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Soviet/Russian Pilots Pack - part 1 (60's - 80's)

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Soviet/Russian Pilots Pack - part 1 (60's - 80's)



These are re-skins of the stock pilot model, representing Soviet/Russian pilots in a typical flightgear from the 60's till the 80's.



Pilot descriptions:



Red3201 - Red3211


These pilots are wearing ZSh-3 helmet and KM-32 oxygen mask. Developed in the early 1960's, this is probably the most widely used flight helmet in the world. Many of these are in use even today.


Aircraft to use on:

Virtually every type of Soviet-made aircraft. Best to use on: late MiG-17 ahd 19, MiG-21, early MiG-23, Mi-24, Su-7, early Su-17 etc.




Red5201 - Red5211


These pilots are wearing ZSh-5 helmet and KM-34 oxygen mask. The ZSh-5 helmet was standard Soviet issue for its pilots in the 1970's. These helmets could be found throughout the entire eastern bloc and huge numbers have been manufactured until the late 80's.


Aircraft to use on:

late MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-27, early MiG-29, Mi-24, Su-17, Su-24, early Su-27, etc.




Red7001 - Red7111


These pilots are wearing current standard Russian helmet - ZSh-7 and the older KM-34 series I oxygen mask. This setup was typical from the late 80's and quite often seen today.


Aircraft to use on:

late MiG-23, MiG-29, MiG-27, MiG-31, Mi-24, late Su-17, Su-24, Su-27 etc.





1. Extract to temporary location.


2. Copy the following files (where "XXXX" represents the desired pilot number) into your "Objects\Aircraft\" folder.






3. Open the *_data.ini file for your aircraft of choice and search for a section like this:






Change the line








If the it does not have the line above, just add it.



4. Start the game and enjoy your new pilots!




Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms:



In short:

Feel free to redistribute it, mod it, include it in your mods, and do with it whatever you want, as long as it is not included in any payware!



The Trooper


08 Feb 2009

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