrier Qualify(DBW) – take off and circuit the fleet, and carry out a bad weather daylight carrier landing

8.[720322]Carrier Qualify(NBW) – take off and circuit the fleet, and carry out a bad weather night carrier landing



This Pack includes the following:

1.Detailed installation instructions - including list of prerequisites

2.Set of missions (as described above)

3.Detailed Mission Briefing

4.VA-192 Golden Dragons skin for the Mirage Factory's A-7E model

5.New 'type' definition

6.New 'target' definitions


Any problems, please let me know. Good luck!


comrpnt (02/2009)

User Feedback

Recommended Comments

Good job!!!! Lt. Cmdr. Dennis Stanley Pike will always live in our hearts, as well as all the heroes that lost their lives in the Asian jungles. Semper FI!!!!!

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